* Posts by Neil Stansbury

251 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2007


'Bloody' is an offensive word, declares ASA

Neil Stansbury

Can you get a cream for that?

NuLabour's Nanny State appears to be a highly infectious contagion.

Perhaps we the people should adopt enforced sterilization of all bureaucrats & politicians...

..or at the very least hold them for 42 days without charge fishing for evidence of them visiting "sexual encounter" venues with "stimulation intent", and possessing pornographic material depicting a "realistically harmful act". On the positive side we will discount their punishment by 2.5%


["but i dont suppose they employ rocket scientists at the sun."]

I doubt it - journalists mostly I'd imagine.

Government finally names the day for porn ban

Neil Stansbury
Paris Hilton

If government were a product, selling it would be illegal

"Every government is a parliament of whores. The trouble is, in a democracy, the whores are us."

P. J. O'Rourke


Lapdancing 'not sexually stimulating', MPs hear

Neil Stansbury

Not stimulating

To be fair, Peter Stringfellow did say it rather more eloquently in his evidence:

"I don't want a "Sexual Encounters" license because I don't want men coming into my clubs expecting a sexual encounter".


It is truly naive to suggest the actual psychological reason most blokes go to places like this is to get "sexual stimulation" - that's just another name for frustration.

Though, it does all make me wonder how many women who work in the lap dancing industry have actually been asked if they want the politicians protection in the first place.

Jamming convicts' mobiles works

Neil Stansbury


This is easy - just wrap the prisoners in chicken mesh.

DIY mobile phone blocking Faraday cages - Done!

Sky mulls PVR software rollback

Neil Stansbury
Paris Hilton

Sky+ Users


You need a satellite dish+planning permission so you can get crappy TV programmes, on a shitty PVR that can't be modded/upgraded, with a poorly tested OS that runs an abysmal EPG...

...and it only costs you 30 quid a month for the privilege?

Sky's TV business is so screwed - Freeview, iPlayer & 4OD will set you free.

Paris, because if you pay her enough she'll fuck you too.

HP breaks Japanese excessive packaging record

Neil Stansbury


It's all very well whingeing about the madness of HP's packaging, but until HP customers actually start complaining & suggesting to HP that wanton ecological waste will affect their purchasing decisions why would they change?

We're the consumers - the [purchasing] power is in our hands.

San Francisco enters Agassi's electric car dream

Neil Stansbury

@Chris C

It's chicken and egg - but if the demand is there already, power companies have more of an incentive to find solutions to fill the market, rather than investing upfront & hoping that they find the demand.

Company sues Facebook over somethingorother

Neil Stansbury

Oh that's new...

"The tool includes a relational database engine that facilitates many-to-many relationships among data elements, in addition to, one-to-many and many-to-many relationships."

Does anyone know a relational database that doesn't "facilitate" this?

The US patent system is embarrassingly pathetic.

MPs declare their ignorance on the web

Neil Stansbury


John, interesting article, but I'm afraid you seem to be under the sad illusion that our politicians are actually somehow qualified for the jobs they do.

Why would they be qualified to legislate on common-all-garden modern technology, they're not qualified/experienced on 99.9% of the other stuff they legislate, comment & pass judgment on either.

One can only assume, that the reason they are politicians in the first place, is because no-one else is stupid enough to employ them.

To coin a phrase of Alan Sugar's "These people couldn't find their arse with radar".

Employees sue for unpaid Windows Vista overtime

Neil Stansbury


Think I'd sue the IT department for having such a useless PC build image first.

Emails show journalist rigged Wikipedia's naked shorts

Neil Stansbury

See his video...


Elvis has left the border: ePassport faking guide unleashed

Neil Stansbury


100s of lost government laptops every year

Confidential data on USB keys

CDs with confidential data lost in the post

Top Secret documents left on trains

Disks stolen from secure areas

"Governments' security experts aren't dummies and they aren't going to make those mistakes."

If it wasn't all quite so sad - that would have to be one of the funniest comments I've seen in ages.

