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452 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Mar 2011
My 2 100lb German Shepards would disable or destroy the ground based robot in under 5 seconds, especially if it emitted the slightest whirring noise (which I assume it would), not just because as puppies they where teased with RC cars, but because I think most dogs would think it was an evil vacuum cleaner gone Terminator.
The 12 colonies were spread out among 4 stars in the Cyrannus star system Helios Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gama
As with everything sci-fi, fans have made numerous elaborate and visually pleasing posters/infographics complete with shipping lanes moons, outposts etc.
Launching material off the moon might be relatively easy, and maybe even mining it won't be to hard, but most of our ore refining methods rely heavily on gravity separations (at least at some point). That's a whole lot of new (and heavy) equipment to design and ship to the moon before you get your first batch of moon-metals.
Media trying to control the narrative? Well at least it isn't the jews ...oh wait.
And before I get perma-banned for being 'literally Hitler' look at the concentration of ownership in of the media westerner countries, the bias is real regardless whom of might be doing it. They all spit out the same narrative day after day, even Al-Jazz does this (RT the same but with a Rusksie anti-american slant), AP releases a clip/bite, everyone parrots, then relentlessly shoots down any independent opposition as 'a conspiracy' or freaks out about some autistic 400lb'ers on 4chan (Trump) with the frog memes (Hillary).
Here is an oldie, but a good example
The worst part is no one f-ing seems to care. Poor Orwell, he was absorbed in the Huxley merger of 9/11.
'No, but we can choose simply to not fund idiocy.'
Ever drive a Ford, use an IBM device, Siemens, Bayer or BASF product, Hugo Boss etc? Companies with decent products have long supported some form of idiocy or disagreeable ideals. I'd claim you'd have to leave the planet behind to avoid being a hypocrite, but that tech started with some questionable characters as well.
Stop teasing us with headlines like that! I glanced at it and for a brief second, and had hopes that just about the coolest thing ever had happened overnight. Once the first bits of caffeine kicked in and my eyes focused on the first sentence, I realized I'd been tricked again into reading about reality. Quite interesting stuff, but where my frigg'n stargate already.
'abandon Facebook, but for many it's the only way to keep up with remote family'
Whew. Does making an account with that particular demon still require an e-mail account and presumably an ISP? If yes, then viewing 6 million ads just to get in contact with someone you know is not necessary, e-mail groups and lists work fine, and are ad free. Do you just want to troll around and spam what you ate for lunch? Carry on.
No need for the nuclear countermeasure if you don't encourage the cancer to begin with.
Larry Ellison, Zuckerberg, Jobs, googles entire staff, and numerous Microsoft execs ( specifically the one's who's idea it was to nag me for a year about 'upgrading' ) might disagree, it would not surprise me at all to find out they started their careers as professional douchebags.
Possibly, the only problem is that my doggies seem to have made friends with the bears (or at least signed some sort of non aggression pact that I missed), they are a bunch or retrievers though, I wouldn't put anything past them that does not involve extra sleeping or much past getting extra puppy treats
We are talking about Eastern Euros and Russians here Mark, different set of rules and upbringing, SHIT I let that slip! call the PC police and ban me! I'm sure there are some 'false flag' injections of ads here or there, but this just looks like some guy and his co-workers and PHB, who thought it would get a laugh, not a sacrifice on the Tumblr alter
This apologising shit has got to end, you cannot comment on, or do anything without some faggot being so ass-pained that they try to make a federal case out of either a) a bad joke, or b) your opinion which they don't agree with. I read somewhere awhile back that some 40% of millennials would agree to peeling back to 1st amendment if it meant no more rude people on the internet. I declared my home a politically incorrect zone years ago, it's getting so ridiculous now that I might need to a build a wall of some sort or something...I already live in the woods
'The Apple Watch keeps perfect time'
For about 12-18hrs depending on usage. My TimeX s-l225 self-winder has kept good time for 40 years (it was a hand me down) and has never let me down, the only drawback is I can't use the now frequent "my watch/mobile died" excuse if I'm horribly late.
