It's life Jim
But not as we know it... yeah all right where's my spacesuit
14 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Apr 2011
Good grief charlie brown, those voice overs esp the female are just so slimy.
But wow, point, click and buy!
Not long now before you have your very own Paris Hilton Stepford wife to go with your perfect house in your perfect street together with your other perfect possessions..........Cue the music....
Jay Kay singing Virtual Insanity.
PLT would have been a great solution for me being a of bit a lazy git on the diy front.
Unfortunately the adapters I bought and returned wiped out my FM & DAB radio reception.
So I had to resort to a large masonry bit in my black and decker plus a bit of cable to get the desired connectivity.
The only good use the adapters had was to block out the Archers & Desert Island Discs.
You're watching your new satellite TV and the thing goes dead.
Look out of the window and see a red neck running away with your dish.
Get out your free firearm courtesy of your thoughtful radio shack, pop a cap in the thiefs ass and put your dish back while the kind policeman takes the perp to jail.
Radio Shack, I love them, they think of everything ;-)
And gravel pits, that's what's missing on the Nu-Doctor.
Whenever we get promised a re-vamp of a programme that will be darker it's always very average.
Why don't the BBC admit that DW is now a soap and do crossovers with enders, oh they've done that, well how about casualty then? Nah, too many doctors.
Got it, Doctor who in the night garden with the doctor as igglepiggle - perfect.
Andrew Oakley is possibly correct when he states that there is no blocking of emergency services.
I will point out though that the link frequencies used by pirates below band 2 fm broadcast do interfere quite badly with aircraft communications between 108 to 137MHz by means of the 2nd harmonic. I have had this confirmed by an acquaintance of mine who is one of the ofcom team that investigate this type of problem.
Before anyone says that they all use HF or microwave links, I can assure you that is not always the case. I had quite a informative chat with an engineer who makes such links for some of the pirates in the London area. He told me that his link transmitters were fairly clean, but there were still quite a few bodgers out there making equipment that didn't give a stuff about any problems they cause.