I too understood the article
I'm pleased to report, like many others, that I understand the gist of the authors article and that it is indeed 'Pro Nuclear'.
Further, and in reference to your points, I'm happy that the decommissioning process in Wales is sustaining so many future jobs - well done nuclear industry.
Indeed, I'm happy to go on record and request that the UK build all its proposed nuclear reactors and a heck of a lot more at the two sites mentioned and any other suitable sites.
Further, I'd welcome the nuclear waste depository centre also built in Wales.
This adds up to a lot of investment, a lot of skilled jobs and work for many for a century or so - ALL THIS I'D WELCOME.
Not only would I welcome all this construction and full-time jobs, I'd also welcome the construction of the 'Severn Barrage' and numerous jobs that would create - not to mention the fact that this alone could generate in the region of 5-10% of the UK's energy requirements depending on its siting, construction method and turbines utilised to maximise power efficiency.
Now, all this construction will cost X amount of lives lost - a fact of life, it will supply work and it will supply investment - hopefully, as a nuclear powerhouse and hydro-powerhouse, the knock on effects would be great.
Now obviously, living in Wales I may glow a little at night and grow two heads - the growing of two heads evidently would increase my IQ no end, as that of my offspring.
Now, if you also wish to install wind turbines, offshore turbines and wave powered infrastructure, I'm confident Wales could supply 100% of the UK's energy requirements if the transmission infrastructure were in place.
Stop moaning, and face the facts, you want energy, this energy production costs people their lives, leaves a mess and costs money.
Rather than being a nimby, I'd welcome all this, if only to make up for the fact that having extracted most coal at considerable loss of life, my country was effectively abandoned to the winds.
So please, do call me a nuclear nut, also call me a green - facts are facts and to-date one person has died at Fukushima, obviously not of radiation contamination, others have been contaminated and the place is a bit of a mess with loads of radioactive water all over the show - whether this is a significant health hazard has yet to be determined - and if it is, this is the price we pay for our cozy lifestyles.
Also, in the time it took me to write this, how many individuals have died on the roads, met a violent death, or basically just dropped dead - quite a few I bet.
So, well done Lewis, you have been factual, not downplayed the risks and clearly indicated all along that all sectors of industry are dangerous - and that means catching the underground to go to work in London - indeed, its estimated that during Winter a large number of 'he men' drop dead of a heart attack from not protecting themselves against the cold - my suggestion, close the underground and save these poor souls who needlessly die on their way to the office - a health hazard in its own right.