* Posts by ShearClass

6 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Mar 2011

US nuke arsenal runs on 1970s IBM 'puter waving 8-inch floppies

Paris Hilton

Re: Everybody knows COBOL and FORTRAN

Happy days! I did my year out at IBM in Havant working on software to control the automated production line using EDL on Series 1 - compared to COBOL. Algol, Fortran, Lisp etc it was a different gravy. I'm not suprised it's still running to this day - kiddies with their toy languages like Java would not have a Scooby how to run a production line with tons of automated and manual stations on it.

Paris cos she can handle multiple events at the same time!

Texas teen jailed for four months over sarcastic Facebook comment


The land of the free. My rse!

Seriously how are there not more people signing the petition?

Can anyone sign or do you have to be a Texican?

This kid should not be in jail, he's just a very naughty boy.

Twenty classic arcade games


No Phoenix??!?!???

How can you not include Phoenix????

1st game with a proper boss level I remember.

I nearly got expelled from school after getting caught skiving so many lessons to play this.

Vote now for the ultimate bacon sandwich


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition but...

there are plenty here who deserve it....

red hot pokers and the rack are the very least that should be used on those voting for any of the ba*..*te/cheese/wholemeal/egg/peanut butter aboimnations!

I like Lester's plan though - get them to confess so they can be rounded up so we can protect the children from their madness.

A90 got my vote.

Steve Jobs vindicated: Google Android is not open

Jobs Horns

@BorkedAgain proves my point

Where in the article does it talk about the spyware - er oh it doesn't.

My post was about the article not inane Fandroid wibble about the reasons why Google being closed is ok.

Prosecution rests m'lord.


Fandroids lack of comprehension is staggering...

The nub of it is...

Google attack Apple for not being open. Their proof is a command line to get and make their 'open' software. You can't do that with Apple so that means Apple are closed and closed is bad.

Can you do this with Honeycomb, no. So by their own argument Google are closed. End of story. It's amazing how easy it is to wind people up who clearly can't comprehend a very simple article ;-)