Sound advice
Congrats on tying the knot Dewix,
From the info you did provide, to save yourself a world of hurt in the long haul, (I'm sure someone's speech at your wedding reminded you that her family are now your family)
as a bare minimum follow the sound advice from several other posters above:
1. Don't waste time fixing up every thing, go for a fresh install (time allocation: 2 pints +? for installing apps)
2. Harden her preferred browser with the suggestions by the venerable rm -rf *.*, ghostery and self-destructing cookies also recommended to minimise her browser slow down and reduce future attack vectors. If she likes watching the occasional cat video on youtube, add to her bookmarks.
(time allocation: 1 pint)
3. Change her user account to remove useless start up apps and remove admin privileges.
4. Setup remote management so you can do future maintenance from home via VNC (3&4: time allocation 1 pint)
5. Use carbon copy cloner to make a fully functional back up, so no matter what happens you never have to sit around your inlaws drinking pints on sunday afternoon unless mandated by law. (time allocation: Sunday Roast)
As several people have mentioned, AV on it's own isn't worth a whole lot and probably won't save you from tech support emergencies during an FA cup final.