* Posts by mememine69

38 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Mar 2011

Scariest climate change prediction yet: More time to eat plane food


Climate Change


*Occupy no longer mentions CO2 in it's list of demands so move on.

35 more years of global debate is certain and unstoppable no matter how much you eager "believers" exaggerate science's; "99% real" for a CO2 Armageddon.

Smoking causing cancer is "real", not 99% real.

Were your climate gods also only 99% sure the planet wasn't flat?

Is this how you climate drama queens want your kids and all of history remembering you?

Top boffin Freeman Dyson on climate change, interstellar travel, fusion, and more


Welcome to Liberalism's Iraq War

No matter how much you "believers" exaggerate a science that has never said a threat to our very existence was "PROVEN", it still won't stop another 34 MORE years of global disbelief and climate action delay to SAVE THE PLANET.

Welcome to liberalism's Iraq War.

Climate change alarmism is a religious belief – it's official


Bible thumping libs?

Are you new bible thumping liberals now also anti gay and pro life as well?

We will all die if we don't give deniers what they want and the sooner we allow science to simply say "proven" as Obomber says, the sooner we can end this costly debate to save the planet.

Science can shut down the denier machine by being allowed to say "proven".

hive mind informs climate change believers and sceptics


Climate Change Belief is a War Crime for the History Books.

-Due to climate change’s polar ice expansion, Canada's Liberal leader; Justin Trudeau now says that a Carbon Tax will pay for more icebreakers.

-ISIS is offering to save the planet by reversing the effects of unstoppable warming with a nuclear winter.

-Scientists now say that millions of wind turbines could send the planet out of orbit.

-How many climate blame scientists does it take to change a light bulb? None, but they do have full consensus that it "could" change.

-What's another word for "climate change denier"? Evolved.

-Why did the climate blame "believer" cross the road? Because everyone else was.

-We must please the angry weather gods by sacrificing our fires?What century is this?

-A Liberal's Political Promise is to make the weather nicer but colder by taxing the air we breathe with bankster funded and corporate run carbon trading stock markets ruled by trust worthy politicians.


Climate Blame; a play.


Yes dear.

"You know how you told us that me and my sister need to save the planet from climate change...


"How close to unstoppable warming will science take us before they say what you say?"

And what was that I said again?

"You said science said it was "proven" but they have not ever said that, just you have."

That's because science can't say anything is "proven", it wouldn't be proper science if they did.

"But not one scientist has ever said that about climate change, you know; that "threat to the planet"?

I'll let you in on a little secret honey. Your father and I hate conservatives and neocons and Republicans and Tea Party types so we exaggerate climate science so we can blame them for something because conservatives are evil fear mongers."

"So you tell your own children they are doomed but we are not?"

Yes, exactly.

"Doesn't that make you a fear monger then?"

It's for a good cause because if we don't defeat the bible thumping knuckling neocons we will all be dead.



Climate change exaggeration of vague science is a war crime for history to judge.

Climate change "deniers" have prevented climate action for 34 years so why don't you remaining "believers" just give them what they want so we can end this debate to SAVE THE PLANET for our children. Just quote one CO2 scientist that says they can't say "proven"because of the scientific method and stop telling our children science has said this. They have not.


34 years of needless CO2 panic and CO2 death threats is a pure war crime in history

You "believers" exaggerate science's "could be" consensus because not one CO2 scientist has ever said their scientific method won't allow them to say it's "proven" even though it's a "possible threat to the planet" and it "could be too late".

So how close to unstoppable warming will science drag us before they finally say it's "proven" that the end is near so we can end this costly debate to SAVE THE PLANET from evil Human CO2.

NASA: Satellite which will end man-made CO2 debate in orbit at last


Only science can be 100% certain for the worst crisis imaginable not a mob of eager believers.

Yes they are 100% sure the planet is not flat and since science can't say; "proven" or "100%" then YOU remaining "believers" can't tell children that science "believes" as much as YOU do.


