* Posts by <a|a>=1

18 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Mar 2011

Raven geniuses: Four-month-old corvids have similar cognitive abilities to great apes at same age, study finds


Re: tasks testing addition and understanding of relative numbers?

Yeah they might understand Category Theory but their language skills are shocking.

NASA: ALIENS and NEW EARTHS will be ours inside 20 years


Re: @BongoJoe

You would also need a pretty strong force-field to protect the ship against dust and gas traveling at relativistic speed.


The chance of finding bacteria on other worlds may be high, but the chance of progressing to eukaryote cells might be very small. After all it only happened once on our planet and took about 1.5 billion years. So it may well be that the only aliens in our galaxy are bacteria.

Boffins: 68 exoplanets in prime locations to SPY on humanity on Earth


Re: @Lee D Fait accompli, mate

Lets' hope the great filter is behind us, single to multi-cellular life ideally.

Jimbo Welshes on pledge to stop fundraising


Re: Jimmy (Wales) Welshes...

Apparently there are alternatives, for example:


Lenovo denies claims it plotted with Microsoft to block Linux installs


Re: Microsoft will be paying vendors to deploy their malware os Windows 10....

Link please.

Kepler space telescope spots 1,284 new planets


Finding life would be bad news for us. Finding intelligent life would be really bad news. The Fermi Paradox would then imply that intelligent life is fairly common, but since space-faring civilisations aren't common (where are they all?) this in turn implies that our chances of reaching the level of such a civilization are slim. In fact if you believe that we could reach such a level before going extinct you could reasonably assume that more than 99% of humanity would exist in the future on other worlds, which in turn would question your special status of existing amongst the first 107 billion of our species.

Saudi Arabia to flog man 1,000 times for insulting religion on Facebook


Re: Je suis Charlie...

man created god in his image

IBM hastens END OF HUMANITY with teachable AI 'brain'


Re: Sounds a bit like a WISARD

Me too! Offline cursive script recognition, 1991.

Nvidia doubles Tesla grunt at SC14


.. also used for realtime 8K 60p editing

HUMAN RACE PERIL: Not nukes, it'll be AI that kills us off, warns Musk


Re: What is not obvious to troops and staff, but crystal clear to corrupt executive officers.

A random sentence generator:




Re: Recurse


Qubits turn into time travellers


Re: There is an interpretation of entanglement which says that the quantum field is bollocks.

Why can one not prepare the state of one of the pair, for example by aligning it in an electric field?

Death Star dinosaur aliens could rule galaxy


DNA Damage

Life on earth might have been originated on Mars but cosmic radiation would destroy the DNA in the millions of years it would take for a rock to travel between solar systems.

Samsung says Apple lifted iPad from Kubrick's 2001



Perhaps because 30 years ago you were told that in 10 years time there would be an exciting world of Knowledge-Based Systems and 5th generation computers, LOL. Ok, we have the InterWeb, but interesting AI is always a decade away.

World's bees face multiple threats


So are wasps

Wasps are cool too. They eat all sorts of garden nasties!