* Posts by lglethal

4146 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2007

Techie pointed out meetings are pointless, and was punished for it

lglethal Silver badge

Re: "Blackcurrants" or "Currants, Black"?

I'm surprised that with a group like that you didnt get the lovely compromise position of "Currants, Blackcurrants" or possibly "Blackcurrants (Currants)".

2 charged over alleged New IRA terrorism activity linked to cops' spilled data

lglethal Silver badge

Re: And..

Maybe the USA can take possession of Northern Ireland and turn it into the Riviera of the Isles!

But whilst Trump is doing that all the people will have to piss off. The Catholics can go to Ireland and the Protestants can go to the UK. I'm sure both Ireland and the UK won't mind taking those people, now will those people mins leaving whilst their little corner of Ireland gets rebuilt in since ghastly American image.

Sounds f#$King ridiculous saying that doesn't it? But even so there are people who think Trump isn't out of his frigging mind for making the same suggestion for Gaza.

What's my point? The world is full of morons looking for easy answers, and there are no f#$King easy answers on these topics. If there was, they would have already been implemented years ago...

/End Rant...

Man who binned 7,500 Bitcoin drive now wants to buy entire landfill to dig it up

lglethal Silver badge

Re: The real question

Yes, because I'm sure his analysis and opinion were completely uncorrupted by the fact that he has a massive incentive to believe the hard drive is fine and can be found.

Nevermind what the experts all say, he "believes" it will work out in the end...

He's a muppet, and somehow he has convinced some other muppets to pony up dough to let him try and fight these legal battles, all for the very low possibility that a) they could find the hard drive amongst TONNES of garbage, b) that having found said hard drive, it has not been crushed, corrupted, or destroyed beyond recoverability, c) that the hard drive even contains what he claims it does.

If there's anyone out there who believes he should be given the chance to try and recover the hard drive... Well I've got a bridge to sell you...

Judge says US Treasury ‘more vulnerable to hacking’ since Trump let the DOGE out

lglethal Silver badge

Re: How about rooting out all that corruption at SpaceX?

Just wait, you can guarantee that the FAA, SEC, EPA, and various other government departments looking at worker rights, health and safety, and anything else that might get in the way of Lord Musk's businesses, will be next on the list for having their funding removed...

I'm somewhat surprised he hasnt gone after them already, but I suppose he's waiting for the American people to grow bored with the various cost cutting, and so they wont be pay any attention when he starts going after his personal bugbears...

If Ransomware Inc was a company, its 2024 results would be a horror show

lglethal Silver badge

"There's also anecdotal evidence the insurance industry - which gained a reputation for encouraging victims to pay up to reduce overall costs - is getting wise to the fact that feeding criminals money is unlikely to fix anything."

It really feels like the only appropriate response to this statement is something along the lines of "Duh!". Or in other words "Bears shit in woods!", "The pope is catholic!", and "Water is wet!". i.e. file it in the category of so obvious, you would have had to have been a moron, not to have seen that conclusion.

But then that statement does seem to apply to most Beancounters I#ve met (who predominate in the Insurance industry) - knowing the cost of everything, but the value of nothing... Or I guess in the case - knowing the short term cost saving, at the expense of massive long term losses. Well done those Insurers... Muppets!

Robocallers who phoned the FCC pretending to be from the FCC land telco in trouble

lglethal Silver badge

Re: not sure how to read this

It should be a reasonable statement. If you're giving access to your phone network, you should know the customers name, address, probably have access to an ID, etc. Simply having a credit card number should not be enough.

But naturally the Telcos don't want that, because then they wouldn't be able to accept so much scam traffic. Dodgy traffic pays, too hell with the real customers...

Democrats demand to know WTF is up with that DOGE server on OPM's network

lglethal Silver badge

You are kind of missing the point.

The server was set up, likely because someone was told to do it, ignore the rules, get it done or get fired.

But the thing is, there ARE a ton of rules in government to make sure things are set up properly, with the correct security, privacy requirements, etc. Which have been ignored.

That's what's being discussed. Who broke the rules, why did they break the rules, and under whose orders did they break the rules? Because a badly rushed server is a massive security risk for the whole government.

The server was set up outside the rules, there's no info about why, how secure it is, who did the work, what it's purpose is, etc. Questions should definitely be asked...

DeepSeek rated too dodgy down under: Banned from Australian government devices

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Beware of Chinese bearing gifts

It is the year of the Snake, which seems fitting given the various leaders gaining power around the world at the moment.