What's worse? The fact that the developers didn't bother to write in exceptions for every sensitive historical spot on the planet which may or may not have a museum or memorial, or that fact that some dumb-ass feels the need to whip out their Iphone at Auschwitz instead of trying to grasp the sites significance?
"..if you regard sociology as a joke subject...as they use sociology and psychology to manipulate you without your knowing."
My opinion of sociology is that in the last 20 years (my observable timeframe) is that it has indeed become a joke, and is now on par intellectually with images and memes generated by 4chan. I can say with some confidence that that I can spot this bullshit a mile away. The only noticeable effect on my behavior is excessive eye rolling and added disgust that my tax dollars help subsidize what are essentially hugbox/daycare programs for young adults.
"The gas will have a 'temperature' but any atom/molecule will have it's own (and changing) velocity"
I'm pretty sure that is the gist of it, if I remember correctly one could talk about a temperature for a large molecule, in effect relating the sum of all it's vibrational modes to the equilibrium state of the ambient environment, although I have no clue where or if that comes in handy anywhere. This stuff was 20 years ago for me, and the only thing fresh in my mind is the traumatizing brain tangles and PTLSD (post thermodynamic lectures stress disorder).
...except where's the quote that goes something like this:
"We expect to see this reach the consumer market in about 5 years"
All kidding aside, this type of research sounds great not only for better batteries, but for materials engineering in general. The more insight there is on how nanoparticles behave the better, and hopefully it get us one step closer to manufacturing that magic space elevator material to boot.
You can fix that to some extent apparently:
Why Microsoft decided to go full retard and decided to include all the ridiculous facebook/instagram tier options by default is beyond me. Why not just have a simple 'classic look' option like win 7 does? Did someone in marketing think "Wow, I bet people who have been using windows for the last 20+ years would really love to spend a few extra hours of install time getting a look and feel they want!". Scratch that last comment, it's ms business as usual.
So... this the research produced when the 'millennials' graduate. Do vampires get their own pronouns as well? Wouldn't want to hurt any vampire feelings by just calling them out for being delusional tumblrite snowflakes, and also risk getting labeled cis-species bigots (or is it anti-vampite these days?).
I want of this ride.
Thank god my new car will not only check my blinds spots, park, reverse, and brake for me, it will now make legal decisions for me! I thank all the organizations involved for reminding me I'm a born criminal just waiting to offend, there's just no way I could keep myself from constantly driving drunk and mowing down children. I hope they develop sensors for my house that calls the SWAT team if I raise my voice after a drink, I could be on the verge of shooting up the neighborhood. Maybe some systems could be in place that keeps me home from work if abnormal stress is detected in the morning as well, I maybe ready to assault someone. /sarcasm
Also what happens if the sensor is damaged/malfunctioning? I assume the by default the car would be disabled, and you're SOL in an emergency. I also assume failed attempts to start the car are logged and definitely not forwarded to your insurance company (auto and health), police and other interested parties.
Gold Rush was a classic. I still remember starving to death many many times aboard a ship to Panama because I couldn't figure out how to eat a pig that was running around the deck. Finally I typed "GRAB THE PIG" and it worked, who would have thought? It must have been a great game for me to still have that in my head over 25 years later.
- won over fifty PC Game of the Year awards
- IGN ranked Half-Life as the number one greatest first-person shooter of all time, stating that "When you look at the history of first-person shooters, it all breaks down pretty cleanly into pre-Half-Life and post-Half-Life eras."
HL was a game changer when it was released, I (like a lot of gamers) bought my first 3d add-on card specifically for the HL. Half-life also spawned CounterStrike, arguably they greatest online multiplayer of the last 15years. HL's mod community was and still is huge, with many modder maps becoming instant online classics. I can't believe it didn't get a mention.