* Posts by Gordon 6

3 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Apr 2011

Aliens Blu-ray disc set

Gordon 6

Re: Well, I'm happy to disappint you.

That's a great one. Hopefully won't have to say it when I get back to work on Tuesday after a holiday. But I *did* have to repeatedly use "How do I get out of this chickensh*t outfit" repeatedly before and after being outsourced to HP some years ago...

Amazon swallows UK online bookseller

Gordon 6
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Prices in NZ

No wonder Borders went under - the prices of books in NZ is beyond retarded - I don't know how *anyone* buys any of them. I only heard of the Book Depository about 6 months ago so have only managed to buy a couple of books but yes, if they remove free shipping to NZ, that'll be the last of them. Amazon UK did trial free shipping to Australia and NZ a couple of months ago (or discounted at least). I'm sure the Reg is right about Amazon examining anything that looks like good proper service / vfm.

So, what's the best sci-fi film never made?

Gordon 6

Altered Carbon - Takeshi Kovacs FTW

One of the best books I've ever read. Easily the equal of Banks or Hamilton (both of whom I also think are top-notch). Some great ideas and concepts, awesome weapons and fight sequences, plus a very intelligent plot. But not a single mention in any of the comments...