* Posts by IonU

8 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Mar 2011

UK spies on MILLIONS of Yahoo! webcams, ogles sex vids - report


Oh Great

So now I have to wear a full gimp outfit with mask when banging one out on Yahoo Chat. Thanks a bunch GCHQ.

Bioshock Infinite, Devil May Cry, SimCity


Simcopter reports heavy internet trafic!

Simcopter reports heavy internet trafic!

BIG BOOBS banished from Linux kernel


Virtual PC mac

After finding out you could set the Mac address of virtual PCs, our DHCP has a lease to the mac 000f0c0ff000.

Voyager ticks one box for interstellar arrival



Let’s just hope we are prepared for when it comes back to earth looking for the creator.

UK CB radio crowd celebrates three decades of legality


Oh they were the days.

Breaker Breaker 19 19 for a Friday Morning modulation. This is Muscle Mouth, in my 18 wheeler bucket, hauling HP Servers, down to the old smoky city. Got my ears on and the hammer down on the east bowed slab. Any breaker give me a 10 13, 10 18. Oh Sh!t I forgot to switch on the rig.

Be chums offer 1Gbit/s fibre-to-the-premises in London


Be have always been good to be re download limits

I've been with Be for a few years now and have never had any problems with download limits.

One day alone I got through 180 GB. No nasty email just service as normal. I only wish the town I live in had fibre and Be was avaiable at 1GB.

Actress meets feds investigating nude photo Gmail hack

Thumb Up

To the cloud with my video editting!

Password..... oh yeah 12345

TV sitcom opens up the world of penetration testing

IT Angle

Films and the truth

I used to work in technical support, for a company who produced image editing software. Every time Blade Runner was on the box, we would get at least a few calls on how to zoom into an image the size of an icon to reveal hidden details. We even had some guy try to sell us the latest greatest thing; he wanted us to create a plugin to view the infrared from an image to identify criminals wearing ski masks or obscured by objects.