Musk’s DOGE ship gets ‘full’ access to Treasury payment system, sinks USAID

lglethal Silver badge

Australia would like to argue with your assumption that if everyone has to vote you have criminal vote harvesting (whatever that happens to mean). We have compulsory voting, 99+% voting every election, and our parties remain more or less in the centre. If a party starts getting to extreme or too big for its boots, the elector swings back to the centre.

Compulsory voting also means that you dont get the "He's not my president". Because the Majortiy DID vote for the party in power. It works very well, in fact.

But then you will never see it in the US as the politicians work as hard as possible to disenfranchise the voters that dont vote for them in EVERY part of the US...

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Classified Documents in a "Development" Organisation?!

Shall I give a hypothetical answer?

Say your wanting to implement a scheme in Somalia to dig some wells and improve the lives of the local farmers.

You would probably obtain from the CIA, a list of areas which are safe, and a few others where it would be possible to be safe with a suitable backhander to a local source.

That information would likely be classified because a) if the Somali militants found out that an area was considered safe, they'd definitely try to attack it, and B) if the fact that there's a local contact to the militants was learned by the government, that contract is a dead man, and then that area goes back to being a chaos zone.

If the report happened to still include names for people on the grounds who provided these details and that info got it to either the government or the militants, then those information sources would soon be dead (from both sides).

Hence classified information. That's just one hypothetical example. Others would likely be about the picadillos of certain despotic or corrupt rulers, giving the people on the ground enough Ammo to let them run their aid programs with the minimum of hassle.

If you want to work in a lot of these areas, it's what you know and who you know that actually allow you to get things done. Classified info would help with that...

lglethal Silver badge

Can I make two alternative proposals here

1) Make voting mandatory! 100% of the voting population being forced to vote would go along way to shutting up the extremes, since by definition the majority sit in the middle. If your forced to vote, people who previously wouldn't vote (over 40% of the US population in the last electing) might consider alternatives and you might get rid of the 2 party state that exists at the moment.

2) Change the electoral college system, so that parties get the percentage of votes they receive in each state. So if a party wins 60% of the votes in a state with 10 college points, then they get 6 and the other party gets 4. Then every vote counts and you'll have a significantly more engaged public.

Make those changes and you'll see that the political discourse will move much more to the centre and might actually allow this parties to make an entrance!

Welsh woman fined for flatulence-fueled cyber harassment

lglethal Silver badge

So wait, she deliberately farted on her phone. Something which she then would regularly touch with her hands, and occasionally put up to her face when taking a call?

The personal hygiene is not strong in this one...

DeepSeek isn't done yet with OpenAI – image-maker Janus Pro is gunning for DALL-E 3

lglethal Silver badge

Call me a Negative Nelly...

My hope is that all of the money for investment disappears overnight, as people realise these things can be spun up relatively cheaply, and that with so many potential competitors, the expected profits will be minimal (or more likely negative!).

With that investment money gone, the models will stay dumb, regular people will realise there dumb, and stop using them. Other people will determine ways to tell the difference between LLM output and a real persons output, and so make it obvious whose using LLM's.

LLM's will find there niches in places liking helping coders, or speeding up analysis, but will disappear from the creative spheres, as well as science (outside of some analytical assistance).

The copyright cases against the big names will lead them to paying out millions for theft, and destroying large amounts of their data. In addition, this will hopefully have the effect of making their techbro bosses unemployable, or at least unable to rake in investor cash for their next crappy attempt to fleece the public.

And with all of this crashing back to the ground, the latest bubble is burst before it can go forward with destroying the environment (through energy emissions) and our creative landscape (through destroying the creative industries with their theft)...

I guess a man can dream...

Musk torches $500B Stargate AI plan, Altman strikes back

lglethal Silver badge

Re: re: Expecting cope and seethe from the usual suspects that we previously thought unimaginable

That's Chat GPT output right there.

The words are all there, it looks like it should mean something, but the sentence itself is actually gibberish. Just convincing looking gibberish...

Court rules FISA Section 702 surveillance of US resident was unconstitutional

lglethal Silver badge

Considering how many judges will happily agree to any warrant presented to them, is it really sooooo much more work for them to just request the bloody warrant?

I doubt it.

You already have a target, just ask if you can search the database for extra info, because you think theyve been talking to bad foreign people. This does not seem like it should be an issue...

Pure laziness from the FBI. Or they want to be able to keep doing their fishing expeditions...

ChatGPT has a Thursday lie down

lglethal Silver badge

No AI, No Reply...