Prove the former believing majority wrong;

You remaining "believers" don't even know that the lab coats only agreed it "could be" not "will be" yet they are certain the planet is not flat and have been their laughable 95% certain for 32 years that Human CO2 "could" flatten it? Your eagerness to "believe" in this misery is sickening.

Only science not a mob of determined "believers" can tell our children the end is near.

And get up to date;

*Occupywallstreet now does not even mention CO2 in its list of demands because of the bank-funded and corporate run carbon trading stock markets ruled by politicians.

*Canada killed Y2Kyoto 2 years ago with a freely elected climate change denying prime minister and nobody cared, especially the millions of scientists warning us of unstoppable warming (a comet hit). What did YOU do about it planet lovers?

*Polar Bears were indigenous to as far south as Minnesota upon settlement but called the Yellow Bear because it retained its summer coat longer but still the same bear.


ENDING the "debate" to SAVE THE PLANET can only be science finally agreeing with 100% certainty not their laughable 95% certainty and agree that it "WILL" be, not just their 32 years of "could be" a crisis. Deny that.

Report: Climate change has already hit USA - and time is RUNNING OUT


Deniers are ahead of the curve;

*Occupywallstreet now does not even mention CO2 in its list of demands because of the bank-funded and corporate run carbon trading stock markets ruled by politicians.

Prove us deniers wrong and find us one single IPCC warning that "believes" beyond "could be" as you "believers" do and find us one that says; inevitable or "will be" or eventual or proven or... All deniers want is more proof than 32 years of "95%" certainty that THE END IS NEAR. Is that too much to ask? Who's the neocon again here? We are not the ones determined to "believe" in this misery happening for our kids.

*Canada killed Y2Kyoto with a freely elected climate change denying prime minister and nobody cared, especially the millions of scientists warning us of unstoppable warming (a comet hit).

Most Americans doubt Big Bang, not too sure about evolution, climate change – survey


The next time you look your own children square in the eyes and tell them to "believe" the science then "believe" that science has been 95% certain for 32 years and have never "believed" as much as you do. Your eagerness for this misery to have been real is uncivilized and absolutely sickening.

Pine trees' scent 'could prevent climate change really being a problem'


Science says they are certain that evolution is "proven" and that comet hits are "inevitable" and smoking WILL cause cancer but you will never find one IPCC warning that agrees beyond "could be" so what are you remaining "believers" "believing" in?

'Climate change is like Y2k!' - Oz senator



AL GORE is my shepherd; I shall not think.

He maketh me lie down in Greenzi pastures:

He leadeth me beside the still-freezing waters.

He selleth my soul for CO2:

He leadeth me in the paths of self-righteousness for his own sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of reason,

I will fear all logic: for thou art with me and thinking for me;

Thy Gore’s family oil fortune and thy 10,000 square Gorey foot mansion, they comfort me.

Thou preparest a movie in the presence of contradictory evidence:

Thou anointest mine head with nonsense; my mindless conformity runneth over.

Surely blind faith and hysteria shall follow me all the days of my life:and I will dwell in the house of ALGORE forever.

Climate change made sea levels fall in 2010 and 2011


It’s not big oil that feeds deniers, it’s the scientists themselves who refuse to say a crisis will happen, only might happen so science can end this costly debate today and save their own children as well just by saying their 28 year old deadly crisis is inevitable not just “likely” and “possible” and………………………

Google's Schmidt calls climate-change deniers 'liars'


Climate Blame was Liberalism's Iraq War and Science gave us Pesticides dont' forget.

Get up to date:

*Occupywallstreet now does not even mention CO2 in its list of demands because of the bank-funded and corporate run carbon trading stock markets ruled by politicians."

I’d say stop scaring our kids but even they are laughing and the only crisis you remaining believers have to fear is how your grandkids will explain how you threw them under the bus at the grunt of a headline.

