* Posts by Splatcat

20 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Apr 2011

1&1 goes titsup, blames lengthy outage on DDoS attack


That doesn't annoy me half as much as companies who do it when they call you. Last time someone from the bank called I not only refused but asked them for the 3rd and 4th characters of my password to prove who they were. That was met by the normal "data protection" rubbish (I was giving permission therefore OK) so I told them to write to me.

'Open source just means big companies can steal your code.' O RLY?


Robot Wars!!! As with many of your articles I thought it was the reference to the children's programme "How".

Jesus phone RAISED from DEAD. Watch iPhone 6 get BURNED, DROWNED, SMASHED


Re: Elf 'n Safety

If you can get it delivered via Parcel Force I believe they will carry out these test for you at no extra charge.

Google+ GOING, GOING ... ? Newbie Gmailers no longer forced into mandatory ID slurp


Can't agree with some of the methods they have imposed to push its membership up but I do actually like G+. This of Facebook without the bad bits. No advertising in the newsfeed, no promoted posts, no stupid game alerts or sign ups. How long it would stay like that if successful is obviously a concern.

The thing I like most is, if I publish a post everyone in my circle sees it! On Facebook I think I see about 5% of the posts of organsations and pages I am a member of (have to make room for the ads somewhere). When will Facebook realise when subscribe to a page or organisation it's because I WANT/NEED to receive their posts. If I don't want them any more I can unsubscribe, if they send out too many, I will unsubscribe. It should be my choice.

Facebook has made itself unusable for groups and organisations who need to ensure that every members see the information and this is where G+ is making gains (IMHO).

IT blokes: would you say that lewd comment to a man? Then don't say it to a woman


Re: You'll Get The Respect You Deserve

Wow, you should go and work in a country where people are starving, obviously you couldn't feed them but you could sure convince them that feeling bad about it was heir own fault.

Help yourself to anyone's photos FOR FREE, suggests UK.gov


Apparently I can just quote an American law if I want to object to a company in India using an image owed by me in the UK.

The same goes if a company in China wants to spam me in the UK. There is an American law which says they can.

Search, done. Ads, done. What next for Google? Domain registration


Ah, something else you can lose when Google decide you sent some spam email or posted something you should have on Google + . ... no thanks :-)

Cable thieves hang up on BT, cause MAJOR outage


Yes, I know they wouldn't bother nicking last-mile runs, but one can dream, dammit!

Yes officer, they must have done it at the same time, honest.

Be prepared... to give heathens a badge: UK Scouts open doors to unbelievers


Personally I'm not too happy with the scouts doing this. Asking their members to shove themselves into a little predefined box with all the associated peer pressure, mickey taking etc... prefer the Girl Guide approach.

WHY would survey-slingers give YOU a free $1,500 Google Glass?



I've produced a great ebook on how to avoid this exact type of scam and many others. This ebook will not only save you money but will full reseller rights it will make you £1,000 in passive income.

Please email for details, don't forget to include your full credit card details and a copy of your front door key.

Facebook in futile attempt to block perverts from Graph Searching for teens


Yes it's an age thing

The issue isn't just adults pretending to be younger.

Due to the age restriction all of my childrens friends lie about their ages on Facebook. Which will not only fool adults but also ensure they don't come under age age related protections brought in.

Star Trek saviour JJ Abrams joins the dark side: Star Wars VII


Does this mean they'll be a cross over film?

Up your wormhole: Star Trek Deep Space 9 turns 20


No chance

This thread is not finishing until the words "Red Dwarf" have been added to it.

Sites downed by 1&1 web outage


careful with their monitoring service, from what I've read the notifications cost. Seems strange that they charge you to inform you that the service you pay them for isn't working

Virgin Media flogs off UKTV stake for £339m


Dr Who

They'll never bring back the old Dr Whos.... have you seen how much they're getting for them on DVD!

Website FAIL flings freebies at Kiwi punters


So who leaked

the second memo saying the leaker of the first memo had been sacked

I can see this running and running

Twin-screen LG smartphone spied



Not nearly as annoying as this growing habit of asking questions at the end of articles.

What does everybody else think?

Has Steve Jobs killed the consumer hard disk industry?


So who leaked

the second memo saying the leaker of the first memo had been sacked

I can see this running and running

Doctor Who's Elisabeth Sladen dies at 63



Not only one of my favourite actresses when I was young but became one of my childrens favourites as well, can say that of many people.

My thought go out to the family and friends.

Wii 2 announcement in June


Not the Wii 2

I believe it will be called the " Pooh"