"The Register contacted OpenAI for more details about the outage and the fix being implemented, but the company has yet to respond."

Well of course they haven't answered, the chat bot is down! PR and Customer Service are always the first to be replaced with AI. Did you expect it to be different here?


China claims major fusion advance and record after 17-minute Tokamak run

lglethal Silver badge

What you dont want 7 years operation???

PowerSchool theft latest: Decades of Canadian student records, data from 40-plus US states feared stolen

lglethal Silver badge

It sounds to me like this wasnt a break in by Ransomware crooks, but by a Kid. Who once the Breach became known and calls were made to the Authorities, p'd their pants, and quickly removed any trace of the data they took, and promised never, ever to do such a thing again.

Then again maybe I'm being overly optimistic, and it's just some prick whose waiting for the heat to die down, before starting the scamming...

TSMC pauses production after strong earthquake hits Taiwan

lglethal Silver badge

Just to hazard a guess, but waking you up before the earthquake hits means your partially awake when the earthquake hits,which would then almost certainly wake you up fully when the earthquake actually hits. So if you then need to do something, you'll be able to react instantly.

If the earthquake is what wakes you up, it could take you critical seconds to work out what is happening and then you can't react as quickly as needed.

Then again it could just be useless. Or it could be aimed more at the people who are already awake like shift workers?

Either way, I hope you and all yours are safe!

Trump's freshly minted meme coin passes $10B market cap

lglethal Silver badge

I despair for Humanity...

Honestly, I despair for humanity. There are people out there who can look at this, and not instantly see "SCAM" written in letters large enough to be viewed from space??? I know most of them are just jumping on now, in the hope of riding the big wave, and then selling everything to some other schmuck before it all crashes and burns. But still...

And I might be wrong, but it definitely feels like Melania ist pranking Trump, no? Maybe she's trying to build up her own capital for the inevitable Post-Trump years...

Would the Aliens mind arriving some time soon, before things really hit rock bottom...

Tech support fill-in given no budget, no help, no training, and no empathy for his plight

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Not "Fixing", Exactly

Exactly. You dont humour people by going out of your way to solve their problems.

1) Advise them the need for out of hour backups.

2) If they refuse, then advise them that you plan to perform the backups during working time. be sure to inform them that during this time the server will be unavailable.

3) If they refuse, make them sign in front of witnesses (your boss, there boss, if possible) stating that they accept all liability for loss of work if the server should fail, and no back ups are available.

4) If they refuse, escalate, escalate, escalate. And make sure as many people as possible no, there are no backups and it is because of this person...

That is the only way to move forward here...

Boeing going backwards as production’s slowing and woes keep flowing

lglethal Silver badge

Re: They need ....

In some respects your right, but definitely not all. Every firm goes through sticky patches, BUT Boeing's whole problems now, come from the company culture that has been instilled by management over the last many years. And those issues are coming home to roost now.

I have visited the floor at Airbus, if something is not right, and the shop floor staff DONT report it. Then they are in the sh&t. At Boeing, any attempt to report a problem is met by silence or being told you're at risk of losing your job if you continue to make a noise. There are numberous whistleblowers (even going before congress) talking about this issue. That's a very different mentality, and if you cant see how thats relevant for an a aircraft manufacturer, then I cant help you.

Combine that with a level of regulatory capture, that was truly astounding and you have a firm that has lost all focus on anything but that which improves profit. Safety and the customer be damned. I would also contend with your statement that airlines still trust Boeing. That's not what the order books say, a huge number of orders for the 737 MAX have been cancelled, which says airlines dont trust Boeing to fix the problems. The order book for Airbus looks a lot healthier.

This is really a prime example of taking a highly respected company, changing it's workplace culture to one purely focused on profit, and then watching it crash and burn. I hope we dont get to that point really, but I'd say it took 20 years of changing the culture to hit this point. Does Boeing really have 20 years to change it back?

SEC sues Elon Musk for allegedly screwing investors out of $150M before Twitter takeover

lglethal Silver badge

Re: SpaceX ate my homework

Actually for once Qantas arent actually wrong here. I know, it feels weird typing that!

Although the odds of a plane being hit by debris are extremely low, the cost of 300 lives means that usually the airspace where the debris is expected to fall is closed completely.

If that Info comes too late, Qantas has to change the flight path to go around the area, refile flight plans, likely add more fuel, check new and different areas weather reports, check that they are not going to be impacting another Aircraft's flight paths, etc. It is a fair amount of work, most of it regulatory in nature, meaning it's as slow as a wet week in the west of Wales.