Science agrees climate change itself is; “real and happening” but only COULD be a crisis. If they can’t say it WILL be a catastrophic crisis after 28 years then it’s just proof it won’t be a catastrophic crisis.

They can’t say their comet hit of a climate change crisis is as real as they love to say comet hits are.

"Former" climate blame believers are better planet lovers, we don't fear monger our own kids just to make sure they stay environmentally aware and turn the lights out more often. Now who's the neocon again here? Did bush utter CO2 death threats to my kids?

Take action on climate change or the panda gets it


Help my house could be on fire...............maybe?

*Occupywallstreet does not even mention CO2 in its list of demands because of the bank-funded carbon trading stock markets run by corporations.

*In all of the debates Obama hadn’t planned to mention climate change once.

*Obama has not mentioned the crisis in the last two State of the Unions addresses.

*Julian Assange is of course a climate change denier.

*Canada killed Y2Kyoto with a freely elected climate change denying prime minister and nobody cared, especially the millions of scientists warning us of unstoppable warming (a comet hit).

SCIENCE needs to step up to the plate and clearly state a climate crisis “WILL” happen, not just could happen. How can millions in the global scientific community just sit on their hands as CO2 mitigation to save the planet from a comet hit of an emergency simply vanishes?

US climate-change skeptics losing support

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REAL planet lovers are happy, not disappointed a crisis was exaggerated.

Why won’t your Gods of science who say we “could” be at the point of no return, say it “WILL” happen, not just “might” happen. The exaggeration is obvious to progressives.

Not one single IPCC warning is without; “maybe” and “could be” and “likely”………

Climate blame ………………the new REEFER MADNESS.

Let's make a deal, when science says it "WILL" happen, I'll join the dozens of climate blame protesters worldwide to save the planet from boiling from SUV gas.

Stupid Mother Nature eh?

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Climate Change is Dead

Wanna lose an election? Then just keep threatening the voter’s kids with CO2 deaths.

*In three debates so far, Obama hasn’t mentioned climate change once.

*Obama has not mentioned the crisis in the last two State of the Unions addresses.

*Occupywallstreet does not even mention CO2 in its list of demands because of the bank-funded carbon trading stock markets run by corporations.

*Julian Assange is of course a climate change denier.

*Canada killed Y2Kyoto with a freely elected climate change denying prime minister and nobody cared, especially the millions of scientists warning us of unstoppable warming (a comet hit).

*Not one single IPCC warning of crisis isn’t peppered with “maybes” and “could bes” etc.

*Help my house is on fire maybe? But you lab coats said we are at the brink of no return, maybe?

*Climate Change Science and its 26 years of needless panic is the new Reefer Madness.


*In three debates so far, Obama hasn’t mentioned climate change once.

*Obama has not mentioned the crisis in the last two State of the Unions addresses.

*Occupywallstreet does not even mention CO2 in its list of demands because of the bank-funded carbon trading stock markets run by corporations.

*Julian Assange is of course a climate change denier.

*Socialst Canada killed Y2Kyoto with a freely elected climate change denying prime minister and nobody cared, especially the millions of scientists warning us of unstoppable warming (a comet hit).

*Not one single IPCC warning of crisis isn’t peppered with “maybes” and “could bes” etc.

*Help my house is on fire maybe? But you lab coats said we are at the brink of no return, maybe?

Climate change threatens to SHRINK FISH AND CHIP SUPPERS


Re: Appropriate consequences

Ug ug The weather gods are angry.

Can we evolve please people? Reason, not religion.

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Science has never said a crisis WILL happen, only maybe and could be and likely and......

Romney thanks you for fear mongering votes his way by condemning the voter's children to their CO2 deaths. Nice job girls.

*Occupywallstreet does not even mention CO2 in its list of demands because of the bank-funded carbon trading stock markets run by corporations.

*Obama has not mentioned the crisis in the last two State of the Unions addresses.