'I can see dinosaurs from my back porch'

Neil Stansbury

Ignorant Creationists...


@Craig Gorsuch

This is a classic reason creationism has no place in the science class room, because people like you make fundamentally incorrect assertions.

Photons have no mass.

Gravity doesn't attract light, it distorts the space time fabric through which the photons travel.

It's is a very well understood phenomena and is called "GRAVITATIONAL LENSING".

It also occurs when seeing light from distant galaxies, and is one reason we can detect - yet not "see" black holes.


Then please present the mathematical proof that replaces Einstein's E=mc^2

Haven't got any?

Nope thought not.

Neil Stansbury

Fine teach both...

...WHEN the the creationists have presented and proved their evidence.

If you want creationism taught on the level as science then you must abide by the same playing field science does.

Evidence - must satisfactorily explain the attributes of the world around us, and then make provable predictions.

BTW pointing at the bible as evidence for creationism is like suggesting Darwin's "Origin of The Species" is evidence for evolution. (which it isn't)

This means you must explain the ENTIRE chain of evidence that evolution fits into, AND produce the mathematical proofs that prove it.

I would dearly love to hear the creationists explain and mathematically prove, that if the world is ~10,00 years old, how does radioactive decay work in the nuclear weapons she could very well have her fingers on.

Oooh also would love to hear the explanation how/why Einstein is wrong?

BTW. Those bitching about no IT angle - you're reading this for what reason then?

Adobe cites bad blood for closed Flash

Neil Stansbury


The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format is actually the real answer. The real shame about Adobe buying Macromedia was that it has no incentive to push SVG as the open standards alternative anymore.

Adobe would be much wiser in the long run to allow native SVG exporting from Flash itself. Actionscript is based on ECMA so there really isn't much excuse for it not to be relatively trivial.

No-one pays for the player, so it's not like it's a revenue stream anyway - it's the Flash authoring environment where the real value of Flash lies.

Jumbo-jet sized 'SuperGigaFly' robo parachute tested

Neil Stansbury
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What you want him back?

Kentucky commandeers world's most popular gambling sites

Neil Stansbury


Well the UK authorities have the power to seize assets if they believe they are the proceeds of crime or are to be used to perpetrate offenses, so you could argue a domain name providing "illegal services" is no different.

But it strikes me that seizing an asset that has no base in that authority, is no different to the UK trying to seize coffee shops in Amsterdam, just because UK citizens can access their services.

The responsibility for preventing UK citizens accessing "illegal services" in Amsterdam, isn't the responsibility of the coffee shop owners but UK Border Control, so why should an internet company be responsible for preventing their services being accessed across borders?

Toshiba tools up for movie download future

Neil Stansbury
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@AC & Vincent

[Mainstream digital downloads are decades away...]

[Maybe in the future. But not now]


The last DVD I rented was probably 2 years ago - VirginMedia, 4OD & Blinkbox covers all my needs now.

UK.gov 'to drop' überdatabase from snoop Bill

Neil Stansbury
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Why oh why do we employ such abjectly stupid politicians and civil servants??

The only thing this will catch is "what time is dinner tonight" and some porn emails.

So I'm a terrorist, organised crime boss, general bad boy - I'm going to be using unencrypted email etc etc for what reason?

It takes minutes to setup a local SMTP server on a PC with a PKI key, or an Apache server with some SSL keys.

Oh boo hoo, so GHCQ have access to my 256bit encrypted data stream - what are they going to do next launch a "spy@home" project to brute force it all?

Honestly - who hires these pricks.

Blockbuster: DVD to Blu-ray shift slower than VHS to DVD

Neil Stansbury
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BluRay - DeathRay more like...

Aside from the price - who wants another set of discs in their living room?

All my film rentals are now via legal downloads, and I've just finished ripping my entire DVD collection to ISOs to avoid the existing plastic discs - I want more DRM disc BS like a hole in the head.

Die BlueRay Die

HTC Touch Pro smartphone

Neil Stansbury
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Still runs WMD

Uugh - nuff said.

