'available reliably'
Adjacent to a National Grid HV (275kv and up) Stepdown installation.
It's the backbone of the grid, with power availability from all possible sources.
461 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Apr 2011
'This is looking more and more like possibly the largest, most meticulously planned trolling operation of all time.'
Maybe trolling but I wouldn't say well planned. I have energy company shares which grew and then dropped 30% above and then back to the intrinsic value of the company over the last month.
That's a bubble.
Far more damage would have been done if that bubble was allowed to grow to the point major investment was actually made (dot com bubble anyone?).
That's poor planning for a trolling operation so adds weight to the authenticity of the claims. The perpetrators of the troll would gain more if they had waited.
'Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris as his running mate on a pre-determined goal of finding a woman of color to be his running mate rather than the best fit that he knew for the post. By stating that goal out loud, it should have fallen afoul of anti-discrimination laws'
I'm a little troubled by this statement but don't know enough about American politics to challenge it. Perhaps you can clarify?
As I understand it, the President doesn't employ the Vice President, they select a candidate for the voters to elect. The President/Vice President are then presumably employed by the Senate etc ( whatever is the rough equivalent of the UK 'State') when they are elected to that position.
If that is actually the case, why then would it fall foul of the laws?
Politicians not only need to have a base set of skills over and above that they need to appeal to a specific demographic, this would appear to fly in the face of any anti discrimination laws in place.
In short, wouldn't they be specifically exempt due to this specific and pragmatic requirement?
TDS? My, aren't we on vogue with the comebacks! Unfortunately for you it missed completely as I was clearly referring solely to Musk.
I'll let you in on a little secret, between me, you and the lampost, I was being facetious.
What respect I had for Musk is disappearing rapidly, primarily as he appears to be unwilling to own his public behaviour. It's my personal view of his ethical and moral behaviour, politics have nothing to do with that, that's your baggage.
'And why would Trump put his weight behind a project he will never see the end of, given his age?'
Same could be said for Musk, he is moving into the back end of the bellcurve and you don't know what is going on with his health.
All the money in the world is not going to help if your time is up. Jobs would probably attest to that if he was still around.
I'm sure I saw Musk's heels clicking together when he was 'waving' to the crowd yesterday, maybe he was wishing his way to wonderland, yeah, I'm sure that was the reason.
P.S. I do hope El Reg makes that image the default of Musky going forward, it's quite flattering....
'They are all out for their personal selves.'
Of course they are, everybody is out for their personal selves, it's a property of being human and it's naive to believe otherwise. Yet we suspend this truth and expect something else from our leaders and public servants.
The yardstick is how much you believe the person can act in the interest of all and to what extent, rather than solely for themselves directly or indirectly.
Sadly this belief and acceptance of them all solely acting in their personal interest is why the world ends up with 'leaders' like Trump. Lump them all together like that and we will end up with a world of Trumps _Shudder_.
Ok, fair spot. Been some time since I was heavily involved in the legislation aspects of safety.
Where I have stated Act, substitute Heath and Safety Management Regulations ( which are effectively the practical instructions for persons or organisations to manage their obligations under the Act) and my posts will be more accurate.
This is where the threshold is set and defines the more formal steps required of an organisation in managing H+S. Below this level, nothing is required to be documented so proving negligence would be more problematic. For instance, you can claim to have risk assessed a particular activity but as it is undocumented its difficult to prove you have not or that it is inadequate. Above the threshold the organisation is required that ( and produce evidence of ) they follow POPMAR - Policy, Organisation, Personnel, Management, Audit and Review.
My original point still stands though, the law does recognise of size of the business in the case of an H&S breach.
Again, you are wrong. The Act applies as stated previously therefore 'the law does make recognition of size of the business in the case of an H&S breach.'
That doesn't mean to say that just because you have less employees than specified you are are absolved of all responsibilities. It the case of your ludicrous ' selling out of date food' scenario the 'Act' wouldn't apply for any size of organisation however other legislation would. Most likely in that case it would be covered by Trading Standards legislation.
In the case of 'someone gets killed or injured in a place of business because the business owner is negligent' other overlapping legislation would apply if the organisation is smaller than the stated requirements but not the H+S at Work Act.
'our 'leaders' can blame Russia/China for the resulting black-start and not their own incompetence wrt UK energy policy.'
'Yesterday saw a blackout near miss in what turned out to be the tightest day the GB electricity market has seen since 2011. '
As the first line of defense, certain industries / users are contractually obliged, financially penalized or even just cut off if the don't reduce load on demand when requested by Grid.
You appear to be using black-start and blackout as inextricably linked or one and the same thing. Black-start is essentially restarting a section or sections of the grid.
In the event of a major failure, NG protection would immediately section that problematic part of the grid. That would result in a blackout for that particular section.The black-start would then be confined to that particular section / region.
