>While there's no sign of pricing
They're $139 @ TenQ....
240 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Mar 2011
>Just like there is a likewise unsaturable market for similarly priced handbags...........goods that the vast majority of the population doesn't really need and only buys because....
Past tense required, you're describing a consumer boom - now credit and disposable income no longer flow so freely. Its a bad time to be selling tablets, but a much worse time to be flogging fashion handbags......
>Is there really an endless market for 400+ quid devices that refresh yearly with few operator subsidies or cheap contracts?
Not in the EU - in fact here operators are bracing for the impact of huge numbers of defaults on Credit Agreements for high end phones and tablets....likewise the downward spiraling credit scores of the unwashed masses is impacting directly on new pay monthly contracts.
>stop now with the rather stupid 'Foxconn rebrander' description.?
I also object to this - they mostly are rebranding Samsung kit these days.
>if you stopped juvenile idots posting there would hardly be any comments at all.
I had to look idot up, must be getting old:
>I've still never understood why Sky is such a success though.
.....because people like live sports, new films and slick shows from HBO and you won't be able to watch the latter on Freeview for at least another couple of years.
>But if the longshot is that we now have Freeview as a result of all this then it may have worked out for the best for most UK TV consumers.
Freeview is the bare minimum for folk who don't watch a lot of TV - vast numbers were quite happy with 5 analogue channels, its probably perfect for them - assuming they can receive it.
>You pay £500 a year for it's sports and movies and yet it still shows adverts
Can't say I notice, commercial breaks are removed from Anytime and Anytime+ and at least half the broadcast stuff I watch is recorded - for eveything else there's live pause....and while I pay around that for 2 HD boxes, I don't think most people do.
It reflects the prevalent British attitude towards folk with intellectual/learning disabilities well.........and that's not me being snide or 'right-on' I really do mean it.
While you're tweaking RegSpeak, I suggest you expand the theme:
'Fanboi' could be replaced with 'Mac Mong', 'fandroids' could become 'Droid Deacons' and as 'troll' really lacks distinctiveness, 'spazz' might fit the bill.
If you seriously think it doesn't matter, spend a few minutes on http://www.respond.org.uk/ or read Living in Fear from Mencap, bit old now but nothing has changed all that much.
>So how was Asus able to release ICS on their Transformer Prime tablet, released in the US less than a month later?
Nvidia & ASUS developers had been working on the build for several months prior to November which was the public release. Its hardly news that OHA partners get the code [and contrib] earlier.
>"Ironbridge - The birthplace of industry"
In all the tourist pamphlets maybe...Oswaldtwistle is where the Spinning Jenny [the first industrial machine] was developed.
Cloth, mostly wooden machines and water powered engines was where it began and massive mills were in operation long before Darby.
>it was designed to be a quicker alternative to sutures in the battlefield
Nope - it was designed by Kodak as an extra strong transparent plastic for gun sights during WW2, but was a fail.....after which they repurposed as a general adhesive initially with optics.
Use in medicine didn't begin til the 60's and the toxic nature of earlier brews was such it didn't actually get FDA approval as a skin adhesive until the 90's.
>Got an example of a device prior to apples that used sliding your finger around on a touch screen to unlock it?
10/950,088 was filed the year before - now part of BenQ's rather extensive mobile IP portfolio and a good match for the Android password gesture.
Dunno why but Apple didn't cite it in their filing for some reason :)