"Rishi Chandra, general manager of the Google-owned smart home outfit, sent an email to all Nest customers on Wednesday" - Must have used second class email as no such email received here yet
Posts by a well wisher
142 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Mar 2011
Hands up who reuses the same password everywhere, even with your Nest. Keep your hand up if you like being spied on by hackers
It was a lit CeBIT see, got teeny weeny, world's biggest tech show yearly party... closed its German fest's doors yesterday
And as an exhibitor, it was always a lottery as to where your company would put you up, posh hotel if they booked early, or a local B&B, and anywhere in between, and just how long your morning commute might be to the show ground, sometimes having to stay up to 50 miles away - I'm sure the local economy will miss the opportunity to book out rooms at significant prices at show times.
One particular year, I remember getting on a show shuttle bus at the hotel bound for the show, which was logo'ed up, sponsored by and fitted out by a Sat Nav manufacturer. We were taken on very, very long mystery journey to the show, at several points on the journey, frustratingly we could see the showground across fields in the distance, but still the driver couldn't get there, all the passengers remonstrated loudly with the driver to use the ***** ing Sat Nav - but he admitted he had no idea how to work it ( of course this was some time before the ubiquity of Google Maps ) - a completely wasted marketing opportunity by the Sat Nav company
And the weather at the showground could be pretty brutal, stepping outside one of the halls in to horizontal rain or snow delivered by gale force winds was a great way to clear the head after the parties the night before - of which there were many. As a exhibitor, a good portion of the day was devoted to seeking out the best party ticket for the coming evening
Brit drone biz Sensat notches up 29km remote-control flight
New UK drone laws are on the way – but actual Drones Bill still in limbo
As a model flyer of both RC planes and 'drone's am well aware of the 400 ft rule - BUTtotally unaware that with an observer and line of sight flying I could legally go to 1000ft !
The 400 ft rule just seem eminently more sensible and safer
Although not sure my drone would actually be visible much above 500 ft - no no line of sight since out of sight
Watchdog growls at Tesla for spilling death crash details: 'Autopilot on, hands off wheel'
Timeout everyone. Y'all know that Musk's $500 'flamethrower' is literally a Boring blowtorch?
Buzzzz... gulp. What the heck was that? Drone air traffic app maker swallows $4.5m
'The capacitors exploded, showering the lab in flaming confetti'
Finding fault capacitors with high current PSUs used to be the norm
Back in the early 80s when repairing old memory boards, at a time when 48 KB was a board about 2 foot square with a gazillion small decoupling caps and one of them was dragging the psu down
A quick application of a car battery to the 12v line would sort the men from the boys capacitor wise and reduce fault finding time no end
Note: No I can't remember what chips they were that needed a 12v line either - but certainly remember the process
Disk drive fired 'Frisbees of death' across data centre after storage admin crossed his wires
Re: Emergency Retract
Yes I remember the 80MB and later 300MB SMD drives (made by CDC as I recall ), and being very wary of the emergency retract, especially when replacing a head and doing the head alignment - watching the 'cats eye' on the scope with your hand on the tool ( like an elongated wind up tin opener on cans of sardines ) currently attached to the head carrier , you touched that tool very gingerly indeed !
Hyperloop founder goes on immediate leave following sexual assault 'smear campaign'
The Independent 'live streamed' space vid recorded in 2015
Dropbox thinks outside the … we can't go there, not when a box becomes a 'collection of surfaces'
Remember once being in a <large Japanese corporate> local office. in reception hangs a big poster of their logo with about 20 or so arrows pointing at different sections, with a paragraph of text 'explaining' the meaning / reasoning behind that section.
Any logo which requires any level of explanation / interpretation , let alone on 20 points clearly is NOT WORKING !
Equifax's IT leaders 'retire' as company says it knew about the bug that brought it down
Brits must now register virtually all new drones and undergo safety tests
Re: I'm sure
"but that won't stop idiots flying drones ...... using them to spy on people.
Somewhat ironic then, that it was in fact the police who were the ones caught spying on the people from their 'drone' aka helicopter
Radiohead hides ZX Spectrum proggie in OK Computer re-release
Re: C90 cassette, as that medium was the dominant way? No!
"The 8 track would have been useless for home computers."
Although that is exactly what Sinclair went on to do with their Sinclair QL computer - using same, but smaller tape looped cartridge as its data storage - Plagued with problem !
ICL even sold that computer as the 'One Per Desk' colloquially known as the 'One Per Bin' after a short while
Microsoft sparks new war with Google with, er, $999+ lappies for kids
Nielsen, eat your heart out: TiVo woos admen with prediction engine
Non-existent sex robots already burning holes in men’s pockets
Ancient water found in Canada is two billion years old – giving hope to Mars colony dreamers
Marketing... or how I lost my soul to Lagos
I want to remotely disable Londoners' cars, says Met's top cop
You can always rely on the Ancient Ones to cock things up
Do you qualify as poor in Palo Alto? Spoiler: Yes, yes, you do
We’re not holding biz to ransom, says pay to play ad-blocking outfit
Google robo-car backs into bendy-bus in California
Qualcomm, Nvidia are driving us nuts – with silicon-brains-for-cars
Ofcom spins out Wi-Fi checker app just in time for Christmas
What America's drone owner database could look like in future
We saw the future: Apart from the bath apps it looks like the past
Mobile phones are the greatest poverty-reducing tech EVER
'To read this page, please turn off your ad blocker...'
Google robo-car suffers brain freeze after seeing hipster cyclist
Monster Scalextric Formula 1 circuit to go under the hammer
Facebook unveils SECRET logo furtle – in a TWEET
This whopping 16-bit computer processor is being built by hand, transistor by transistor
Vint Cerf: Everything we do will be ERASED! You can't even find last 2 times I said this
Now Samsung's spying smart TVs insert ADS in YOUR OWN movies
Oi, Aussie sports fans! Take that selfie stick and stick it
Just maybe they meant,
A selfie stick can be used in two modes, one as the name implies, but also in 'periscope' mode to get a better shot or view of the action which it looks like the original Aussie tweet was addressing
But never let the (possible) truth get in the way of a good rant against iPhone wielding narcissists
Kiss your Glass goodbye: Google mothballs techno-specs (for now)
The weirdly-synched life of the Google Nest household
With the average UPVC door they DO need to be locked from inside !
"errm, virtually all doors these days don't need locking to be secure. You need to key to open them from the outside, to get out from the inside, just push the handle."
With the average UPVC door they do !!
if you don't want your house broken into + car stolen !
Very common for a large bent lever to be pushed thru the letter box to apply downward pressure on the handle - Bingo ! door open, car keys usually on the hook by the door
Four tuner frenzy: The all-you-can-EEat TV Freeview PVR
Another good try from Netgem
Netgem have had a number of good outings in the freeview arena usually ahead of the curve , there was the original Netgem freeview box with full wireless keyboard, then later the quite popular Tesco HD pvr from Fetch TV which was a re-badged netgem unit/software - but Fetch folded killing that box ( can't remember exact cause now)
Netgen : always the best man but never the groom and if BT buy EE the same may happen again -