Also works for sandwiches.
Posts by BuckeyeB
127 publicly visible posts • joined 4 May 2011
BOFH: We want you to know you have our full support
It is with a heavy heart we must inform you, once again, folks are accidentally spilling thousands of sensitive pics, records onto the internet
Parks and recreation escalate efforts to take back control of field terrorised by thug geese
NBD: A popular HTTP-fetching npm code library used by 48,000 other modules retires, no more updates coming
You, FCC, tell us again why cities are only allowed to charge rich telcos $270 to attach 5G tech to utility poles?
What's the German word for stalling technology rollouts over health fears? Cos that plus 5G equals Switzerland
Aw, look. The UK is still trying really hard to be the 'safest place to be online in the world'
So much for freedom. Where is personal responsibility? If your children view bad content, that's on you, not Google. Watch your own damn children. Besides, what constitutes violence(one of the criteria)? Practically, anything worth watching that comes out of Hollywood might be considered to have violent content.
Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia accused of hacking Jeff Bezos' phone with malware-laden WhatsApp message
How a Kaggle Grandmaster cheated in $25,000 AI contest with hidden code – and was fired from dream SV job

Re: "Harnessing the power of data"
And yet, you have weirdos like my wife. When we went to pick up another dog, I found some really nice ones that I liked. She picked out the ugliest, meanest, unhealthiest looking cur that she could find there. It was apparently massively abused, nearly blind and limped a lot. It had cigarette burns on its skin and matted fur. My guess was that it was headed to the chamber that evening. But the little rat of a dog lasted 2 more years in our house. I wanted one that wasn't broken. She wanted one no one else did. Guess who won.
The dog.
The AI will never account for those types of decisions.
Geoboffins find the oldest matter on Earth: Ancient stardust created before the Solar System formed
Sometimes I think some of these articles are complete bullshit. Well, not the articles themselves, but whoever is giving them the information. Let me just make some guesses that no one can prove or disprove and dress it up to make it sound plausible. I mean maybe it's not, but you come up with an equation that seems elegant, then you run it through the tests and determine that ..... well we just don't have enough mass in the universe. Hmm. My equation can't be wrong, so..... there must be mass out there we can't account for. Let's call it dark matter.
Google reveals new schedule for 'phasing out support for Chrome Apps across all operating systems'
UC Berkeley told to cough up $5m in compensation to comp-sci, engineering students recruited to teach classes
Only in California can you follow the rules and still get shafted. I can't believe I am defending Berkeley. If the rule was over 10 hours per week(25%) and you have to pay them extra benefits and wages, and they had them work 8 hours per week(20%) I don't see what the problem is. They worked under the weekly amount and thus don't deserve the extra benefits. Seems to me that Berkeley is getting shafted by the union. If it should be 8 hours per week, then make the rule 8 hours per week. Or make it ANY employment gets extra benefits. But don't set a rule and then think it's unfair that they are "trying to get around the rule by having them work just under". Your rule sets the behavior. Don't complain about the behavior.
IBM, Microsoft, a medley of others sing support for Google against Oracle in Supremes' Java API copyright case
Step away from that Windows 7 machine, order UK cyber-cops: It's not safe for managing your cash digitally
There is no more danger TODAY than yesterday. In fact, no more updates mean no more bugs entered into the system that they will later have to patch. I wonder how many of these security flaws they keep finding and patching are due to Win 10 release day exploits versus exploits introduced during subsequent updates.
Leaks point to Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra with mammoth 108MP camera and ... what? 16GB of RAM
Windows 7 and Server 2008 end of support: What will change on 14 January?
LG announces bold new plan for financial salvation: Trying to actually make phones people want to buy
How about selling me a phone that I might actually want to use that doesn't cost close to $1000. Even 2 model old phones run $300-400. Case in point would be the Samsung Galaxy phones(and I'm sure Apple is just as bad). Prices are in US Dollars:
S10+ 999.99
S10 899.99
S9+ 699.99
S9 599.99
S8 399.99
I've had it with these motherflipping eggs on this motherflipping train
Physicists are rather giddy after creating a rare type of laser using laughing gas
Welcome to cultured meat – not pigs reading Proust but a viable alternative to slaughter
If you're going to exploit work's infrastructure to torrent, you better damn well know how to hide it
IT contractor has £240k bill torn up after IR35 win against UK taxman
Re: I cannot understand why HMRC pursues contractors so much.
