* Posts by gurmit

5 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Mar 2011

Nokia wants to build the Google of human behaviour - and share it


it makes you want to go back to dumb phones again that just make calls and text messages. we dont want to be tracked / analysed/ spammed.

How Nokia managed to drive its in-house Linux train off the rails


Re: From the article

approaching a cliff edge yes, but he did not help to turn it around, just pushed it off the cliff edge

What is the Nokia Secret Plan if Windows 8 isn't Windows gr8?


do you think it would have been different if he choose Android instead of MS, and kept maemo / meego going. YES i think, i for one would have bought a nokia (like N9) with android. I think elop failed to factor in that a lot of people detest MS, since we've had to put up with their desktop software for too many years. Any chance a consumer can choose something other than Windows, then they will, human nature to like something different. He did the right thing with Symbian, but should not have not made that public (very BAD). Seems to me somone at the helm should know basic common sense like that. He did the right thing with aquiring smarterphone, since s40 was a mess. seems to me that elop is somone who wants success but makes mistakes, he's good and bad if that makes sense. maybe the MS deal was too good to turn down, don't forget MS paid nokia to adopt it. i fear the worst for nokia since people won't move from android or ios, since they've already has their MS experince for past 20 or so years, your flogging a dead horse with that. people are not too fussed by a super dooper camera that makes the phone thicker. its hard to see what a good plan b is now.

Amazon's Android-friendly Kindle Fire splutters


Is java just not up to scratch ?

people keep saying that anything written in java is never quite as polished, it always has that feel of being only 95% completed.

will this means android will always play second fiddle to iOS.

im sure amazon have just as good coders as apple, but then this seems similar to the nokia case when then continued with symbian c++, and look what happened there.

Nokia talks Pure typographic cobblers


No need to tell anyone

While its competitors are producing the likes of ipad2, and other fancy features, this is such a minor thing that its not worth posting about. Nokia should have kept this behind closed doors and just released the font in some new version of software. Maybe some Nokia users would have noticed it , but most of would not. Really the font is something that anyone hardly cares about on a phone.

Another Nokia Quango. Please just concentrate and making phones that people would like to buy.