Boffinry bitchslap brouhaha: Higgs and Hawking head to head

Neil Stansbury
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@Graham Dawson

The Higgs particle doesn't have mass per say - it's the Higgs field that particles travel though that coveys mass (allegedly). The standard Model of particle physics says that for every field there must be a commensurate particle - hence the Higgs Boson.


@ Scott

In this case the absence of proof is proof. The Standard Model predicts that the LHC should see the reminant particles of the Higgs as it is so short lived. If the predicted particles aren't there the theory is wrong.

Personally I agree with Hawkins...

Einstein's Relativity is beautifully elegant, whilst the Standard Model maths runs at 30+ pages of horribly inelegant equations full of kludges fixes & assumptions.

Google: The Satan Phone cometh

Neil Stansbury
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Bar code scanner

Except, the one thing none of the reviewers seem to mention is it has a built in bar code scanner.

This could be a killer piece of technology if they play it properly. At last, as you use up products in your home - scan them in and your internet shopping delivers them.

Tesco.com et al could custom brand and retail these sort of devices with their internet shopping accounts, and use that to discount a standard contract. Tesco have a much larger revenue reason to discount a device like this than T-Mobile will ever do.

Bill Buxton to change Microsoft from within, hug Steve Ballmer

Neil Stansbury


Linux.. is actually the perfect case in point.

Apple have proved that a Unix OS can actually be slick, fast and simple enough that your Mum can use it - everything that the average Linux distro isn't.

Memo to US Secret Service: Net proxy may pinpoint Palin email hackers

Neil Stansbury


So Sarah Palin uses Yahoo to avoid regulatory email disclosure, but you'll cough up the logs quite happily.

Apparently, what's good for the goose isn't good for the gander.

Microsoft will show world+dog how to write secure code

Neil Stansbury






"Is this pot speaking?"

"...err yes"


"I believe we have kettle on the other line for you"

Confirmed: HTC's big-screen Touch HD smartphone

Neil Stansbury
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Uugh - WM(D)

....and it will still be a complete piece of crap because it runs Windows Mobile Disaster 6x. I've just dumped my HTC Touch on some poor unsuspecting fool - I won't be going anywhere near WMD ever again.

Berners-Lee backs web truthiness labelling scheme

Neil Stansbury
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Collective semantics

The reason hyperlinks don't cut it, and skew perspectives is because they don't convey the semantics of the reason for link - ie. "checkout this bullshit" etc.

...but this is actually very simply solved.

Persuade Mozilla/Opera/Safari/MS to implement an enhancement to the new <ping> attribute, that allows a simple form of voting on the "quality" of the content, which can then be conveyed in the ping.

The ping gets sent to your preferred provider (Google/Yahoo etc), which then assigns a TTL value to that link so as to skew it's search results accordingly, if the searcher so desires.

That way the internet community collectively can encourage a quality control mechanism on content.

There has been numerous studies done that show collective mass opinion can be significantly more accurate than small numbers of experts - even taken into account the opinions of the muppets in society.

Northrop offer supersonic robot stealth raygun cyber-bomber

Neil Stansbury

@Murray Pearson

Murray, gullible people like you are truly scary.

Steel cores in building aren't "fireproofed" for fun. Steel begins to lose it's structural integrity from ~300C. It doesn't need to come anywhere near melting to fail.

No doubt the rubber "O" rings on the Challenger didn't really lose their structural properties due to cold temperature either? Oh - I know aliens maybe?

The Hadron Collider: What's it all about, then?

Neil Stansbury



Quote: "You are so wrong on so many levels... The Higgs mechanism may seem convoluted"

So I find the theory cludgy and inelegant. Hmm so I'm intrigued - that makes me wrong on so many levels how?

@Dave Morris

Quote: "Unless I missed some recent newsbreaking update from our dearly departed Einstein, he said nothing about E=mc^2 having anything to do with how fast something can move."

Err... yes actually he did.

If a force is applied to an object in the direction of motion, the object gains momentum. It also gains energy because the force is doing work.