AND there is no reason for Space X not to put the advisories out significantly earlier. It's not like they decide on the spur of the moment to ditch the rocket. These things are planned meticuluosly months in advance. Just be a good world citizen put your advisories out early, and Qantas can go back to finding other excuses for being late...

They've only gone and made Doom run in a PDF file

lglethal Silver badge

In the far distant future...

The alien Archeologists digging through the ruins of our long extinct civilisation, will come to the conclusion that mankind fought a long and ultimately losing battle against Otherworldy Demons. The evidence of this will be based on the sheer number of instances of Doom they find.

There will be naturally some confusion as to the lack of fossils for the Demons, but since Doom guy doesnt tend to leave a corpse lying around, they will likely simply put it down to the Demons having soft bodies or some such.

Or perhaps it will be considered a coming of age ritual to go and fight the demons. Because everything in Archeology is put down to a ritual if they cant work out a practical answer...

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Is there anywhere Doom has not been implemented?

Implementations have never failed. They just havent been successful YET! :P

HPE may have bagged $1B order from Elon Musk's X for AI servers

lglethal Silver badge

That money was raised for xAI, not Xitter. So legally speaking that money should NOT be being used for Xitter. But we all know that Musky isn't very keen on offering the legal system. But don't worry, I'm sure his best buddy in the white house will help him out. Eventually...

lglethal Silver badge

I assume they're getting paid up front. You'd have to be an idiot to do any business with him otherwise.

The Wiwynn case shows even if he orders a ton of stuff, it doesn't mean he's going to pay for it.

Mail-out madness as insurer offers refunds to customers in error

lglethal Silver badge

I'm curiously interested in what counts as a "Major Incident"? Documents sent to the wrong people? Insurance given to Ne'er-do-wells? CEO dropped his ice cream on the keyboard.

Based on my (admittedly) low opinion of insurance companies, I wouldnt be surprised if a Major Incident is when they had to pay out to a customer - "Think of the Shareholders!". Paying out 90% less would sound extremely desirable to most CEO's... Definitely something for them to crow about... Although perhaps not to the regular media, only the financial times...

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Telematics?

"Recording telematics without anything to provide context, such as a camera, is stupid and pointless."

Let me just correct you on a point here. It's Stupid & Pointless for the Customer. However, it is Perfect Data for the Insurance Company to allow them to up your rates, whenever they feel like it. Trust me, it's working perfectly as designed...

(And just to make that doubly clear - it wasnt designed for the Customer...)

lglethal Silver badge

Re: EY said: "... further invested in data enrichment ...."

No the products for Artificial Insemination come from another part of the male bovine animal...

Oh wait you meant the other AI, well yeah that is bollocks, but it definitely comes from the manure producing end of the bull...

Tesla, Musk double down on $56B payday appeal

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Doesn't make sense

Well that's easy, the board are his family and other sycophants. They get paid a sh&t ton to agree with everything he says.

If Musk leaves and a proper CEO is installed, they might try to reduce the amount of money going to the board and shareholders (of which the board members are as well). They would probably have to make statements (I.e the truth) which would cause the share price to drop to a more realistic level and the board members would lose out doubly.

We can't be having that now can we?

Japan's wooden satellite exits International Space Station

lglethal Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: Outgassing?

This was my thought as well. You would never be able to make use of any optical device due to the outgassing components, that include star sensors for positioning, so it would be very limited in use cases. Unless of course they have found some way to reduce/prevent the outgassing. But it's a hard enough topic with known materials, let alone wood!

Many people are saying a luxury Dubai property developer will blow $20B on US datacenters

lglethal Silver badge

I was laugh when firms talk up the HUGE number of construction jobs that these projects will generate. I mean who cares about the construction jobs?!?

a) Construction will hopefully (for all concerned) last at most 1 year (usually far less). Then the job is gone.

b) Large projects like this also tend to use the same firms for each construction job, who then basically ship in the workers from the old construction site, have them stay for the length of their part of this project, then send them off again to the next project site. The amount of LOCAL construction workers involved is minimal.

c) Construction jobs are not exactly high paying jobs. There's a reason so many construction sites are filled with immigrant workers (or people from an immigrant background). So there's NOT going to be a huge local economic benefit from the construction workers. Most of them will be eating in the staff canteen, and saving their money for other things. If they're spending money locally on anything it's likely to be the local seamstress's guild employees...