*Julian Assange is of course a climate change denier.

*Canada killed Y2Kyoto with a freely elected climate change denying prime minister and nobody cared, especially the millions of scientists warning us of unstoppable warming (a comet hit).

Meanwhile, the entire world of SCIENCE, lazy copy and paste journalism and Liberal progressivism had allowed bank-funded and corporate-run “CARBON TRADING STOCK MARKETS”(ruled by trustworthy politicians) to trump the UN's and entire world's efforts into 3rd world fresh water relief, starvation rescue and 3rd world education for just over 26 years of insane attempts at climate CONTROL.

Climate change was exaggerated. Be happy.


Science has betrayed us as they still refuse to say any crisis “WILL” happen, only “might” and “could” and…

NOT ONE single IPCC warning is without “maybes” despite “being at the tipping point, maybe” and threatening the voter’s children with deaths by CO2 is as good as voting for Romneycon. Climate change was Liberalism’s Iraq War of Climate WMD lies and fear mongering.

*Occupywallstreet does not even mention CO2 in its list of demands because of the bank-funded carbon trading stock markets run by corporations.

*Obama has not mentioned the crisis in the last two State of the Unions addresses.

*Julian Assange is of course a climate change denier.

*Canada killed Y2Kyoto with a freely elected climate change denying prime minister and nobody cared, especially the millions of scientists warning us of unstoppable warming (a comet hit).

Meanwhile, the entire world of SCIENCE, lazy copy and paste journalism and Liberal progressivism had allowed bank-funded and corporate-run “CARBON TRADING STOCK MARKETS”(ruled by trustworthy politicians) to trump the UN's and entire world's efforts into 3rd world fresh water relief, starvation rescue and 3rd world education for just over 26 years of insane attempts at climate CONTROL.

Climate denier bloggers sniff out new conspiracy


REAL planet lovers are happy, not disappointed the crisis was just exaggerated.

Meanwhile, the entire world of SCIENCE, journalism and progressivism had allowed bank-funded and corporate-run “CARBON TRADING STOCK MARKETS” to trump 3rd world fresh water relief, starvation rescue and 3rd world education for just over 26 years of insane attempts at climate CONTROL.

*Obama had not mentioned the crisis in the last two State of the Unions addresses.

*Julian Assange was of course a climate change denier.

*Occupywallstreet did not even mention CO2 in its list of demands because of the bank-funded carbon trading stock markets run by corporations.

*Socialist Canada killed Y2Kyoto with a newly elected climate change denying prime minister and nobody cared, especially the millions of scientists warning us of unstoppable warming (death).

Find us one single IPCC warning of "crisis" that isn't surrounded by "maybes" as in "possibly" and "potentially" etc. NEVER have they said it will happen, only might happen. Never. Deny that.

Help my planet is on fire..........................maybe?

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Believer Conspiracy Theory

Help, an evil oil exec is bribing me with money and holding a gun to my head and telling myself and the dishonest scientists how to think and type our beliefs on climate blame, er shame, er change. Help!

UK ice boffin: 'Arctic melt equivalent to 20 years of CO2'


Re: Climate-change sceptics

Why not? You DOOMERS believe the conspiracy of big oil bribing me and the scientists and telling me what to think as a denier, er "former" believer.


The IPCC has never said any crisis WILL happen, only "might" happen or "could" happen etc.

So the "crisis" isn't real enough to say it really "WILL" happen?

This planet lover needs better reasons to condemn helpless children to the greenhouse gas ovens of climate change crisis.

*Occupywallstreet does not even mention CO2 in its list of demands because of the bank-funded carbon trading stock markets run by corporations.

*Obama has not mentioned the crisis in the last two State of the Unions addresses.

*Julian Assange is of course a climate change denier.

*Socialist Canada killed Y2Kyoto with a newly elected climate change denying prime minister and nobody cared, especially the millions of scientists warning us of unstoppable warming (death).

