Re: Please stop publishing this Frankfurt School Political Correctness nonsense already
Would you like to tell me what Marx had to do with feminism? I'll answer if for you - nothing. Don't let your anti-left bias get in the way at all will you.
The issue is not that companies should represent the racial/gender breakdown of society but more that it should not discriminate against other groups. Frequently there are articles in the IT press where women who work in IT have been harassed by some anonymous cowards threatening rape etc. If this is the case then who is to say that those anonymous cowards don't work in IT and have discriminated against women in the workplace. Perhaps they have influence in the hiring process.
In regards to "the best staff" if these IT minority groups are being discriminated against how do we know that the white and Asian men are indeed the best staff since the others may not have had a chance to prove themselves. If this is the case does this not mean that I as a white man got my position purely by luck of being the right race/gender/class. Again if companies aren't recruiting from across all socio-economic groups then how can they ensure they have the best person for the job.
Obviously this is a theory but unless companies investigate their own hiring process it is no more a wild theory than sticking your head in the sand and saying everything is fine.