* Posts by Steve 76

15 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Apr 2011

Don't touch me up there! Photoshop creator appeals for 'ethical' use

Steve 76

Re: Bring out the GIMP!

And, it's free, as in free beer

Nokia Lumia 925: The best Windows Phone yet

Steve 76

I'm waiting for that Windows XP Phone

Or, Windows 3.1 would be cool retro

Microsoft teases possible Jan. 29 launch for Office 2013

Steve 76

New Office!

Meh. . .

EU-wide mega-Leveson 'needed' to silence Press, bloggers

Steve 76


Three words for Europe: Bill of Rights

You can copy ours, USA, it's not copyrighted

". . .no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Office 2013 now available for some home users

Steve 76

Reality Check

So how many times must we re-locate cut and paste and call it amazing and revolutionary?

Dawn probe slips Vesta's grip, heads for icy dwarf planet

Steve 76

Lucy, you got some splainin to do. . .

Planet, draft planet, baby planet, large asteroid.

The boffins need to get their cover stories strait on this one, or will we just not talk about Pluto any further?

Microsoft claims Windows Server 2012 is 'first cloud OS'

Steve 76


Does this mean another generic noun is now Microsoft's and Microsoft's alone?

Redmond revamp: Bing gets social bling

Steve 76

Bing, like the Zune, is something you would only use by mistake.

Five ways Microsoft can rescue Windows Phone

Steve 76

Pity Microsoft

Microsoft's problem is they are the IBM of the 21st Century. Everywhere, but desired by none.

No young consumer wants a product for having Microsoft embossed or installed on it.

GM Volt e-car battery safe, say feds

Steve 76
Black Helicopters

Not surprised

The government finds that a car built by Government Motors (GM) is just fine. What a happy outcome for all!

Microsoft injects Windows 7 mojo into server biz

Steve 76

It's 1995 Again

"...to make Microsoft cool again."

Too funny. More like make Microsoft thinks it's cool again.

Buy some blue you're the 21st Century's IBM.

Microsoft copies Google with silent browser updates

Steve 76
Black Helicopters

IE? What's that for?

I should be outraged, but then I never use IE and find a good fire wall can block any MS traffic.

22,000 'freetards' escape Hurt Locker piracy suit

Steve 76

"...14,583 netizens for allegedly illegally downloading the movie."

I think that's more people than theater attendees for this movie. It came and the public rushed away in droves.

Estimated gross of $12 million in the USA.

Fight global warming with Asimov-style Psychohistory - profs

Steve 76
Black Helicopters

Well Said

People are pragmatic and will respond if practical solutions are presented. (I hope I don't have to add that by practical that means options selected by democratically elected representatives and not a group of supposed elitist in a university or bureaucrats in Brussels.)