They fenced off the grassy knoll remember. National security!
Posts by GrumpyOldBloke
460 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Mar 2011
Oz intel committee: Crypto-busting is only bad if you're a commie, and we're not by the way
Oz to turn pirates into vampires: You won't see their images in mirrors
Re: So Australia is....
Don't need brown envelopes in Australia, corruption at the top is more or less legal and certainly expected. At least two state and a federal elections coming up and the worlds best economic managers haven't got any money. So come buy a piece of paradise. A (surprisingly) small political donation is all that is required.
Oz digital health agency tightens medical record access as watchdog warns of crim honeypot
It's 2018 so, of course, is sold to climate change deniers
Perhaps AC got down voted for his fake news viewpoint. While flat earth is fairly easy to disprove, homeopathy - the traditional system of medicine in many parts of Asia for thousands of years - cannot be dismissed so easily. The scientific approach would be for AC to propose his theory, construct and conduct a series of tests and observations to prove his theory and then publish the results to let others pick over the method and the conclusions. One wrong step and his theory is disproved and we all go back to a state of healthy skepticism of all such claims - for and against.
Simply claiming as AC implies that homeopathy is idiotic with no supporting evidence is mere belief or prejudice - what we might call fake news - and worthy of many down votes.
Australia defies trend for network sales slide, shovels cash at Cisco
Imagine a patent on organizing computer files being used against online shopping sites. Oh, it's still happening
Marriage of AI, Google chips will save diabetics from a lot of pricks
Re: Thank you.
While you are waiting on Google to add your blood chemistry to the list of things it shares about you, have you seen the current shoulder patch solution?
Referring to an article from Feb-17 in an august medical journal:
Edit: I see Noel Morgan's comment below also refers to this device.
Australian Senate committee dumps on digital transformation
> Without any central vision, the report said, technology becomes “solely a way to realise efficiencies and cut costs
There is a central vision: Technology is a way to spy on people and extort money from the poor. Poor who may or may not have fallen foul of complexity and unreality engineered into government laws.
Look at the enthusiasm with which the government embraces 5-eyes and its attendant evils. There is your vision.
What does it take for an OpenAI bot to best Dota 2 heroes? 128,000 CPU cores, 256 Nvidia GPUs
Re: How many orders of magnitude
Of course this is not about playing Dota. This is about playing WW3 Syria, Iran, Russia and China when the other half of the team get the robots up and running. The skills learnt here are already useful, not useful enough against teams of humans but that is useful to know as well.
White House calls its own China tech cash-inject ban 'fake news'
Now Microsoft ports Windows 10, Linux to homegrown CPU design
Boffins offer to make speculative execution great again with Spectre-Meltdown CPU fix
Wires, chips, and LEDs: US trade bigwigs detail Chinese kit that's going to cost a lot more
AT&T gets clearance to devour Time Warner for $85 BEEEELION
Re: Wasn't ...
And yet here is the bride again looking lovely in off-white with aging husband number two. A telco that thinks owing a media company will bring the customers flocking. Two lonely hearts whose only cultural fit is that they both remember the good times. AT&T's logo looks a bit like the little blue pill so I am sure the old boy has one last ye-haa left in hm before the hairpiece slips off, the glasses fog up, his back gives out and his shareholder offspring wonder where the inheritance went.
UK digital secretary throws cold water over bid for laws on kids' use of social media
Chinese tech giant ZTE is back in business – plus or minus $1.4bn and its entire board
Re: Don't forget
> better results than his predecessors
The Chinese will have considered the costs and the benefits and will already have the workarounds and the honeypots in place. The importance of replicating rather than buying US technology has just been reaffirmed and China now has a 'clean' company to facilitate its acquisition. Independent companies to trade with Iran and Nth Korea will already be set up. This is a $1.4B donation to give the US president face in return for ... ?
Britain's new F-35s arrive in UK as auditor sounds reliability warning klaxon
UK's first transatlantic F-35 delivery flight delayed by weather
Great time to shift bytes: International bandwidth prices are in free fall
UK military may recruit wheezy, alcoholic keyboard warriors
nbn™ CEO didn't mean to offend gamers, just brand them unwelcome bandwidth-hogs
The residential evening internet peak has been known about for years. The counter to it is to diversify your customer base so that the investment required to support daytime business customers can be reused at night. However, if you don't have many daytime business customers to justify further investment or are constrained by poor financial planning or technology choices then I guess there is no other choice but to blame (implied) young people. It is what all governments in Australia do and they seem to get away with it.
Nadella tells worried GitHub devs: Judge us by our actions
Re: Cost
Opportunities: Mining the code for patents. Mining the code for good ideas that can be re-purposed for the Microsoft brand. Mining the code in order to build a better code writer AI (with patents) and attempt to lock (Enterprise) development into Microsoft tools. Copyright opportunities. Talent opportunities. Mindshare opportunities. Marketing, financial and expert assistance to projects that favour Microsoft brands.