I don't understand why many people don't get that corporations treat taxes like any other expense. Of course, they try to reduce it as much as legally possible. But in the end, they want to make a certain profit and will increase their prices to offset any increased expenses(taxes). So therefore, the consume pays all corporate taxes. So a vote to increase a corporate is just a vote to force the corporation to increase their prices so you can pay more. Except, you think you aren't paying the tax. And you can then blame the price increase on greed.
Astroboffins rethink black hole theory after spotting tiny example with its own star buddy
BOFH: Putting the commitment into committee
BOFH: Elf of Safety? Orc of Admin. Pleased to meet you
Black holes are like buses: You wait for one – and three turn up at once in galaxy merger
Justice served: There is no escape from the long server log of the law
Handcranked HTML and JPEG japes. What could possibly go wrong?
World's oldest human was a 122-year-old French smoker after all
Byte Night 2019 just weeks away: Ready to sleep on the streets for charity?
UK launches online VAT inquiry following fears of Brexit fraudster surge
Re: You need to remember...
Many people just don't get it that corporations don't pay ANY taxes. To them a tax is just a line item expense. They're going to make x% profit. If a government raises taxes, they'll just raise prices to pay it. The consumers pay all taxes always. You pay taxes on the income you make, then you pay the sales taxes on the things you buy and also pay the corporate taxes on the things you buy through higher prices.
Woman sues Lyft, says driver gang-raped her at gunpoint – and calls for app safety measures we can't believe aren't already in place
To me, this is a law enforcement problem mostly. Yes, a background check that includes determining any arrests or convictions for any type of assaults(sexual or otherwise) should bar one from employment. Other than that, it's up to law enforcement to put this guy in jail or the ground. I'm always wary of people who sue for money rather than trying to get justice in the criminal justice system.
Apple programs Siri to not bother its pretty little head with questions about feminism
They solve the problem by not having a default. Make part of the setup process to choose a voice. If they don't "enforce" a default female voice, then it's up to the user to decide which one they want. Then there are no more arguments(against Apple, et al) about a female voice appearing to be more compliant. And people need to take the chip off their shoulder and not be so sensitive too.
Hi! It looks like you're working on a marketing strategy for a product nowhere near release! Would you like help?
Exclusive: Windows for Workgroups terror the Tartan Bandit confesses all to The Register
Greatest threat facing IT? Not the latest tech giant cockwomblery – it's just tired engineers
Hell hath no fury like a radar engineer scorned
The top three attributes for getting injured on e-scooters? Having no helmet, being drunk or drugged, oddly enough
Re: Scooter stoopid
You can get a DUI by driving things other than cars.
all terrain vehicles (ATV's)
riding lawn mowers
pocket bikes
golf carts
construction equipment;
a horse.
I wouldn't be surprised if a bicycle qualified if driven in the street. Also, motorized scooters. Of course, it depends on the jurisdiction, but this is still a bad idea. And Uber is so cheap.
Divert the power to the shields. 'I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain!'
Trade union club calls on to extend flexible working to all staff from day one
Why is this a Right?
Too often after a perk has become normalized, it somehow magically becomes a right. It seems to me that employers are paying for x work to be done at their location of business. Why should the employee demand that it be done differently? From the linked article: "We’ve heard countless stories of how the unavailability of flexible working can impact on workers’ lives and careers.....It’s not right that so many people are being denied something that will make them both happier and more productive at work." This is just anecdotal evidence, not a scientific study. Perhaps, if the employee might offer to take a pay cut to make up for the "flexibility" that might be an agreement you could make with an employer.
I know that my anecdotal story says that I get more work done at work than at home. In fact, when I work from home, I tend to work more hours to get the same amount done due to the distractions of being at home(wife, children, television or other distractions). I also tend to do better work when I'm dressed in a suit vs dressed casually. Of course, my anecdotal story can be disregarded just as much as others might disregard the ones in the linked story.
So again, I ask. Why is this a right and not a perk.
YouTube's radicalizing Alt-right trolls and Facebook's recruiting new language boffins

The Problem Here
The problem is that they are lumping in right wing with ALT-Right, which have nothing to do with each other. The ALT-Right's philosophies are more in line with leftist philosophies than with conservative ones. So they end up blocking mainstream conservative content and calling it ALT-Right. That's the reason for all the controversy about this.