The formula you are probably looking for is: E^2=( mc^2 )^2 +( pc )^2

BTW. Relativistc Mass is generally frowned on by serious scientists.

Neil Stansbury

Faster than light

Sorry to nit pick but E=mc^2 doesn't say "nothing can travel faster than the speed of light".

What it says is for a body of mass to accelerate to the speed of light either requires an infinite amount of energy in a finite amount of time, or a finite amount of energy in an infinite amount of time. As time (at the moment) is purely a relativistic concept this isn't precluded.

Additionally, there is nothing that prevents a body of mass ALWAYS having traveled at superluminal speeds.

Finally the groups velocity of light waves have already experimentally been made to travel faster than light.

Personally, I hope they don't find the Higgs, it's a horribly inelegant theory and it will be far more exciting if they don't.

Chrome-fed Googasm bares tech pundit futility

Neil Stansbury
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Aw bless....

...yet another article written by an IT journo who's as misinformed and technologically illiterate as those he decrys.

Quote: "However, a significant number of the users you IT admins support are reading shit like this, and will be putting in support tickets to have Google Chrome OS installed on their computers as soon as possible, because they've had enough of Windows and are ready for a change."

Bravo you muppet - that's the point, that *IS* the Google strategy.

Average Joe User doesn't give a shit about their OS - they care about their *DESKTOP*, and most of what "we" would consider an OS itself is hidden or restricted from the end user by corporate policies anyway.

Users won't leave Windows because they are "familiar" with it. When you deliver all their core apps (Email, Office, Web) in a web browser then you have abstracted the core user experience from the underlying OS - they don't need Windows per say anymore and Google can now push an OS agnostic desktop solution, marginalising Microsoft's core "strength".

Your entire GUI "desktop" experience is just a bulk standard UI window you can't close - unless you click "shutdown" or "standby". Now write a full screen web page that looks just like it and run it through the Linux framebuffer - job done.

Tie in a few gadgets, gidgets and gears and you have a perfectly usable desktop experience for 80% of the population. So it's not for the rest of us - who cares we're probably all running adblocker anyway.

Mozilla's XPCOM has also very ably proved that the underlying OS's functionality can be exposed to Javascript, Python et al in a performant and OS agnostic fashion.

I agree that this sort of stuff certainly isn't new: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_desktop, but only Google has the ability to tie it all together. You get the advantage of Citrix-esk thin clients except that the client offloads the vast amount of processing because it handles the UI locally, and Google can still deliver a consistent and familiar desktop experience to the end user.

Perhaps, most importantly of all, it gives Google a platform to simply aggregate data between apps and services *LOCALLY* and extract a deeper semantic context from the data without it touching their servers or hitting cross-site scripting issues - no doubt to flog more ad space.

Please please - engage brain first - then keyboard.

Hadron boffins: Our meddling will not destroy universe

Neil Stansbury


Actually it's perfectly theoretically possible to create black holes like this - the Schwarzchild Radius ( Rs = 2Gm/C^2 ) determines when a given mass compressed to a certain radius will collapse into a gravitational singularity, whether Hawkings Radiation really exists, and ensures it isn't stable is a different question.

Microsoft Silverlight: 10 reasons to love it, 10 reasons to hate it

Neil Stansbury

Woo hoo

XAML & Silverlight, these don't at all sound like XUL: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/The_Joy_of_XUL

...and XPCOM: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/co-xpcom.html

10 years later.

Cricky, this Microsoft bunch are really innovative.

JavaScript standards wrangle swings Microsoft's way

Neil Stansbury

Ignore MS

Compatibility between ActionScript and JS will do far more for web technologies than having MS aboard. This is a blatant attempt to foster their own proprietary .NET C# & XAML technologies (et al).

Adobe, Mozilla, Brenden - get Opera on board and roll it yourself. It's about time MS's refusal to support standards was sidelined.

Apple iPhone 3G

Neil Stansbury

MMS is pathetic.

MMS is a useless piece of crap and its designer/s should have been thrown off the the tallest building around (along with the SMS bloke).

