That doesn't annoy me half as much as companies who do it when they call you. Last time someone from the bank called I not only refused but asked them for the 3rd and 4th characters of my password to prove who they were. That was met by the normal "data protection" rubbish (I was giving permission therefore OK) so I told them to write to me.
Posts by Splatcat
20 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Apr 2011
1&1 goes titsup, blames lengthy outage on DDoS attack
'Open source just means big companies can steal your code.' O RLY?
Jesus phone RAISED from DEAD. Watch iPhone 6 get BURNED, DROWNED, SMASHED
Google+ GOING, GOING ... ? Newbie Gmailers no longer forced into mandatory ID slurp
Can't agree with some of the methods they have imposed to push its membership up but I do actually like G+. This of Facebook without the bad bits. No advertising in the newsfeed, no promoted posts, no stupid game alerts or sign ups. How long it would stay like that if successful is obviously a concern.
The thing I like most is, if I publish a post everyone in my circle sees it! On Facebook I think I see about 5% of the posts of organsations and pages I am a member of (have to make room for the ads somewhere). When will Facebook realise when subscribe to a page or organisation it's because I WANT/NEED to receive their posts. If I don't want them any more I can unsubscribe, if they send out too many, I will unsubscribe. It should be my choice.
Facebook has made itself unusable for groups and organisations who need to ensure that every members see the information and this is where G+ is making gains (IMHO).
IT blokes: would you say that lewd comment to a man? Then don't say it to a woman
Help yourself to anyone's photos FOR FREE, suggests
Search, done. Ads, done. What next for Google? Domain registration
Cable thieves hang up on BT, cause MAJOR outage
Be prepared... to give heathens a badge: UK Scouts open doors to unbelievers
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