Common Remote Data Concentrator (CRDC)
Sounds similar to the CANBUS system used in modern cars ;)
114 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Mar 2011
"Perhaps I'm looking at this naively and with a lack of understanding, but to me cryptocurrency is nothing more than fools gold."
Indeed, IMHO you have to be pretty dumb to keep large amounts of "money" tied up as virtual cash.
As we have seen in this case, it can just disappear.
I have followed WinRAR for a long time, ever since I bought a license in fact.
The code quality by the author is excellent, the alpha builds are more stable and bug free then some 'release' software I could mention.
There is currently a version 5.30 beta 4 so I'm sure the fix will be applied pretty quickly.
....I'll bet that Class A address holders are looking at their millions of IPv4 addresses and starting to tot up how much they might be worth:.....
These class A ranges should not be held onto by these companies, they simply don't need them.
It is selfish to hold onto them when they could be used to benefit the whole internet.
Same here. Bit of a geek back in school.
I had embedded 6052 assembler in my BBC basic programs.
The Spectrum I played with Z80 assembler (precursor to the 8088 if I remember correctly -- EDIT: Google says NO. It was a long time ago ok?)
When I was in college I had a temporary job at a local company writing assembler routines in 8088 for a Basic interpreter. I did the peek/poke routines and some cursor processing stuff. Can't remember the rest. I still laugh when I think of 'Far calls' ;)