* Posts by Rushyo

21 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2011

US State Department sicko pleads guilty to sextortion from UK embassy


"Ford was charged under US law as the embassy is technically American soil."

<pedant>Whilst embassy territory is held by a foreign state, it's not sovereign territory, so jurisdiction is limited. Diplomatic missions *are* protected from host state laws, but by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The fact it's 'technically American soil' is irrelevant.</pedant>

Spaniard claims WWII WAR HERO pigeon code crack. Explain please


"It's all about the key exchange, stupid."

Collective noun search for security vulns moves into beta testing


Re: Vulns

A vulns of vulnerabilities? Nope, don't think you've quite got how this works.

Security world chuckles at Hacking Team’s 'virus torrent' squeals


Re: This goes without saying but:

Hacking Team was formed off the back of the success of their dev's first product: ettercap. It's not like they don't know how to create good software.


Re: A company that's all kinds of despicable.

Oh, they were definitely selling it illegally. They lied to UN investigators repeatedly, saying they weren't involved in contracts which, according to the leaked files, they are. They also broke EU export laws RE: Russia.


This goes without saying but:


Google Translate MEAT GRINDER turns gay into 'faggot', 'poof', 'queen'


Not a fail

If you intended to use 'gay' as a pejorative then these are perfectly legitimate synonyms. Is Google supposed to use a lexicon without insults? Why? Insults are part of the language.

I occasionally admonish people who use the term 'gay' as a pejorative in anger (I can think of a bunch of better pejoratives that don't have the same connotations and are generally much less insulting) but expecting Google to account for that? That's just gay, frankly.

FTC to Internet of Stuff: Security, motherf****r, do you speak it?


Anonymous is not a magic bullet

"If companies immediately de-identify data – erase any way to pick out a particular person from the information – the need to offer choices is greatly reduced, apparently."

As though anyone exfiling data from IoT devices isn't already in a position to identify the targets they're attacking and tie that to the data they get from the target.

Back to the drawing board and try again. D-

Firefox's plugin-blocker slams into beta - but don't jump for joy, Flash haters


"a decision that was eventually rescinded amid widespread uproar from the Java-using community."

The block was reverted because there was a UI issue:

"[...] we should revert this block (the R45 block) until we can make that experience work correctly."

...in edge-cases, where the CtP interface wasn't being displayed. See comments #65 and #80 on the Bugzilla.

I realise it sounds less sexy in a news article, but a revert from a code branch does not mean a feature has been dropped because 'omg rabble rabble'.

WAR ON PORN: UK flicks switch on 'I am a pervert' web filters


Re: Simulated rape

Don't encourage him. I could fully see them burning some books over a fire whilst calling it "an initiative to relocate costs for warming the homeless, enabling a welfare-free Big Society".


Re: The cynical amongst us

Tory HQ.

Mozilla to Apple: we don't care about iOS


"The foundation is, however, happily producing an Android version of Firefox, so isn't missing out on the surge towards mobile entirely."

And... y'know, producing a competing operating system that actually _is_ Firefox. That might have some impact on their mobile footprint. Slightly. It reads like the author doesn't even know Firefox OS exists. That would be.... special.

Mark Shuttleworth: Canonical leads Ubuntu, not 'your whims'


So basically, "I'm the only one who can make free software relevant, I don't need or want petty human beings outside my control interfering in that?"

The talk about 'Grand Visions' and being 'Convinced' of the benefits of 'Disruptive Changes' doesn't at all sound like a power trip.

Nevermind, that surely makes him appropriate as the Grand Moff of an operating system. Just not one I (as a fairly 'run of the mill' Ubuntu user) find tenable. The recent changes made by Canonical have made Ubuntu very undesirable as a desktop OS and using it makes me cringe at the moment. I'll be throwing it out and finding an alternative pretty soon.

Maybe Windows 8? /trollface

Linus Torvalds in NSFW Red Hat rant


Re: Linus tells it how it is.

"It is not as if there is no polite alternative. The rest of the world manages fine without acting like a total antisocial jerk at the drop of a hat."

You mean the passive aggressive, heavy on bullshit, buzzword laden shit you get from executives when they want to 'politely suggest' your 'function' be 're-engineered' to facilitate 'revised corporate earnings'? Do you honestly think that's shit isn't hugely obnoxious? If you want to tell someone to fuck off, tell them to fuck off. Obfuscating your communication results in far worse bullying than just telling someone the honest truth as you perceive it.

Microsoft's own code should prevent an Azure SSL fail: So what went wrong?


Re: What went wrong?

Quite. Whilst it's certainly possible to automate certificate management, it's sort of like maintaining service uptime by sending service restart commands over telnet. Insecure, undesirable and just a little bit quaint.

How private biz can link YOU to 'anonymised' medical data

Big Brother

"When you sign up for your account, we'll need to ask you to provide your genetic information for record in order to ensure that we are not unfairly discriminating against people based on their genetic information. We'll also need to know about any private medical conditions. To ensure we don't discriminate against people based on any private medical conditions. And your social security number. In case we're discriminating against certain social security numbers.

"What's that, sir? You don't want an account now? I'm afraid it's a bit late for that, I've already asked Google for all this information sir. I just need to cross reference it to ensure that the data is accurate for our data protection needs. If you don't give me the data then our records won't be accurate and then you'll have caused a data breach.

"Thank you sir. Your data is now stored securely on the central database under my desk."

Security audit finds dev outsourced his job to China to goof off at work


Re: What's the problem?

I'm inclined to agree. Managers are always talking about focus on 'results' and 'efficiencies'. On paper, this is exactly the kind of initative they demand from employees.

I suspect they're just pissed because they couldn't manage external contractors that well if they tried.

Fujitsu assigns team of women to design PC for women


Re: Offer colour choices, that's fine

That doesn't mean there aren't laptops on the market with them:


Ultimately there is a market for these in both genders, so the fact that they exist is hardly insulting.

Of course when either gender wants to buy something purely based on form over function they tend to get iProducts anyway... </troll>

Tesco in unencrypted password email reminder rumble


"The tone and severity of criticism against Tesco would be justified had its systems had actually been hacked and the passwords exposed"

So it's fine to completely screw up so long as you're lucky? Being irrational is fine so long as nothing happens this time? By the same logic it must be fine that the industry's standard's are abysmal so long as your company doesn't get hacked. You know - because that's how security works x.x

AssangeTM TV broadcasts this week


"Trumped up allegations of sexual assault"

Ah, my dear friend objective journalistic impartiality... where art thou?

Firefox devs mull dumping Java to stop BEAST attacks


How dare The Reg print such a rant? What will their corporate readers think?!

"The "bug" reported is not a bug, it isn't a rfe either. It is a well written rant abusing bugzilla bug reporting system."

Bugzilla is used for handling a wide variety of Mozilla matters, down to adding blogs to the Planet Mozilla feed. It is not an exclusive bug/RFE reporting tool.

"This rant has caused so much harm to their image on corporate World"

Did the corporate World (sic) ring up and tell you? I'm part of the Mozilla Enterprise Working Group and I can tell you nobody is having a heart attack.

"Mozilla policy (and many others) forbids talking, reporting security related issues (even remotely) at publicly accessible bugzilla"

Nonsense. Some issues are labelled as private when it's relevant to do so, for only as long as it is required to do so. That is general prudence.

"It is really childish amateur to rant like that on any project of that scale."

Anyone is welcome to suggest an item for discussion. It does not mean anything other than somebody felt they should suggest that item for discussion. You're reading way too much in to it.