Your F-35s need spare bits? Computer says we'll have you sorted in... a couple of years
Re: I'll have some of that business please
> each software upgrade will be typed in manually by a technician seated in the plane with a wired keyboard in her/his lap.
That was the original approach but led to problems. Critical code tended to be stubbed:
eject() {
return false;
closeCanopy {
return false;
Now they use paired programming for critical systems. The junior programmer seated in the plane with a wired keyboard in her/his lap. The mentor sitting in a bunker 300 yards away with a remote video feed, a wireless keyboard and some sort of good luck charm like a bobbing Elvis.
Chinese president Xi seeks innovation independence
Re: A President-For-Life Communist Country? Read Some History Please.
@ Dave 126. Not sure China is at ease with the president for life concept being reintroduced, memories of Mao and the cult of personality. There was considerable debate within China on this topic before the outcome was officially accepted. President Xi may have a different definition of at-ease than the rest of us.This inability to suffer a free exchange of ideas, the norm throughout Asia and a growing problem in the West, pretty much condemns a culture of innovation and that is before we get to the myriad of problems with connections and corruption.
Re: A President-For-Life Communist Country? Read Some History Please.
What Mr Marx (third cousin to the Rothschilds') failed to mention was that the wealth can't be distributed more evenly because in a debt based fiat currency the wealth is created out of thin air by the bankers as debt and must return to the bankers as an expression of real effort and value when due. Missing this important point, Marx was little more than a dreamer.
Did you even sweat, tho? Plaintiffs told to amend claims in Apple headphones suit
nbn™ isn’t fixing HFC, it’s ‘optimising’ it
Was the skill in selling a 'failing' network or was the skill in keeping the best frequencies for itself and making NBN take the noisy frequencies at the lower end of the spectrum. It would be funny if it wasn't our money and if it wasn't the same federal government negotiating our international trade deals.
Trump’s new ZTE tweets trump old ZTE tweets
Let's kick the tyres on Google's Android P... It's not an overheating wreck, but UX is tappy
Microsoft vows to bridge phones to PCs, and this time it means it. Honest.
Re: There is a reason for no one achieving this.
The problem is Google not Microsoft. It would be easy to include RDP in the Android build, we already have Microsoft's MTP so why not one more MS protocol. RDP functions can be added to rooted Android devices so there is no great technical barrier to overcome. Google's vision for Android is a data slurping toy for selfies and cat videos.
UK Parliament roars: Oi! Zuck! Get in here for a grilling – or you'll get a Tower of London tour
Doom and Super Mario could be a lot tougher now AI is building levels
Australian SigInt spooks won't get power to spy on locals
Supreme Court to dig into Google's very cosy $8.5m deal with lawyers over web search leak
if dev == woman then dont_be(asshole): Stack Overflow tries again to be more friendly to non-male non-pasty coders
Re: noob at StackExchange myself
Obviously those couple of dozen thousand reputation points are a sign of privilege, an obvious power imbalance. Rather than be intimidated, believe in yourself. Stand your ground. Be proud of your diversity of views. It's not called stack overflow for nothing. /sarc.
Penguins in a sandbox: Google nudges Linux apps toward Chrome OS
Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie, oi oi oi! Tech zillionaire Ray's backdoor crypto for the Feds is Clipper chip v2
Re: Making Non-compliant Encryption Illegal
Without constant access to the surrendered keys to try decrypt every message, by the time the government voyeurs arrive at your name on the list it will be too late to realise that you were non-confirming and past communications are out of reach. To mitigate this, keys cannot be held in some magic government assured escrow but must be on the network and constantly tested against every message.
Qual-gone: 1,200+ axed from Snapdragon, Centriq giant Qualcomm
OK, this time it's for real: The last available IPv4 address block has gone
Facebook’s in real trouble now: Australia’s opened a probe
Re: Couple of million bucks?
Why bother? Learn how to gain a political advantage over your opponents. Donation shakedown. If it can elect Trump then maybe the LNP have a chance. Help educate our politicians that the internet isn't just for pr0n. Opportunities for our ministry of everything. In short, something clever happened and Canberra is scrambling to understand it and to see how it can either profit from it or make it illegal.
What's silent but violent and costs $250m? Yes, it's Lockheed Martin's super-quiet, supersonic X-plane for NASA
Super Cali goes ballistic, Starbucks is on notice: Expensive milky coffee is something quite cancerous
Looking at the following site there appear to be a number of states with childhood vaccination rates lower than CA. CA already has SB277 removing personal and religious belief exemptions - with reports that drug companies donated millions to CA lawmakers before the vaccine debate. Perhaps the publicity around SB277 caused some parents to begin weighing the risks of vaccination against the benefits.