* Posts by Feralmonkey

25 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Apr 2011

Did Mitt Romney really get 117,000 REAL Twitter followers in ONE DAY?

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Given the fact that many of the people that are looking to Romney have at best only heard of twitter peripherally there is the third possibility that many of them signed up when they were asked to at a rally or some other such place I myself only signed on to twitter to follow a few celebrity chefs and an artist I like and have only tweeted 3 or 4 times in the couple of years that I have been signed up. are there fakes out there yup did Romney and Obama get some who knows they can't be certain, so saying that they did without being able to show definitively is irresponsible at best.

IT guy answers daughter's Facebook rant by shooting her laptop


so I assume you don't own a weapon?

Steve Jobs action figure set for shop shelves


OH goody

yet another thing to put on my disown and try to slowly poison anyone who buys this list.

Inventor flames Reg, HP in memristor brouhaha


what I am curious about is why Mouttet is upset because the person who thought up the theory expanded it don't theories expand and contract with new knowledge all the time?

Globe slowly warming, insists 'Hansen's Bulldog'


Sorry but if Tamino is involved it is wrong and there is no way to fix it he is of the Gaia orthodoxy and because of that he cannot be trusted to report anything correctly.

Climategate 2.0: Fresh trove of embarrassing emails


P.S. co 2 is the only issue those who would tax the very air we breath care about and the only issue that your beloved "climate scientists" hang anything on they know they can't make a legitimate argument about any thing else so the play with and tweak models till they get the output they want and rush to the nearest microphone.


number 2 this since we started looking at it on 1959 and the trend has been the same since the early 1800's http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/#mlo_full

number 3 from a real scientists web page http://www.drroyspencer.com/2009/01/increasing-atmospheric-co2-manmade%E2%80%A6or-natural/

in addition there is this scroll down about halfway on the page it shows the total number (I was low by .225% curse me) http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/greenhouse_data.html

number 4 models are trash and my statement wasn't about models so you need to clarify this or hush.

and finally number 5 I am not disagreeing with virtually every scientist in the world a bunch of overbearing narcissists that call themselves "climate scientists" yes but there are several scientific disciplines (geologists for one) where the majority of those scientists say the "climate scientists" are wrong. then there are over 31,000 scientists who have signed their names and placed their credentials to paper who say that co2 has at best minimal influence on real temperature.



number 1 wrong it does not cause warming it does slow down cooling a bit or this rock would be lifeless.

number 2 the increase has been steady since well before industrialization.

number 3 mankind's annual output of CO2 is less than 3% of the total amount released into the atmosphere.

number 4 yes the planet is getting a little bit (roughly 1 degree c over the last 140 years) warmer and that is the result of coming out of a widely known phenomenon called the little ice age.

number 5 see number 4.


"98% of climate scientists = conspiracy o noez #"

First off the claim is 97% and if you look at that 97% they sent out over 10,000 surveys they got back just over 3000 and they still couldn't get the number they wanted so they started pruning the numbers it eventually got down to 75 out of 77 and that is where they got the 97% of climate scientists garbage if you believe that number I have some wonderful swampland in the dead center of the Sahara to sell you and just for you I will give you a 97% discount on it.

Kindle Fire: An open letter to Jeff Bezos

Paris Hilton


Every person that thinks that the kindle fire was an Ipad competitor is a twit, and compared to the Nook tablet the fire is out.

Naked vegans target Prince Harry over meaty 12-incher



they look like meat eaters to me.

US doctors demand right to advise on gun ownership

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in many U.S. states you mast take a firearms safety course before buying a firearm there is in my state.

Steve Jobs named most influential game guy – ever

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Jobs shouldn't even be in the top 50 and the Iphone maybe the top 30 but not the top spot.

iPad baby baffled by paper magazine


We're not obsessed with writing garbage

you seem to be here writing garbage now so it seems to me that your definition of sexually active is probably left or right hand.

CERN: 'Climate models will need to be substantially revised'


you could not be more wrong if you tried

there are BILLIONS from all the suckers in politics to be milked by saying that man has warmed the planet and they are proposing fixes that cost in the trillions sorry but Shell doesn't have the kind of money or real power to give these people.



First anyone that refers to Wikipedia for anything that is slightly controversial deserves to be belittled and in general derided, there are many studies that show that there are more acres of forest in North America that there were 150 years ago and that is increasing all the time.

Microsoft vs Google patent ding dong gets stuck on repeat


Jealous much?

WOW sounds like somebody is worried that Gates has A bigger...... well anyway the point I am going to make is Bill did not steal the Idea from Xerox that was done by a man named JOBS (history will bite you in the A$$ if you don't care to read it) Gates did steal it from Jobs but lets get the order correct OK.

Sci/tech MPs want peer review, not pal review



The reason they "saw no evidence of any deliberate scientific malpractice in any of the work of the Climatic Research Unit" is because the people doing the examination were on the UEA payroll and had been a part of the CRU, in other words a whitewash from start to end.

CERN 'gags' physicists in cosmic ray climate experiment

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Wrong John

The Climatgate emails were apparently released by an insider not by a hacker at least that's what the police said. They show what is wrong with politically sponsored science, that is the scientists become hostage of a political ideology and too often ignore results that counter what they are "supposed" to find. This helps them keep their job but corrupts science on a horrendous scale.


do you know the difference?

I know the difference between climate and weather unfortunately most AGW alarmists heretofore referred to as warmista's don't, every weather event in the world is proof of AGW and that is ANY event warm or cold ie snow covered most of the northern hemisphere even areas that haven't seen snow in a century it is proof that the planet is warming dangerously (never mind that is colder in those area's than it has been in a CENTURY.)


UM no

studies have shown that CO2 has been a great deal higher (in some cases as much as 3 times current levels) in the past when life (mammalian and reptilian and aquatic) was very abundant so limiting it at a time when geologically speaking the earth is starved for CO2 is ill advised at best.

Earth may be headed into a mini Ice Age within a decade



Um no we have been saying that climate changes and mankind can do piss all to stop it or push it around co2 is the only greenhouse gas that mankind puts into the atmosphere in any real quantities so that was the only thing the warmista's could hang their religion on with the sun going quiet their religion will go just as quiet.



sorry but according to recent science the ice ages started in as little as 20 years not 10's of thousands.

Billionaire Zuckerberg kills to eat



He just needs to go talk to Ted Nugent and Uncle Ted will teach him how to kill it then grill it.

Fukushima fearmongers are stealing our Jetsons future


HHHMMMMMM I wonder how france handles that

Think about this, the thing that France has done the best at besides eating rich food drinking lots of wine and surrendering at the drop of a hat is handle and reprocess nuclear fuel how do they do it 80% of their juice is from........wait for it.........NUCLEAR wow so do you think that they have piles of waste in the farmland or maybe they just figured out a good way of dealing with it.