MMS was written by a typically useless telecoms industry so utterly ignorant of internet standards that they totally ignored the standard called MIME released in 1982.

256Kb limit? Do me a favour - not one phone I've ever used has decent enough video editing to chop my 3 minute video clip down to 256kb for use in MMS.

MMS is yet another stupid ill-conceived standard from a stupid ill-conceived industry, that excels in this sort of propriety garbage.

The reason Apple haven't included MMS is because they have this really wizzy new feature - it's called email.

Neil Stansbury

Re: MMS is pathetic.

Ooops - sorry that should have been 1992 not 1982.

Firefox sweeps away carpet bombing bug

Neil Stansbury


@AC - Broken extensions/themes

Only if you use extns from devs who don't read the documentation and specify a version number of 3.0.0 rather than 3.0.* in their XPIs. Unless an update changes a feature unzip the XPI and change it yourself.


"It's faster than Firefox and IE and, let's face it, both of those browsers just steal things off Opera anyway (tabbed browsing.."

Yet another ill-informed Opera fan boy - for the umpteenth time - OPERA DID NOT INVENT TABBED BROWSING


"fixed the video bug in FF3 yet? The one that crashes it when playing wmv etc?"

I take it a Google search is just too much for you?


HTC Touch Diamond

Neil Stansbury

Arrgh - don't get one!

I own an HTC Touch - biggest piece of garbage ever.

Windows Mobile 6x is so unbelievably awful that any device built on that piece of abject piece of crap is doomed to failure - and so it should be.

I can't wait to trade mine in for a new jesus phone - I couldn't believe it when I played with the original for an hour or so.

Words almost fail me trying to explain how ill-conceived, poorly designed, badly written, abysmal usability, slow, slow and did I mention slooooow WM 6 actually is.

It just shows what a talentless bunch of idiots Microsoft's programmers truly are. I'll take a sucky iPhone camera in exchange any day.

Not that I'm bitter about spending £300 odd quid on this crap or anything you understand.

DARPA calls for 'DUDE' combo infra-nightscope

Neil Stansbury

@Dave Ball


Why should I have to look down the barrel of my weapon to know what I'm aiming at?

An IR "dot" on the front and rear gun sights would allow the headset to calculate what the weapon would hit without looking down the barrel and overlay a cross hairs into the image.

Headsets are an obvious choice, especially as it means I get the added benefit of walking around in the dark without having my weapon attached to my nose.

As per Craig Foster's suggestion a single lens with a prism would probably make sense - though as this EM is all at different wavelengths focusing it would be problematic. Cycling each source rapidly through some digital focusing mechanism and interpolating each frame together might be a solution.

Firefox 3: now available bug-free, say devs

Neil Stansbury


@Andrew Norton

Andrew, you like many here are ill-informed Trolls

Is Opera's Interface extensible with XML


Can I arbitrarily replace Opera's interface with other components


Can XML/XHTML be rebound with a standard W3C language (XBL)


Can I wite C++ code in Opera and expose it to a Python Script


No can I write a C++ DLL and expose it to a Javascript


Can I contribute to Opera as a product


Is Opera Open Source

Err.... No

"firefox taking a year or two to copy opera"




OMG - That's soooooo innovative, aren't these little people at Opera awfully clever




OMG - That's soooooo innovative, aren't these little people at Opera awfully clever




OMG - That's soooooo innovative, aren't these little people at Opera awfully clever

Use whatever browser you choose, but at least make it an educated one.

Time to move on from Chinook to the real MoD cock-ups

Neil Stansbury


[..]The cornerstone of NATO existence is if one of us is attacked, we are brothers.[..]

..and perhaps if we hadn't invaded Iraq, which wasn't NATO sanctioned we'd have had much more capability available and sooner.

So what of the Merlin/Chinook design requirements?

The issue is what is and has been required, now and over the last 4-5 years. Change happens - accept that and deal with it.