Multiple sections can black-start relatively quickly in parallel running as independent frequency 'islands', supplying the local regions ( with probable limitations in place).
Its the frequency matching and reintegration to the grid which would probably take a longer period but you would not be sitting there in a blackout as seems to be suggested.
Well the clear difference is that Obama was answering a specific question at one press conference and was quite clear that the decision was up to the UK citizens to decide, rather than unprompted, just spaffing misinformation and personal insults across a social network.
That's probably why you don't recall a significant reaction from 'those' ( whoever 'those' are ), but I suspect you already knew that.
'I get the criticism. At the same time: Musk is pointing out the bloody obvious.'
I fail to see how your power prices and Musk's trolling are interconnected.
Given that 88% of your power is from Hydro and your national generation is pretty much self sufficient, I would strongly suspect your interconnectors are primarily used for export. Your pricing is driven by the larger market.
If you want cheap power, lobby your government for preferential rates or spend some of that sovereign wealth fund on some CCGTs and power them from your extensive gas fields.
Please don't put 2+2 together to get 5.
'I guess he's entitled to his opinion just like all those outside the US who have or still do criticise & insult DJT.'
Interesting view but not really what I was alluding to. I was referring to his championing of AfD in Germany and Reform in the UK. Both parties which could be considered to the right in politics.
I credit him with being far more than DJT's attack dog (DJT has shown he is more than capable there). I believe Musk knows he has DJT in his pocket and is now pushing out to further his business goals and Mars ambitions.
The new Computer Misuse act and similar legislation in Europe appears to have him rattled.
I think it's reasonable to assume he is aware of geopolitical reasons given his recent hobby of jumping 'two booted' into western countries national politics.
Given that he appears to have gained significant influence over US politics he seems to believe he can achieve it elsewhere.
The reason why? I can only assume it feeds into his grand vision regarding Mars. I can't see that there is no ulterior motive for this. Like him or not, he is too smart for there not to be a specific driver behind it.
'The Register welcomes our new alien overlords and would like to remind them that as a trusted tech news website, our staff could be helpful in rounding up others to toil at whatever tasks they require.'
Please include me in this group and would just like to add I already have a pre prepared list of suitable candidates for 'gang probing'!
' I'm not sure that Neuromancer has enough material to last for ten hours or so.'
Gibson's writing style is pretty dense and would allow some world building around the key narrative but I think the key thing is a good show runner who would be prepared to get away from the episode arc and more towards a series arc. Much like The Wire or Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul where there doesn't have to be some manufactured sub conclusion or cliff hanger at the end of every episode. The story arc is across the series.
I think its pretty clear these flights are still a test programme, albeit with huge strides being made on each flight so far, ( it's really not that long ago that they destroyed the launch pad!). If you are not currently carrying payload why would you load unnecessary fuel? You would load as per the intended flight profile.
Regarding the payload estimates, I am sure these come from an extremely capable engineering team, its just that Musk chooses to personally articulate it to the public, I suppose he feels he can as majority Space X shareholder and top gobshite, not many in the organisation are likely to strenuously object.
From the BBC article
'Up to £21.7bn will subsidise three projects on Teesside and Merseyside to support the development of the clusters, including the infrastructure to transport and store carbon.
It will also support two transport and storage networks carrying captured carbon to deep geological storage in Liverpool Bay and the North Sea.'
It also indicates this money is committed over 25 years.
So it's 5 projects across at least 2 disparate locations over a 25 year timeframe.
Not really the picture you were painting ehh?
MVA and KVA are the standard nomenclature used in heavy power distribution rather than expression in Watts so my guess is that the developer is directly quoting an NG document to sound cool.
Also, I am extremely skeptical that they have secured that capacity from an as yet to be built substation due to the facts that a. Their project might never happen and NG will be completely aware of this and b. That kind of capacity would commit the majority, if not all of a significant substation build.
Typical developer over embellishments.
Seems an entirely rational test to me.
Data from four suits on how they perform in hard vacuum and from two where there is the additional thermal stress of solar exposure.
Equally, the last thing you would want on a mission is for someone ( effectively a total novice), to be overwhelmed and panic outside the craft.
Maintaining close contact with the craft makes complete sense.
Good to hear you voted, even if it was for Beaker Farage.
Anyone can have _conviction_ ( just ask any guest of HM Prison Service) what is really required is a plan and integrity, neither of which Farage has shown any semblance of possessing.
If you accept dismissal of a party representative as an 'actor' or claims of a media setup in response to an unacceptable situation they have been caught up in as a straight answer then good luck with your choices of leaders in life.
Again, glad to hear you voted.
'I'm willing to bet that at least one of the commercial fusion companies out there will have a net energy positive reactor, if not an operational plant connected to the grid, before ITER's first plasma.'
So much so you are willing to invest your own cold hard cash?
Because that is what the private enterprise projects require and to be frank, the narrative coming out of them will tend towards the more wildly optimistic to attract that investment.
