* Posts by Siskris

6 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Mar 2011

Nuns chastise Google and Eric names Larry greatest human alive


Re: Nuns

Checking out their website, the real nuns don't wear habits or makeup.

They are, however, women to be reckoned with and not afraid to speak out for justice.

TalkTalk scam-scammers still scam-scamming


Me too

I've had two such calls this year despite having anonymous call rejection installed after I reported the first one. The scary thing is that they knew my account number. I refused to cooperate and demanded that they tell me which package I have until they hung up.

Embracing the life-changing qualities of USB power packs and battery extenders


Battery packs

Stuck on Eurostar for 3 hours outside Calais with no power to the onboard sockets the battery pack came into its own for both phone and tablet. Well worth the few quid it cost compared to the cost of a reliable replacement battery which would have only worked on the phone - and they don't make battery cases for my phone.

Finding the formula for the travelling salesman problem


Similar problem

Last summer I travelled to Poland and back by coach using the Polish company, Sindbad. Each journey had only one change of coach between Leicester and Krakow. There were several places where coaches synchronised journeys to exchange passengers and a large hub just inside the Polish border where coaches from all over Europe met at 8am then dispersed to different parts of Poland. The reverse happened at 8pm.

The problem here, I guess, is how to fill all the coach seats and at the same time minimise passenger changes.

It was a brilliant operation and I'd love to know how they run it.

Tech that we want (but they never seem to give us)


I'd appreciate

A washing machine that I can control and customise the washing programme from my smartphone and which will let me know what it's doing and, most importantly, will give an audible notification when it has landed.

A Bluetooth speaker which also has a USB socket to charge a phone.

Traffic lights which are phased for pedestrians, cyclists and buses.

Sinclair ZX81: 30 years old


Sweet Memories

I was going to buy a fridge then I saw the ad....

A computer was much cooler!