* Posts by veletron

4 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Apr 2011

Windows 8 to boot in 8 seconds



Meanwhile, your PC's BIOS will take roughly twice this amount of time to POST... WTF is going on in the average PC's BIOS that takes so long?

Maybe MS can hassle the BIOS devs to get their bit done in a more reasonable 1-2seconds.

Galaxy Tab remains illegal in Germany


Childish Apple

This childish behaviour from Apple has ensured that I will never again buy one of their products. Apple is behaving like an irritable child throwing its toys out of the pram.

Grow Up, Apple!

Virgin Media Q1 revenue climbs as signups fall


Come do my street!

Want more customers, expand north to Stirling :-) Sick of BT's 'broadband' - its the new narrowband, and its not going to get any better anytime soon. Despite living in Stirling (which is apparentely a 'city'), and being closer to the Stirling exchange, the phone lines run the wrong way to the 'Bannockburn' exchange. While Stirling will get FTTC, Bannockburn will not. Barstuards.

Next time I move house i'll head 10 miles south to a Virgin-served area.


iPhone 5? You might be waiting till 2012


Suits Me

Suits me, I am still in contract. I have owned a sea of Android, Nokia and HTC WinMo phones in the past, and the iPhone+iOS still beats the lot of them. I currently have a Samsung Galaxy Tab, and Android 2.2 on the GT feels oh-so clunky compared to iOS4.3 on the iPhone4.

Apples greatest strength, and what will keep me buying Apple's phones is firmware updates to the latest and greatest iOS running on my existing phone. The 2-year old iPhone3Gs will run the recentely released iOS4.3 officially without my having to resort to XDA-Dev to obtain a hacked together rom. Typically, updates for Android devices are delayed for ages after google releases the code and the vendor (especially Samsung) then decides that it cannot be bothered to make said update available to customers. There are Android phones out there that have only been on the market for 3 months that will get no updates. Frankly, its criminal.

Google needs to standardise the whole phone-updating thing so that it can push updates to users its-self rather than relying on lazy carriers and device manufacturers to do it. Until Android devices get a decent updating system controlled by google rather than Vodafone/HTC I will not consider Android devices to be a worthy alternative to iOS devices.