This sounds like classic Civil Service incompetence: incapable of making decisive decisions, incapable of recognising changing requirements, and incapable of distinguishing a bad decision from a good decision that turns out to be wrong.

This happens in every corner of Central & Local Government in the UK, it's just the MoD happens to buy rather bigger, and more obvious and expensive toys.

Download al Qaeda manuals from the DoJ, go to prison?

Neil Stansbury
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I am becoming increasingly ashamed of being British. This nonsensical one-size-fits-all approach to counter terrorism smacks of nothing more than fishing.

A bastion of freedom of speech and democracy? You must be thinking of another nation.

To all the so called security experts, please get a grip on this non-information. I was making TNT in my secondary school lunchtime science club when I was 14 years old, and was only stopped from making Fulminate of Mercury because my physics teacher thought I was going to far (retrospectively a fair point). This stuff is trivial to anyone with a modicum of Chemistry knowledge.

More people will die from the British Governments in-action in Burma than will ever die from some idiot wannabe terrorist playing with chemicals he doesn't understand.

Oh and I'm not an Anonymous Coward, because if the "British Government" want to infringe any more of my civil liberties I'll be delighted to see you in court. Assuming you don't try and blow my brains out first of course.


Mozilla guns for Guinness world record with Firefox 3.0

Neil Stansbury

What's the problem?

Gees some of you people need to engage your brains before your keyboards...

1. People like Firefox

2. People use Firefox out of choice

3. People need Mozilla Organisation to succeed so they keep developing Firefox (See 1.)

Ergo, they create a "new" record and Journos write about FF3 before IE8

It's this really new and innovative thing called "Marketing".

Not exactly quantum leaps of intellectual ability are they?

Either way, I've Been using FF3 Beta since it was released, it's been significantly faster to shut down and start than 2.x with 8 xtns. I had to use IE the other day - I nearly cried trying to browse normally without the FF3 address bar.

My only gripe is they dropped native SOAP support.

First public Firefox 3 candidate shoots out the door

Neil Stansbury

More FUD

Jesus, what is it with the BS FUD journalism at El Reg at the moment. It's starting to feel like I'm reading the Daily Mail.

1. If you are talking about the WhatWG ping attribute. Why should it not be enabled by default? Should <canvas/> be disabled by default? What's the difference between a Javascript AJAX call and the ping attrib - they do the same thing and you can't disable just the JS call.

2. If you mean mostly the Mozilla "Data" project. It's 1st stated goal: "Collect & share data in a way that embodies the user control & privacy options which are at Mozilla’s core."

Huh? how is this anything other than open, fair and reasonable?

..and that totally ignores the value that individual users may get from aggregated mashups - del.ici.ous on speed.

3. Who pays for Firefox 3 development - you certainly don't. You think the default Google Search page in Firefox is there because Mozilla just think Google are a lovely search engine? Get real they earn revenue from it. You don't like that - fine set a different homepage. Your choice.

Anyone wanna start paying for Firefox?

Please, could we have some balanced journalism back at El Reg.

W3C 'clarifies' HTML 5 v XHTML

Neil Stansbury

Complete nonsense

Sorry but this article really is complete nonsense, and shows a real lack of understanding of XML. I can't speak for the Adobe/MS stuff but to suggest XHTML is competing as a replacement for Mozilla's XUL is nothing but rubbish.

Mozilla's XUL is built from an XML language called XBL. XBL 2.0 has already been ratified by the W3C as a way of "BINDING" and thus extending arbitrary actions and behaviours into XML elements. XBL is as usable alongside XUL as it is XHTML, because it binds and extends behaviours as the author intends.

XUL doesn't have a "treeview" element because XUL defines a <treeview/> element it, it's because XBL binds a set of "tree like" behaviours to an XML document that happens to have a .xul extension (and XUL XML namespace).

Please sort it out. The X in XML stands for extensibility.

Home Secretary goes crazy on drugs... policy

Neil Stansbury

Per usual - Idiot Politicians & Civil Servants

So weed makes you go mad and encourages other drug use? Really.....