Our continued fear mongering of the voter with a climate “crisis” all but guarantees a President Romney.

Climate change behind extreme weather, says NASA


The big green liberal fear machine is pushing votes Romney's way.

Get up to date girls!

-Occupywallstreet does not even mention CO2 in its list of demands because of the bank-funded carbon trading stock markets run by corporations.

-Julian Assange is of course a climate change denier and a hero.

-Obama has not mentioned the crisis in the last two State of the Unions addresses.

-Canada killed Kyoto with a newly elected climate change denying prime minister and nobody cared, especially the millions of scientists warning us of unstoppable warming (death).

IPCC:......"Climate change is real and COULD be a crisis."...... is not consensus, of anything let alone death by CO2 for my kids. Its a consultant's wet dream from the same world of science that gave us pesticides.

Climate change linked to extreme weather surge


All REAL planet lovers are former climate blame believers. Get ahead of the curve.

Since the entire scientific world agreed that climate change was real, why didn’t the millions of them in the global scientific community, “ACT” like they all agreed it was going to be the worst crisis imaginable, outside of a comet hit? Three were dozens of climate change protesters and NONE of the millions from the science world to march with them? Why? Could consensus as well as crisis be exaggerated?

Scientific exaggeration trumps any scientific consensus.

This is all good news to real planet lovers who are happy a crisis was avoided for whatever reason.

Pollution is real, CO2 death threats to billions of children was a crime.

Meanwhile, the entire world of SCIENCE had allowed bank-funded and corporate-run “CARBON TRADING STOCK MARKETS” to trump 3rd world fresh water relief, starvation rescue and 3rd world education for just over 26 years of insane attempts at climate CONTROL.

Heartland Institute documents leaked

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Anyone still believing in climate change crisis from Human CO2, probably still uses their PalmPilot and pager. Get with it because even the occupywallstreet’s list of demands doesn’t mention CO2 because of the bank funded and corporate run CARBON TRADING STOCK markets required by Y2Kyoto. Taxing the air is what neocons do and check out that the last time Obama mentioned any “crisis” in a state of the union address was way back in his 2009 speech. Meanwhile, the UN and the entire SCIENCE world had allowed carbon trading and insane attempts at climate fluctuation control, to trump 3rd world fresh water relief, starvation rescue and 3rd world education for just over 26 years of the climate change mistake instead of the obviously needed population control. Nice job!

Bush is laughing at us for acting like fear mongering neocons in condemning our own children and billions of others to the greenhouse gas ovens for 26 years of needless panic. Yes, climate change WAS our Iraq War.

How do we know CO2 dangers were exaggerated for sure? Simple, the millions of people involved in the scientific community world-wide, also have kids yet they refuse to join the dozens of climate change protesters. It was a consultant’s wet dream and let’s not forget that if it wasn’t for science, we wouldn’t need environmentalism in the first place, if they hadn’t poisoned the planet with their pesticides, cancer causing chemicals and compounds that are still persistent in the environment. We fought them in Rachel Carson’s time because they denied any dangers from their pesticides for decades.

Scientists and the millions of good people in the world of science have kids too. They sure don’t act like it so there is your proof of exaggeration. Pollution is real, we get it. But death of the planet from Human CO2? Only in Harry Potter movies. By the way, a crisis not being real is good news for real planet lovers. The rest of you maybe just hate Humanity?

Chinese coal blamed for global warming er... cooling



If one applies the scientific method, CO2 Climate Crisis is revealed as a criminal exaggeration turned into a comfortable politically correct lie. So why is our first reaction to this expressed as: “ no, it can’t be”? Why did we want this misery to be real? Why did we demonize deniers and defend what was supposed to be a comet hit of an emergency? Maybe it was humanity that the CO2 phenomenon hated, not as much about love for the planet. Let history show that “this” planet lover is happy a crisis was averted. As for the rest of you………

Scientific Consensus:

Don’t’ sanctify scientists because it was scientists who made environmentalism necessary in the first place after they polluted the planet originally with their cancer chemicals and pesticides. Didn’t scientists produce cruise missiles too, deadly chemicals, land mine technology, nuclear weapons, germ warfare, cluster bombs, strip mining technology, Y2K, Y2Kyoto, deep sea drilling technology and now climate control?