The actual economic benefit is F.A., since a datacenter does not need much in the way of staff - A couple of managers, a half dozen engineers to keep things running, and some low paid security guards to keep the kids off the lawn. That's about it... Apart from the Kickbacks to politicians, I cant see why any area would want one of them locally?

US watchdog sticks probe into 2.6M Teslas over so-called Smart Summon crash reports

lglethal Silver badge

Re: It is an ASS...

Wow I really never picked up on that. My God Musk is a tool isnt he?

lglethal Silver badge

Re: It is an ASS...

This sounds like an internal engineering joke. Not just for the obvious acronym, but for the acknowledgement that yes this time we'll "Actually" get it right.

I've worked on many engineering projects where the internal early models had funny acronyms, I once worked on a Space Greenhouse project, that we called GRASS. But it was always clear from the start that as soon as anything about the project was going to be communicated publicly that the acronym would have to change to something more politically correct/less funny.

How this clearly joking name got through to an actual product is well mindblowing... Especially since it clearly implies that the old system was not fit for purpose, and yet Tesla released it to the public. Which in the land of the lawyers (USA!!!) seems like opening themselves up to a raft of lawsuits... Truly Mindblowing...

Uncle Sam now targets six landlord giants in war on alleged algorithmic rent fixing

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Oh fuck off

OK two things...

One the DoJ has been chasing after RealPage for over 2 years now, you can search the el Reg archives and you'll see there are articles on this very topic dating back to Oct 2022. So the DoJ has not just started this because of the election cycle. Actually, in any sane world, this would have been over long before the election cycle even kicked off, but this is the US, home of the convoluted pay-to-win legal system, so of course it's been dragged out forever. Think of the Lawyers, they need those hours to be able to afford their second yachts after all...

Second, Trump and Vance have now both come our in favour of H1B's. Because Trump no longer needs to worry about the Plebs, since he cant get reelected again (I'm not going to even bother acknowledging the various conspiracy theories that he's somehow going to wangle a 3rd term or become president for life through some coup - it wont happen). I expect an adminstration that basically says a big F U to anyone who doesnt earn over a million a year, at least until about 6 months before the next election (actually considering Trump, he probably wouldnt even care if he basically left the Republican Party in an unelectable position, so long as he and his cronies come away with what they want). The answer from RealPage hints at this, with them sounding angry that the DoJ is moving forward with the case, so close to a new adminstration starting. That strongly implies that they expected Trump to just magically wave his hands and make the case go away, whether they've done anything wrong or not. It's really quite a disgusting reality we live in right now, isnt it?

Supreme Court to hear TikTok's appeal against law that would force it to shut, or sell

lglethal Silver badge

Re: “TikTok is a threat to national security”

We're talking about the USA. That boat sailed a looonnnggg time ago...

Intel sued again over struggling foundry business

lglethal Silver badge


Normally, I think shareholders suing a company is ridiculous, but one which takes money back from Execs and gives it back to the company is something I can totally get behind!

Nobody deserves a pay packet of $200 million over 3 years. Nobody!

On the other side, whilst Foundry does seem to be floundering, it was known from the start that it would be years before it started to turn a profit. It was also more a way to protect the company from being completely reliant on outside firms for its hardware. That was always going to be an expensive, and long term proposition, something that the stock market is notoriously bad at understanding.

So I hope this lawsuit passes and Intel get money back from the board and C-suite. But the other lawsuit falls and the shareholders get nothing!

Infosys founder calls for 70-hour work week – again – claiming it creates jobs

lglethal Silver badge

His maths is not very good is it...

If there are all these people unemployed and in poverty, surely the correct thing to do is hire MORE people to work 40 hours a week. Look if you hire one more person, then there's two people working 80 hours in total. And 2 people being paid. My god, they both get to be employed and can get out of poverty. Amazing!

Oh wait, then you need to pay 2 people for 40 hour weeks, rather than trying to just pay one person a 40 hour week but make them work 70... Yep i can see where that's a non-starter for this muppet...

Indian police demand Starlink identify alleged drug smugglers

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Musk will just disable Starlink over India

Funnily enough Musk tried that with Brazil in response to them demanding removal of some accounts on X (and a local contact for implementing the changes). Musk told them to bugger off. Brazil cut-off Space X and Starlink in Brazil. Apparently it's a big market for Starlink. Musk held out less than a week, before bending over and doing EVERYTHING Brazil demanded.

India has the potential to be an even bigger market for the Muskrat. So he will do whatever he is told to do by the government of India, if he wants to get into that big market.