~30 years ago the Dutch de-criminalised (not legalised) marijuana so lets examine some real anthropological evidence....

The Dutch should have higher incidents of mental illness

...but they don't

The Dutch should have higher incidents of "Class A" usage

...but they don't

So after 30 years there is basically no evidence to support the the government assertions whatsoever.

I do wish the talentless idiots we call Politicians would they read some of their own Scientific reports: http://www.skunked.co.uk/articles/medicinal-marijuana.htm

Finally, lets just suppose excessive weed smoking does make you mad... so what? Excessive chocolate eclair consumption will give you diabetes, and excessive fry-up consumption will cause heart disease. Should I tell my local cafe to expect a "black pudding & bacon" raid soon?

God I hate Politicians - they truly are a bunch of mindless talentless incompetent idiots.

Cow turds fuel Blighty's hydrogen filling station embrace

Neil Stansbury

Hydrogen fuel is a stupid idea

You have to be completely mad to think hydrogen is the future of vehicle power. In fact the whole solution is just plain bad engineering.

The only way we currently know to generate large amounts of *clean* hydrogen is via electrolysing water, splitting into it's constituent 2H2 + 02. This process is ~30% efficient.

Then, assuming you aren't generating it at the pump, you need to either compress it or refrigerate the hydrogen to transport it - both of which require energy - not least to power the vehicle infrastructure itself.

Then, either a highly pressurised or very cold highly flammable liquid is pumped and stored in the local petrol - err hydrogen station - wonderful terrorist targets - they'll burn very nicely - think of the Hindenburg.

After that, Grandma has to be comfortable handling this highly flammable liquid and storing it in her car - hoping it doesn't all evaporate or explode in hot weather or fire.

On board the car we pump (yet more cost, complexity & failure points) the hydrogen and combine it over a fuel cell (that is effectively a battery), which itself is less than 50% efficient (and the efficiency drops proportionally to the power draw), to create electricity that is then sent to a bulk standard electric motor.

Thus excluding distribution: 100% -> 30% -> 50% -> Electric Motor

The alternative is instead of converting the electricity to Hydrogen - just store it in a battery (which can be up to 80% efficient) on the car and send it straight to the electric motor. No production or storage of highly flammable cold/pressurised gases, no mechanics for pumping fuel, no expensive crash-proof hydrogen tanks, no tricky pressurised fuel seals for the fuel caps (Challenger anyone?)

Thus: 100% -> 80% -> Electric motor

Aside from the safety, complexity, reliability and performance (see http://www.teslamotors.com) issues, what happens when solar cells become so cheap we can integrate them onto a vehicle shell - where can you store that energy? Or how about vibration dampers that pick up the vibrations in passing traffic and trickle charge batteries with it?

Hydrogen fuel is just a plain stupid idea. Period.

In fact the only people that justifiably think hydrogen is the future of vehicle power are CEOs of the large oil companies, because if we all start charging our cars up at home or work, they won't have anything to sell us, and even less reason to visit their little shops to buy a 2 day old sandwich.

Unless they're getting into the property business, they need us to buy hydrogen or their dead - and they know it.

HD DVD player sales share slumps

Neil Stansbury

This disc format war is irrelevant...

BluRay vs HD-DVD - Who cares - both formats will be obsolete within 5 years.

1. Solid state storage is such that within that time plastic semiconductors with make all "laser" discs obsolete.

2. End users will increasingly want real digital libraries not libraries full of old fashioned plastic disks that can get scratched and lost. Neither - but especially BluRay, support ripping of disc content to digital libraries.

BluRay & HD-DVD - die already you belong with BetaMAX and vinyl. I hope Sony & MS loose their shirts in this self grandiose consumer scam.

Autothrottle problems suspected in Heathrow 777 crash

Neil Stansbury


Don't know why everyone is so up in arms about FBW control systems - Concorde was the first commercial airliner to have full fly by wire and including electronic engine control (though not a glass cockpit), and she would have retired after 34 years with a perfect safety record had it not been for FOD on that fateful Paris runway.