Consensus was an impression and a perception, not the clear cut truth the mainscream media and politicians made it out to be.

-Because how else could there be countless thousands of consensus scientists when that many of scientists clearly outnumbered the protestors?

-If there “WERE” thousands of consensus scientists, why is it that every science organization and individual scientist, has their own unique and personal definitions of climate change?

-Political science maybe?

-And if there were thousands of consensus scientists why are they not clambering to get on CNN to warn us the greatest emergency ever and why are they not marching in the streets? Especially when Obama never even mentioned the crisis in his state of the union speech and when all American IPCC climate research funding was pulled?

It doesn’t matter anyways because the new denier is anyone who still thinks voters will still vote yes to taxing the air to make the weather colder. The climate change blunder has done to progressivism and science and journalism, what nasty priests did for respecting the Catholic Church. The new fear mongering neocons were the fear mongering climate blamers who condemned billions of children to a CO2 death just to get them to turn the lights out more often. History is watching.

Fight global warming with Asimov-style Psychohistory - profs


Scaring our children.................

Science divided by politics and criminally lazy copy and paste news editors, equals Climate Change.

The State of the Union Address from President Obama didn’t mention one word about the climate “crisis” so do the math. History is watching.

Where the planet saving scientists marching in the streets in protest at Obama turning his back on them? No, so the math.

Now you faded climate blamers are jokes for the history books and you remaining climate cowards can now return to rubber necking car accidents and yelling “FIRE ! “ in the movie theatre because this CO2 blunder was to progressivism and science what abusive priests and suicide bombers are to religion. REAL planet lovers were happy and relieved a crisis was averted and now we say “Pollution, energy and over population yes, but CO2 causing unstoppable warming? No.” The planet is not dying and condemning our kids to death just to make them turn the lights out more often was criminal and if any of you few existing believers of doom still think there are enough voters to say yes now to taxing the air to make the weather colder, YOU are the new denier.

And meanwhile, the UN had allowed carbon trading to trump 3rd world fresh water relief, starvation rescue and 3rd world education for just over 24 years of climate control instead of needed population control. Nice job. This Iraq War of climate WMD’s left progressivism being the new neocons for condemning billions of children to death through 25 years of needless CO2 panic. We missed getting Bush, let’s get Gore, the news editors, lazy teachers, PR firms and lab coat consultants in jail for mankind’s most shameful cultural blunder and mass crime of the civilized era.

Republicans believe in 'climate change' but not 'global warming'


I Saw the Light, and it opened up my eyes.

Obama didn’t even mention the climate change crisis in his State of the Union Address. Without political support, the CO2 theory is dead. And we might want to consider that IPCC funding has been pulled by the Republican voted majority as carbon markets collapsed and world governments have walked away from the scientific warnings of unstoppable warming. So why are these scientists not marching in the streets about this crisis and why are they not at least acting like this is as planetary emergency? Shouldn’t they be on CNN and Oprha? Why is the world not treating this CO2 climate crisis like the emergency the UN says it is?

I’ve never felt comfortable telling our children that CO2 is going to cause out of control warming for them or their children so should we reconsider this whole issue of CO2 causing pollution still? What ever climate change “was”, its over now. If you don’t know that the now former believer majority voters will not vote yes to taxing the air to save the planet, YOU are the new denier. Continued support is dividing environmental efforts and not helping anyone. It’s a lost cause now. Get ahead of the curve and fight pollution and fight this Disco science that’s wasting more and more valuable recourses at the cost of social reforms. How about: Population Control? Is the climate change movement sustainable for another 25 years? Of course not. And besides, wouldn't real planet lovers be happy a crisis was averted? The worst crisis ever for mankind and the planet was not real, be happy, not disappointed, Why did we so flippantly condemn our kids to a death by CO2 like fear mongering neocons based solely on lab coat consultants we bowed to like sheep? We have to move on.


