* Posts by jswinterburn

13 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Apr 2011

Amazon reveals its Google-killing 'R3' server instances


Re: Nice improvement, but ...

I don't disagree that the majority of instances aren't going to be that kind of spec, I'm just surprised that it's not available at all - There are quite a few things which need a machine of that size. If you want to de novo assemble a reasonably sized genome for instance it would be quite difficult with only 244GB of RAM.


Re: Nice improvement, but ...

I agree - Dell sell a machine with 6TB of RAM, why can you only rent one with a 24th of that?

Google's new cloud CRUSHES Amazon in RAM battle


Re: Even UC Berkeley and LBL will be using Google Compute

I doubt it, universities wont want to lose their control over them and they are paid from top slicing grants anyway, so who cares if Google is cheaper.

ISPs: Relax. Blocking porn online won't really work

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It's one of those cases you wish they could both lose

Cameron's Tech City: Desks? Yes. Cash? Yes. Coders? Nope


London centric obsessing

What happens when you put all your jobs competing for the same people in a place where it's vastly too expensive and not that nice to live - this is why places like Cambridge, Manchester or Edinburgh do all the real heavy lifting. Of course that doesn't fit with the London centric obsession of politicians.

UK taxmen turn heat on tax-swerving big biz, hope to smoke out £1bn


Re: Tax expert?

Bla bla bla, saying the same thing again doesn't make it true.

The key point in the above paragraphs being "minimum rates" If they can raise tax on wages, alcohol, cigarettes, fuel, pasties etc they can do it on this. The regulations above are to stop countries lowering rates to tax haven levels not making new taxes.

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Re: Tax expert?

It's like you saw my point about validation by anti-EU types and thought, wait! that's me!

I'm sure everyone likes a bit of EU bashing, but that shouldn't be used to mask a rubbish argument. As has been pointed out above, VAT is not a turnover tax. The EU may be trying to harmonise VAT rates, but that doesn't stop you introducing something different. Additionally we're part of the EU, we can change laws there too, that's the point of MEPs.


Tax expert?

Oh no, so "Tax expert Heather Self" says we cant possibly close the tax loopholes via which she makes her money so we shouldn't even bother trying. We can make whatever laws we want, that's the point of society! The EU argument is a load of rubbish put up so that her opinion gets validated by Anti-EU types.

AWS cloud growing three times as fast as dot-comming Amazon


$1200 to store a 1 TB for a year, is that very cheap? That sounds more like very expensive.

WTF... should I pay to download BBC shows?

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I think they should split the fee, the usual £12 per month (or whatever it is) for the live stuff and iPlayer and an extra £6 per month for the back catalogue - I'd totally pay that.

Oracle tucks R stats language into database



How does that work with the license? R is GPL, so presumably they cant include it? Its so sprawling, it would be hellish to write your own.

AMD Llano vs Intel Sandy Bridge


I once owned an AMD product...

Back in 1997 I had an AMD K6, that was rubbish, overheated all the time and couldn't run Crysis at all! By extrapolation all AMD products must be rubbish and therefore I will be staying well away from this thanks!

Oracle wins round one in bare-knuckle Android patent suit


In hindsight

Google should have used a few quid from the cash pile to buy Sun instead of letting it go to Oracle.