Who designed to spent fuel cooling systems and civil works??
Does anyone know if those spent fuel holding areas were designed by GE? What about the design of its location, and structural supports?
I ask because, many of these large projects are a shared collaboration of many companies...but heres an example.
I would imagine if my furnace downstairs starts smoking and melting or givving off fumes. I'd call the manufacturer ? And if that manufacturer owned many media stations and had their hands in most of the technology in my house..You can be pretty sure neither of us would be telling the press much.
We would be hell bent on fixing the problem ..but so absorbed in that, warning the rest of my neighbors would be an afterthought?
So analogy is that I think the vagueness and quietness about japans nuclear plant issues effects is due to who they are dealing with and japans culture of loyalty, honor, and trust in the government fixing it.
Personally, I wouldn't take silence as 'everthings going fine'. They would be advertising how they saved the day if it was all good!!