Science Knows All

Arm chair amateur climatologists unite!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hate to say it but...........

Obama is a bought and paid for DENIER now.

Obama didn’t even mention the climate change crisis in his State of the Union Address and IPCC funding has been pulled by the Republican voted majority. Carbon markets have collapsed and world governments have walked away from the scientific warnings of unstoppable warming.

So why are these scientists not marching in the streets about this crisis and why are they not at least acting like this is as planetary emergency? Shouldn’t they be on CNN and Oprha? Why is the world not treating this CO2 climate crisis like the emergency the UN says it is?

I’ve never felt comfortable telling our children that CO2 is going to cause out of control warming for them or their children so should we reconsider this whole issue of CO2 causing pollution still?

What now? Is the climate change movement sustainable for another 25 years?


Enviorn MENTAL CO2 GlowBULL DOOMing Jokes

Taxpayer: " There is a fly in my soup."

Climate Scientist: "Strange, considering you eat up anything else we dish out to you."

Climate Scientist: "How sir, would he like his steak done sir?"

Taxpayer: "Just cook things up the way you always do."

Taxpayer: "The roast is really hot but the parsnips are cold."

Climate Scientist: "And thus, clear evidence sir, that it IS warming."

Taxpayer: "This lunch special was just an excellent meal. Will you be serving it again next week?"

Climate Scientist: "We don't have a menu for next week but we do have a menu for the year 2153."

Why did the globull WARmer cross the road?

She was being chased by a UFO.

How many climate scientists to change a light bulb?

None, but they DO have consensus that it WILL change!

REAL planet loves are happy and relieved the crisis is averted.

REAL Liberals don't bow to fat American politicians promising to lower the seas and make the weather colder with TAXES.

REAL civilized people don't threaten their kids with a CO2 death, just to get them to turn the lights out more often.

REAL civilized people spread love, not fear of SAVE THE PLANET.

Meanwhile, the UN had allowed carbon trading to trump 3rd world fresh water relief, starvation rescue and 3rd world education for just over a quarter of a century of climate control instead of needed population control.

Taxpayer: " There is a fly in my soup."

Climate Scientist: "Strange, considering you eat up just about anything else we dish out to you."

Climate Scientist: "How sir, would you like your steak done?"

Taxpayer: "Just cook things up the way you usually do."

Taxpayer: "The roast is really hot but the parsnips are cold."

Climate Scientist: "And thus, clear and obvious consensus evidence, that YES it IS warming."

Taxpayer: "This lunch special was great. Will you be serving it again next week?"

Climate Scientist: "We don't have a menu for next week, but we DO have a menu for the year 2153."

Why did the climate change believer cross the road?

He left his purse on the other side.

Taxpayer: “I’ll have a bowl of climate change please but can you heat it up this time?

Climate Scientists are to Science as: what abusive priests and suicide bombers are to organized religion.

How many climate scientists does it take to change a light bulb?

None, but they DO have consensus that it WILL change!

What do you call someone who condemns their very own children to a “death by CO2” and then bows obediently to a fat American politician promising to lower the seas and make the weather colder with taxes?

A Climate Change believer.

What do you call sitting in the dark for an hour once a year for Earth Hour with the lights turned out, texting friends, smoking pot and warming up a frozen pizza in the oven?


What did the climate scientist find under some melting ice?

Tropical fossils.

Scientist: Lab Coat Consultant.

Sustainability: Poverty



Cold: Warm

Warm: Cold

Ancient Weather: “What’s that?”


Climate Change: Left-wing bible thumping.

Kyoto: Y2Kyoto