* Posts by David Flanders

6 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jun 2007

Boeing bids the 747 a final, ultimate, conclusive farewell

David Flanders

My favourite memory in a 747 is the first time I flew to the US (Heathrow to Newark) on a Virgin Atlantic flight - my wife and I got invited to sit in the cockpit for take-off and landing - behind the driver and next to the flight engineer.

The cockpit was so used compared to the passenger cabin - all the flight time and the crew touching the surfaces etc. And the crew escape hatch right above the entry door.

Oracle makes some certifications and cloudy content free, in case you have time on your hands

David Flanders

Not just Oracle...

Cisco are running some of their courses for free

Infinite loop: the Sinclair ZX Microdrive story

David Flanders

Re: Stringy or skinny? You decide.

The DEC tape was the TU58, I remember booting a VAX 11/750 off it and it was used in the cluster hard drive controllers.

You're right about the long wait and the clicking, grinding and whizzing though.

Yahoo! webmail! hijacks! are! back!...

David Flanders

Happened to Mrs

Login happened in/from Turkey and one of the URLs sent out was to a location in Turkey as well

TomTom bids €1.8bn for map provider

David Flanders

Garmin don't use TeleAtlas

The TomTom competitor that uses TeleAtlas is Navman, Garmin uses Navtec (which many feel is a better set of maps).

So what's in a URL? The Reg URL?

David Flanders

You could always add ...


But that would probably be a step too far