* Posts by Monsieurmarc

9 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Mar 2011

Broadcom reveals $20 'Pi in the sky' IoT development widget


Re: £30 isn't bad though

its the fact that 12 of it is postage that really irritates me



To buy one from mouser once you add VAT and shipping its £30

Not feeling so cheap now sadly.

Bletchley Park spat 'halts work on rare German cipher machine'


I believe the National Radio Centre is at BP as a separate attraction also.

I wonder how that is working out?

Volunteers slam plans to turn Bletchley Park into 'geeky Disneyland'


Re: Time for The Register to weigh in methinks.


Radio society responds to radio selloff



No beard here either. Just a touch of stubble.

I am however a relatively new and young Amateur Radio enthusiast.

Like a lot of my fellow young and old Amateur Radio users I work in IT and love to see how things work, write my own software and generally hack around. With radios I like to see how things work, build my own equipment and hack around.

I am a little surprised by the amount of amateur bashing that does occur on here as there is very little difference between computer enthusiasts and radio ones. We all love new technology, gadgets... they just happen to be different ones.

Lets have a little love for the Hams even if we want to ban your power line networking devices ;-)

Ofcom forced to publish tests on dodgy radio kit



I haven't met your wife but mine is no fan of cable or antenna so I feel your pain.

These devices could be built to minimise interference however as with all things they are built down to a price with the obvious consequences. Your non free ones maybe well behave well in comparison to the give away device. But unless the test results are published it would be very difficult for you to make an informed decision.

That is another problem caused by ofcoms obfuscation of the facts.

If wifi doesnt work for you and cat5 = divorce there are no easy alternatives at this point.

Unless any of your surrounding neigbours have large antenna that might indicate they are Radio HAMS I would do nothing and see how it comes out in the wash.

If you think a neighbor might be have a chat with him it would be easy to determine if you are causing a problem and discuss a solution. (like turning them off during certain time windows perhaps so he can do his thing).

Hams tend to be reasonable guys and don't blame the consumers.



You are correct these things are available in the U.S.

The FCC was sued for redacting data that would of shed doubt on their decision to allow their use.

Sounds familar.



This kind of interference not only disrupts amateurs it can disrupt emergency services, baby monitors and many others.

Further sales of these devices should be suspended there are plenty of alternatives available.


Why Care

Because a suitable saturation of these things will also interfere with Emergency services for instance.