I see ITER more as a collaborative humanity project, hopefully with all the subsequent spin offs that past projects such as the race to the Moon have generated.
I don't think anyone believed the initial budget estimates and timescales, especially the involved States.
Funnily enough, not simply accepting an argument from authority. That is the part of that seems entirely unreasonable to me. Particularly as that authority is the highest court in our land.
As the whole purpose of our courts is to establish what is reasonable within the scope of our laws you would appear to be putting him above that, but of course, not actually making any excuse.
Just simply muddying the waters while trying to appear reasonable.
No you haven't actually made excuses.
What you have done is call into question the legality of the whole process of which it is fact that it has been argued in our top ( Supreme) court and found to be valid that, in principle and through bi lateral agreement he can be extradited to the US.
Isn't that clear enough for you? Or are you just labouring the point again out of a sense of mischief? And if you can draw some parallel of this situation with Putin, all the better?
No, that question doesn't trouble me. The question that troubles me is how can one person's hubris result in such a massive waste of public resource?
The legality was established by the relevant courts long ago.
And by the way, your Putin analogy is utter bollocks.
He IS the biggest bully who DOES ride roughshod over international law, if you can't see that then you would appear to be a serial apologist for the worlds loony tunes or just a windup merchant.
Which is it?
'I agree it’s not quite as bad as the naive version I described, but nor is it as good as your version either.'
It wasn't a naive version you described, to be blunt, it was completely misleading. I wasn't aware I painted a particularly rosy picture either. I just stated the facts on how H2 in the real world is currently generated on an industrial scale.
The rest of your post? Frankly I don't have the time nor inclination to shoot it down other than to say it may superficially look impressive however having read and re read it, I realise it's just word soup with a side of numerics.
'Most of the energy from oxidising the carbon atoms is simply flared off in the cracking plant.'
Not the case.
Natural gas is mixed with steam and passes through a heated vessel called a reformer. The gas and steam mix 'cracks' with the vast majority of the H2 being recovered is liberated from the steam. The remaining gas, generally referred to as offgas (heavy in CO) will combust again. It is recirculated and combusted to heat the reformer.
Yes, CO2 is produced but not in the wasteful and inefficient manner suggested.
Yes really....
I don't need to show my working, I'm not the one making clearly contradictory statements.
There is a whole global electricity market based on the concept of base and transitory load and I spent 15 years of my career within the generation industry so I have practical experience and first hand knowledge of power generation on a national scale as opposed to reading and believing the opinion of some obscure Looney Tune with an axe to grind on Google.
A reliable power generation scheme requires dispatchable and controllable generation capability A. To power the grid itself ( switching etc) B. To meet essential power load, and C. to manage and control grid frequency, all these represent the minimal base load requirements.
There's nothing mythical about that...
'Before anyone says baseload. its a myth. No-one has even even put a number on what Baseload needs to be'
Curious how you state categorically that Baseload is a myth and can be addressed by renewables when you openly claim that it hasn't or can't be quantified.
Even massive over provisioning still wouldn't cope, a completely impractical and nonsense idea.
'None of these posters have any realistic knowledge of Julian Assange's actual character.'
Very true, but since he has sought publicity at every opportunity, most people with even a passing interest in the subject have enough knowledge to make a rational judgement on his character.
An alternate view is that he scurried off to the forbearance of a mid sized state he had managed to gaslight when his personal legal situation got too hot for him. It is fact that they, having more than enough time to form a realistic knowledge of his actual character, withdrew their support and booted him out.
Personally I believe the Australian motion to be rather pointless. There is nothing stopping his Australian family visiting him in Belmarsh or the US. Or the British family he has managed to form during his years of self generated incarceration for that matter.
'You've managed to quote one of two definitions for "ablative". In referring to grammar, "the ablative" is indeed the form of the noun/adjective that shows by whom or what something is done.'
Yes, and I have used it in the sense that it is the surfaces where the frictional heat is carried away. This doesn't have to be via attrition of material it can equally be done via emission of radiation which is the method employed by the Complex Matrix Composites system.
I was clarifying to John Robson that I was not referring to tiles, I was crystal clear in referring to 'surfaces' but I am sure he doesn't need your help with understanding that.
I don't doubt the historical use of the terms but as you have already confirmed my accuracy i don't think it's necessary for me to contact SpaceX and NASA though I am sure they would appreciate you speaking on their behalf. I'm also sure they would appreciate your potted history as well, I however was already up on it.
Again, in the interests of accuracy over pedantry-
'the form of a noun, pronoun, or adjective that in some languages, for example Latin, shows by whom or what something is done, or where something comes from:'
I also stated 'ablative surfaces' as opposed to 'tiles'
It's my understanding that the tiles used in this system are not meant to melt or evaporate but meant to exploit their extremely low thermal conductivity property to protect against the frictional heat generated.