We might have to wait until the next falling out between Trump and Musk (I give it 6 months) before Musk starts getting hit hard by the various court cases against him in the US. but that doesnt mean other lands will simply roll over if he doesnt follow their rules...

lglethal Silver badge

Re: What? No GPS?

It's possible that the owner of the Starlink Unit has nothing to do with it, of course. However, on the other hand, let's look at the likelihood of that.

If the unit was stolen from the rightful owner, well you would expect the owner to have reported the kit as stolen to Space X and stopped paying for the connection. So it would have been useless to those who stole it, and no use on the boat. A pretty quick and easy answer for Space X to provide. No help to the Indian police, but also no false lead to waste time on.

If the owner leant the Unit to someone not realising what it would be used for. Well, there's a name that the actual owner can provide, saying I leant it to this person. There's a lead for the police.

If the Unit was taken without the owners knowledge, say they were on holiday at the time. Well again that generates leads, because it would have to be someone who knew the victim, knew they were going on holiday and for how long, and then could get access to their Unit. I consider this a highly unlikely scenario though, as when the owner comes back from holiday, they're going to notice not having internet anymore, and assume they've been robbed and cancel their subscription/connection. The planned voyage would have to be shorter than the planned holiday, and that seems unlikely, or the people on the boat would risk losing their comms mid journey.

Also, I would expect the whole point of the Starlink connection here was for comms not for navigation. A phone call or messages sent over Starlink, and not over a local provider (on which the local plod might be listening or could put pressure on) would likely be more secure (for a given value of secure of course).

Police arrest suspect in murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO, with grainy pics the only tech involved

lglethal Silver badge

Well they only said he "called" the police. Maybe the Coppers had stopped in for a Big Mac, and he just shouted for them over the counter?

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Dead men don't suffer.

The rest just have a LOT!

Alibaba exec trashes his own staff and customers, quickly apologizes

lglethal Silver badge

Wow that's totally not going to cause a problem between the subsidiary and head office. And I'm sure there will be ZERO consequences if the subsidiary takes up the offer of the CEO giving up 3 months salary to the Subsidiary's team building. No consequences whatsoever! Because we all know that those at the top are NEVER petty, spiteful, and vindictive. No, no, no...

You're so bad at recycling, this biz built an AI to handle it for you

lglethal Silver badge

As much as I would agree with you on AI matters 99% of the time. This might just be one time I dont. OK forget the fact they're spouting AI. This is a simple ML system. Using optical sensors to sort garbage and having an ML background to be able to help it with identifying the products, is actually a perfect use case for this sort of stuff. And when working properly, would actually be a massive cost saving.

As mentioned in the article, the biggest cost driver for these recycling facilities, is the labour costs, so anything that helps do the sorting without the need for human sorters is going to save a ton.

So for once this ML use case is solving a problem that does exist, and for which the current solutions are not better, cheaper or more efficient. We really should congratulate these people for finding a relevant use case for ML, rather than just the usual hype bollocks...

Badass Russian techie outsmarts FSB, flees Putinland all while being tracked with spyware

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Never was a spy, likely

Ahhh but a spy would say that, wouldn't they?

No, I can't help – you called the wrong helpdesk, in the wrong place, for the wrong platform

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Also lunch time

The only correct response to this is to schedule all of your meetings with the worst offenders at 11:30am or in the afternoon when they would be wanting to leave, say 4pm your time.

When they start declining your meetings or complaining about lunch times or wanting to leave early, remind them that you also happen to like to having lunch at the standard time for the UK. 90% of them will realise the point and leave you alone during lunch time in future. The 10% are usually managers and will be d%&ks, no matter what you do...

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Me Too!

I knew my split personality disorder would come in handy eventually!!!

Hi, please meet Debbie Tor, and her teammate Christie Rachel Editor...

British hospitals hit by cyberattacks still battling to get systems back online

lglethal Silver badge

Not paying is absolutely the right thing to do.

Eventually, the attacks will stop on the NHS (probably not completely because of script kiddies, but the actual damaging ones should stop). Purely, because if your a "professional" why waste your time hitting them, when there is no payout.

The sooner everyone stops paying the better, but that's a dream for another day...

Cost of Gelsinger's ambition proves too much for Intel

lglethal Silver badge

Actually if my reading of the situation is correct, Gelsinger proposed to cancel the Q4 dividend payout (the others for this year have been paid!). And that seems to have been one of the last straws that turned the investors against him and got him sacked.

Nevermind that $2 billion being invested in the firm would make the firm stronger. The investors have yachts they need to pay for... /Sarcasm