The arguments are just presented wrong
And people who can think for themselves when presented with evidence are a little more sceptical. What a surprise.
To date the argument has gone;
We can prove climate change is happening, so you must all stop driving, or polar bears will lose their habitat.
The problem with this is the evidence given doesn't support the action they want us to take, and the result of not taking the action doesn't effect us that much.
To get people to realise the arguments need to be presented with the evidence as;
1, Climate Change is Happening
2, We are accelerating it un-naturally by our use of fuels etc
3, The impacts of Climate change are going to be...
4, These impacts are going to directly effect us by...
As far as I have seen the only #1 has been proven. We have a fair idea of #3. However if we can do #4 then #2 may be irrelevant, as we should then be working to adapt to climate change and while we are at it, adapt to reduce our impact on it to.