So how?
With all the sanctions why hasn't their connection to communications not been cut down to a single copper pair?
Can't hack if you dont have connectivity.
I think Blizzard won't weep too much on losing their one and only NK subscriber.
20 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Mar 2011
That is the gist of it. All they have going for them is delay and obfuscation until someone is able to duplicate the process at commercial levels. Once that happens they loose their market monopoly and will have to cut margins and executives bonuses as they drop their prices to remain competitive.
Not really. Most metallurgy works much better when there is no oxygen to bolix things up.
As for the people bit, how much of today's heavy industrial manufacturing is automated?
Then there is the bonus of making clean/sterile areas very very easy.
Wafer fabrication in low gravity and hard vacuum.
Popping a few square kilometers of solar panels in orbit with microwave down-links is far more practical for power generation.
I can also see building a lunar linear particle accelerator to refined bulk lunar materials into base elements.
Radiant heating is the exception and not the norm in the Americas and electric is more common than water for those that do.
Central forced air is the default here and by mansions you mean three to four bedrooms in a household with weather below freezing for at least 4 months of the year, then yes.
At this particular pharmaceutical startup that was just short of going full commercial the AGM for all employees was at a hotel that I knew didn't have big enough rooms to handle our expanding employee base.
Get to the site and name tags came in two colours. There were dishevelled types at the podium. Yup it was a seminar from the outplacement service. Security was heavy. Everything was locked down with escort to and from your desk.
Anyone with any seniority was let go including the whole it staff and my engineering department as well as most of the lab people.
I had loaner equipment and vendors contacted me afterwards to corroborate that I had received any of it. Seems that the equipment and documentation disappeared some how.
The kicker was a couple of ladies were on maternity and the placement guys just dropped off letters at the door.
Yeah totally illegal here and charges were laid with hefty fines and jail for at least one of the new executive types who had pulled this before. The agency types love making spectacular examples.
And the new moms got new cars out of the stupidity of the expert management.
Many many moons and cpu generations ago...
Had a batch of "recovered" drives that refused to consistently spin up and had intermittent data errors but were earmarked for a general use public file storage and message system. (BBS)
Suggestion from one drive manufacturer tech was, since the "sleeve bearings" were obviously worn to set them on their sides, reformat and "never" move them again. Tinker toy to the rescue. The array lasted a few more years without issue.
Poles in NA come in a variety of flavors. Morses telegraph poles paralleled rail lines.
Bell's telephone network followed roadways and byways. Electric utility lines aka hydro as it is at times refered to had its own right of way and is thanks to Sir Adam Beck and that Tesla fellow.
In the intervening decades telegraph was retired, phone lines and power got buried except in cash strapped areas or those under a strong monopoly. Now wireless is the Telcom cash cow and copper et al is being abandoned yet competition of any sort is anathema so must be brutally quashed by any means available.
Why not both reasons
Firstly is to setup offshore to avoid the Tax sharks
Eliminating a possible rival on the world stage is just an added bonus.
I don't buy dead trees all that much anymore due to the local consolidation and conversion to the buy my books and get the hell out conglomerate.
There is just one mass retailer here and amazon is the only other known web presnce
Pricing is still stupid expensive compared to the US even though a significant % are printed on this side of the border.
Now I will check these blokes out before the go the way of The Bay.
But I just checked my RRSP portfolio and there are Banks in the.
Then again I, like a majority of my neighbors complain about the high costs of Banking.
The only good thing to say is the Canadian Banks only got a few fingers burned with that whole US created fiasco.
Thank our banking laws that prevented such idiocy. Unfortunately the banks are getting into insurance and some other areas that will get them into trouble while fleecing the general public.
Pockets icon since that's what the Banks effectively do.