* Posts by NikFromNYC

4 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2011

Chinese coal blamed for global warming er... cooling



The LA Times featured cold fusion in '89 before its debunking. Greens were aghast!

“It’s like giving a machine gun to an idiot child.” – Paul Ehrlich (mentor of John Cook of the SkepticalScience blog, author of "Climate Change Denial")

“Clean-burning, non-polluting, hydrogen-using bulldozers still could knock down trees or build housing developments on farmland.” – Paul Ciotti (LA Times)

“It gives some people the false hope that there are no limits to growth and no environmental price to be paid by having unlimited sources of energy.” – Jeremy Rifkin (NY Times)

“Many people assume that cheaper, more abundant energy will mean that mankind is better off, but there is no evidence for that.” – Laura Nader (sister of Ralph)

CLIMATEGATE 101: "For your eyes only...Don't leave stuff lying around on ftp sites - you never know who is trawling them. The two MMs have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I'll delete the file rather than send to anyone....Tom Wigley has sent me a worried email when he heard about it - thought people could ask him for his model code. He has retired officially from UEA so he can hide behind that." - Phil "Hide The Decline" Jones to Michael "Hockey Stick" Mann

Here I present A Global Warming Digest:

Denial: http://i.min.us/ibyADs.jpg

Oceans: http://k.min.us/idAw6Y.gif

NASA: http://i.min.us/idFxzI.jpg

Thremometers: http://i.min.us/idAOoE.gif

Earth: http://k.min.us/ibtB8G.gif

Ice: http://k.min.us/ibBgw2.jpg

Authority: http://k.min.us/iby6xe.gif

Prophecy: http://i.min.us/idEHdo.jpg

Psychopathy: http://i.min.us/ibubmk.jpg

Icon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmPzLzj-3XY

Thinker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n92YenWfz0Y

-=NikFromNYC=- Ph.D. in Carbon Chemistry (Columbia/Harvard)

ICO orders release of (mostly useless) weather station data


Why do I need a title?

The LA Times featured cold fusion in '89 before its debunking. Environmentalists were aghast!

“It’s like giving a machine gun to an idiot child.” – Paul Ehrlich (mentor of John Cook of the SkepticalScience blog, author of "Climate Change Denial")

“Clean-burning, non-polluting, hydrogen-using bulldozers still could knock down trees or build housing developments on farmland.” – Paul Ciotti (LA Times)

“It gives some people the false hope that there are no limits to growth and no environmental price to be paid by having unlimited sources of energy.” – Jeremy Rifkin (NY Times)

“Many people assume that cheaper, more abundant energy will mean that mankind is better off, but there is no evidence for that.” – Laura Nader (sister of Ralph)

CLIMATEGATE 101: "For your eyes only...Don't leave stuff lying around on ftp sites - you never know who is trawling them. The two MMs have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I'll delete the file rather than send to anyone....Tom Wigley has sent me a worried email when he heard about it - thought people could ask him for his model code. He has retired officially from UEA so he can hide behind that." - Phil "Hide The Decline" Jones to Michael "Hockey Stick" Mann

Here I present A Global Warming Digest:

Denial: http://i.min.us/ibyADs.jpg

Oceans: http://k.min.us/idAw6Y.gif

NASA: http://k.min.us/idFxzI.jpg

Thermometers: http://i.min.us/idAOoE.gif

Earth: http://k.min.us/ibtB8G.gif

Ice: http://k.min.us/ibtZec.jpg

Authority: http://k.min.us/iby6xe.gif

Prophecy: http://i.min.us/idEHdo.jpg

Psychopathy: http://i.min.us/ibubmk.jpg

Icon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmPzLzj-3XY

Thinker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n92YenWfz0Y

-=NikFromNYC=- Ph.D. in Carbon Chemistry (Columbia/Harvard)

Utilities turn in blacklisted carbon emission credits


The title is required.

I present The Quick Glance Guide to Global Warming:

Denial: http://oi51.tinypic.com/242hnb8.jpg

Oceans: http://oi53.tinypic.com/35b9g08.jpg

Thermometers: http://oi52.tinypic.com/2agnous.jpg

Ice: http://oi52.tinypic.com/2upvlvm.jpg

Earth: http://oi56.tinypic.com/2m7f1qp.jpg

Authority: http://oi54.tinypic.com/30jhh7l.jpg

Prophecy: http://oi52.tinypic.com/29bh95e.jpg

Psychopathy: http://oi52.tinypic.com/i56fsg.jpg

Thinker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n92YenWfz0Y

Sorry, this site sucks so you'll have to copy the URLs.

Save the planet: Stop the Greens



