* Posts by Dotter

92 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Apr 2011


Assange's Ecuador asylum bid has violated £200k UK bail, say cops


Re: Petty, petty, petty

A downvote for moaning about a downvote!

'Unbreakable' Samsung Galaxy Note II to take on iPhone 5

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Dom Joly

I liked the one in Trafalgar Square with the giant flock of pigeons that fly into the sky when he shouts HELLO!!!

PFY vs Bearded 80s Netscape Bore: BOFH


Re: I always thought

Nah, that's Visio.

Asus Transformer Pad TF300


Re: howto: trackpad and task switching ?

To an extent you can, though you might have to click something onscreen in place of using a keyboard shortcut (or touch it, a lot faster). The Ctrl C/Ctrl V is the only bit that irritates me, really.

Going hands-on with a tablet is the best way you'll find out what you can/can't live with, though.


Re: howto: trackpad and task switching ?

1) Yes, you get a mouse pointer when using the trackpad.

2) Keyboard commands don't generally work. There's a row of buttons similar to Fn commands on a laptop that can be used, but shortcuts such as Alt-Tab or Ctrl+C/V won't work.

If you're switching between tasks, you can go into the 'menu' icon that persistently stays on screen and select an app that's already open from there (or go to the home screen and reopen it, if it's already open, it just switches to it).


Re: Original

Grab a TF201 lead, it's thankfully longer than the TF101's lead - I remember having the same problem with it.


Which is why you have a keyboard dock with a trackpad on it.


Re: ASUS Transformer Charger

The original Transformer charger was USB 3 too, doubt they'd change it on this one.


Already done - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1603921

It does require root access which currently means calling up Asus to get it unlocked and thereby officially invalidating the warranty (unlike the original Transformer).

Ethiopia to send Skype users to the slammer


Re: Next week

Followed by any IM programs, presumably.

Apple 15in MacBook Pro with Retina Display


Re: <3 the screen

Well, I don't think I'll bother screwing with my laptop screen anytime soon. The company that set it up for me went bankrupt a while ago (Kobalt) and it's out of warranty by now anyway.

I'm hoping it lasts quite a while longer so I don't have to shell out another £1000+ for an equivalent custom build.

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Re: <3 the screen

Heh, that would be nice. I have the same model of laptop.

Virgin Media wipes out websites with routing blackhole


Re: "Issues"

Well, 'love' is certainly one word for it.


Re: No problems here

Yeah, that doesn't work as the cable modem provides its own DNS too. There's no way to turn it off on the cable modem as it is completely locked down.


Re: No problems here

I wish I could, I'm stuck with an old cable modem that doesn't allow a DNS change at the moment.

Still, that'll need to be swapped out soon enough in order to accommodate the latest upgrade in speed on the minimum packages (a Motorola modem from 2001 will only last so long!)

Toshiba America says no to new netbooks


Good riddance

A lot of the Toshiba netbooks were tacky even for netbooks, anyway.

Passwords are for AES-holes


Re: I use KeePass

A portable version? So, you don't work in a place that locks down the allowed device categories that you can stick into a USB port?

Diablo III dev rolls 12d6, scores PC sales record


Well, that explains the server load problems, then.

How zombie LulzSec exposed privates' love lives with PHP hack


Re: did they do this again?

Yeah, it was. This is a separate analysis by a security firm.

Fake Facebook pull-down tricks social climbers into swallowing vile load


The man must be a celebrity in the anti-virus world.

Pints under attack as Lord Howe demands metric-only UK


Re: @ the Imperial fans

Do you have a time machine on offer to allow these people to follow this command?

Cisco hits the roof in Olympics marketing dash


Re: Really!

I'm struggling to figure out whether the Stephen Fry bit is real or not.

Then again, as it involves Fry it probably is real.

Cameron hardens stance on UK web filth block


"Sadly for Britain's lawmakers, anyone with an ounce of tech knowledge knows exactly how to evade such an online blockade – a fact seemingly lost on some politicians"

I think they just stick their fingers in their ears and hum loudly whenever anyone reminds them of that.

