Re: After a whole minute looking at Reaper DAW...
Thanks for your thoughtful comments. But let's clear up a few things. I am old too, I started "Poke"-ing bare metal Z80 machinecode into memory on my ZX81 many years ago. Since then, I have run used many computers and OS's most recently Macs and Hackintoshes, though I do have a very cut down install of Win10 on my gaming machine in the front room. The last version of Office I installed was 2000.
I built a NAS from scratch, running UnRaid, with a few containers for music servers and suchlike. My experience with RPi has been mostly using them to drive 3D printers, or host 80's synth emulators, so basically configuring downloaded card images. So I likely have much more "hands on" computer experience than most, certainly more problem solving skills.
So Reaper. Firstly, I just duplicated your search, (on DuckDuck Go) and on the first link, (It"sFoss), Reaper is suggested as the fourth option.Secondly, though your arguments and points are well thought out, logical, and to the point, as a user who just wants to get something done it's all complete bollocks. Why should I care what distro I'm runnning? Why are there even differing distros at all? CPU type? I don't care, it's not my problem. Reaper is paid software. If they offer an installer for a system it should work. Why should I run a shell script? Why doesn't the installer do it for me?
Now, that may all have been a bit tongue in cheek, but I hope you get the point. I forget who updated Arthur C Clarke's phrase, but I think it makes a good point. "Any technology distingushable from magic is insufficiently advanced ". That's what modern users want, not trying for the 5th time to get the correct syntax for a Sudo command, that may not even be the solution to the problem you're having...