Re: @Midnight - Penn Jillette as Cyrano
That sort of already happened. Penn and Teller were cast in an episode of Bablyon5. And it was terrible (but then I think Bab5 was just terrible anyway)
13 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2011
Weird the things you find out about your family. My uncle Bill was an electronics engineer for most of his working life. He's the reason I turned out the nerd I am. He designed (some of) the control systems for the Harrier, and worked on the avionics for Concorde. He was one of the people aboard the prototype Concorde #002 when they flew it out of Filton airport.
He always kept it really quiet and downplayed it. I only really found out about just how much he'd done at his funeral, talking to his colleagues. We'd assumed he was just a guy on the spanners, but it was much more than that.
Christ, I miss that old nerd.
I live and work in Cheltenham. I tell everyone I meet (that I'm unlikely to have much to do with) that I'm a civil servant. That kills it dead. Anyone that knows I really work in IT support knows that I have a very strict personal rule that I do not fix, or even offer advice*, regarding computers.
I fix my parents stuff, anyone else can get knotted.
*My stock response to "what computer should I buy" and the like is just "The best thing you can afford from the Dell catolouge"
I'd actually quite like UK barbers to do this, at least then I wouldn't have to do the stupid "short on the sides and back, and a bit off the top, yeah.. parting there... around the ears, yes I would like it straight at the back... no product please..." bullshit I have to do whenever I get my haircut now.
Or maybe I'm just bitter because the old greek bloke that knew just how I like my hair has retired.