EA unplugs Rock Band for iOS


Looks like EA can't make its mind up.




Re: Cynics

So much for Vowelgrm, then.

Tech City hailed as saviour of THE ENTIRE PLANET


Re: That photo is scary

A giant of technology!

And nothing else.


Re: Anyone else have to go to wikipedia

It's otherwise known as the Silicon Roundabout.

I preferred that name.

Nokia's fontastic Pure wins 'design Oscar'


Did the Design Museum really just award a design award to something they termed as having as little design as possible?

Words fail me.

NHS IT fiasco workers threaten lunch-hour revolt over job cuts


Re: @ Enver Hoxha

You'd set it up so some people go to lunch and then when those people return, the others go to lunch, obviously.

Microsoft to bake Windows 8 in three flavours


Re: At last...

To be fair, the N version thing was an EU stipulation.

MPs: Border Agency's own staff don't trust airport-scanner tech


Re: Anyone ever seen the e-gates at Luton working?

Same at Heathrow, they've always been fenced off whenever I've been through there.

Ice Cream Sandwich gives Android mobes brainfreeze – Sony


Re: So nobody has a real answer to my question then?

For the same reason everyone always wants the newest version of anything, of course. It's a free update with improvements and people want to try it out.

And I think Google have been updating old versions up to a point. Manufacturers and telcos slow the update process down by wanting to 'test' everything before it goes OTA, though.

Sugar content now to be measured in Cadbury Creme Eggs


Hershey produce Cadbury's Creme Eggs in the US? Poor America.

Vote now for the WORST movie EVER


Re: Megashark vs Giant Octopus

All the stuff you have mentioned nominates it as a good film, not the worst film!

Well, apart from Gibson.

Google I/O conference sells out in 20 minutes


Re: $900 ticket + flight

They'd probably take the freebie off you too, then!


$900 ticket + flight

Pretty much offsets the freebie you get for attending, doesn't it?

Apple Oz offers refunds for confused 4G iPad owners


Re: ok...

It connects in the USA - no surprises there as that is where Apple is based.


Re: why confusion

Presumably because this article covers Australia where a 4G network of sorts is available?

Intel next-gen netbook chip to sport Ivy Bridge graphics


Balboa Pier?

Who comes up with these names?

Mass Effect 3 crooks trick gamers with fake 'alternate ending'


Re: Ummm

I can only assume they got it second-hand from someone who read http://blog.bioware.com/2012/03/21/4108/ and made a few assumptions.


"Game publishers Bioware are due to release an officially sanctioned alternative ending to the game in April."

That seems to be an overly positive spin on the old paraphrasing. Muzyka said they were working on 'content initiatives' and there would be more news in April, that's all.

Samsung Series 3 NP300E5A 15in notebook


Considering the reliability and quality of Toshiba kit, that's almost a good deal.

Game Group shares halted, 'no value left' admits board


Re: Does this mean I should pop in...

Probably, yes. The sales have already been on for a couple of weeks, though.

Finders of lost mobes can't resist staring at privates


How many people really own Android phones (or other smartphones) and not set some sort of lock be it password, PIN or otherwise on them?

Hello? You'll never guess where I am ... I'm under a ferry


Re: Mobile underground

At least some of that is directly underneath the streets, so I'm not that surprised the signal can penetrate.

Anonymous web weapon backfires with hidden banking Trojan


Oh, the irony.

Election hacked, drunken robot elected to school board


Re: Re: Sheer stupidity not absent technology

Servers might be a good start on changing the default password - you'd hope most people had at least realised that.

US shuts down Canadian gambling site with Verisign's help


Re: Re: Quit using logic

You don't need logic when you're Jeremy Clarkson either.

Reading this? You're probably planning to skill up on HTML5 in 2012


They asked the unemployed/those searching for new jobs whether they would be reskilling?

Seems like a slightly skewed sample, there.

Linux PC-in-a-stick to cost coders £139


Bootable USB

To be able to use this, you have to plug it into something else...so, is this really much better than having a bootable USB stick with a linux distro on it in practice?
