* Posts by Hellcat

386 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Mar 2011


Android holds steady as iOS and Windows Phone slip in Kantar reports


Difficult to get a clear view of what is happening with so many different time scales quoted. The Windows phone is since 2011, Android I think is since 2012 and with no dates shown I'm left to assume all Apple figures are for just 2013? For Blackberry's sake I hope that decline is over a couple of years else they might not even figure on next years report.

Apple fails to shake antitrust watchdog loose, receives judge slapdown


Re: ... hardly surprising that "lawyers get paid a lot of money".

"...I've now lost the will to do anything good and creative in my life..."

All you need now is the briefcase.

Why 2014 might just be the year of the Google Chromebook


Agendas. That is all.

No sign of Half-Life 3 but how about FOURTEEN Steam Machine makers?


I look forward to the benchmark results to see how performance differs on the same hardware with Windows, Linux and SteamOS - I would hope their own fork would bring some benefits in FPS.

If the Steam Machine can being home theatre features and DLNA support then it has a better change against the big names.

p.s. anyone else having trouble with the reg forum recently? I can't click in the password box - had to click into email and tab through to password.

Dell confirms Chromebook for Blighty


1366x768 is okay for a display that size and will help reduce the impact on the battery. If it can output to an external screen (which this can) I would hope that is at least able to display 1920x1080.

No mention of the PSU in the article - is it USB or does it have a dedicated charger? It's all well and good a full charge lasting 10 hours but how long does it take to get back to once the battery is flat?


Re: Thumbed down?

Welcome to the Microsoft haters group. 10s cold to desktop is pretty good. My PC can only dream of that.

I bet I can get more downvotes just by mentioning Windows RT does just about the same as ChromeOS only with SMB support.

Acer C720 Chromebook with Haswell battery boosting goodness


Re: Why?

Paul C...

Almost agreed entirely with you but... there is some cross-over between all types and the casual user. It is almost the norm for people to have some kind of consumption product for casual use. I don't think anyone in the IT department here does not have either an iPad, a Surface or a droid tablet for use at home. I look forward to someone here buying a Chromebook so I can take a look.

Wait, that's no moon 21.5-inch monitor, it's an all-in-one LG Chromebase PC


Re: cheap iMac clone?

Thanks for that link to the apple website. I don't think I could have found the apple website without that link. It looks exactly like a imac in that the screen is facing the user, and is rectangular. The stand is on the bottom of the product for use in regular gravity environments, and they have gone for a revolutionary twist on the 'all-in-one' concept by putting all the components inside the only part of the computer.

Seriously, get back to work behind your Genius bar!


Re: How do you manage these?

You could use a Chrome browser plugin for RDP or Citrix receiver depending on what your background infrastructure looks like.

Microsoft yanks Surface 2 DIM SCREEN of DEATH fix in update snafu


Come up with that one all by yourself or was it originally written as "I'm sure they are handicapped regardless as it is a.Apple/Samsung/Oracle/Sun/Citrix/Cisco/<insert hated technology company name here> product."

Microsoft: Here, we'll make it easy for you Gmail lot. Meet our Outlook.com movers


Re: outlook.com has ads?

Seriously, I can't see the adverts! Damn you all to Hell I'm missing out!

Asus Transformer Book T100: Xbox One? PS4? Nah, get a cute convertible for Christmas


Re: License Violation

Same applies to the RT devices that come with bundled Home & Student - you may be covered under an existing 365/app assurance licence you have.


Re: Does it run Mac OSX?

You missed the joke alert icon.


Atom processor so 'full' windows 8.1. If it really is useable with only an Atom and 2GB RAM then that's not bad going.

I want to play with VMs


Missed the boat...

HP have been flogging N54L microservers with £100 off for the last year or so. You might be able to get some from the bay of E but no doubt people are trying to make a fast buck on their servers that they bought.

My home setup is:

ESXi hosts - 2x 8GB N54L booting ESXi 5.1 from internal USB - 1x 250GB SATA (came with the server)

iSCSI NAS - 1x 4GB N54L booting Nas4Free from internal USB - 4x 2TB SATA storage.

Network - Cisco 3550 12G + Cisco 3500XL

This allows you to experience a lot of functionality used professionally since 50% of the VM setup is getting the networking correct. If you want Windows PCs/Servers on your VMs, you get 180 days evaluation if you install without a serial key. That is more than enough time to experiment with the various functionality. It is a shame you can't use the advanced VM functionality vmotion/DRS etc without a valid key.

Want to reach out and touch your Chromebook? How does $299 grab you?


Re: Or get this..

The denial of facts is strong on this site.

Perhaps you can identify what is a better match for a competitor for this touch screen chromebook?


Re: Or get this..

The Gen1 SurfaceRT is a handy little device and for under $200 is a steal for the US market. Possibly the most direct competition for the Chromebook as I believe the Chromebook also has offline document editing and a fully HTML5 compliant browser to either 1) make up for the lack of native apps or 2) make native apps not required.

1 or 2 depending on your point of view.

Hello! Still here! Surface 2! Way better than iPad! says slightly desperate Microsoft


The on-screen keyboards (qwerty, handwriting, split keyboard) work fine, and the cover-keyboard wraps around the back with less effort than it takes to pull it off - them magnets are surprisingly strong.

Apple's secret 12.9-inch MONSTER needs a good fondle, say biz sources


Re: What's the target audience/use case?

@Paul S. Gazo

Are them extra couple of inches really as important as they make out?

Any of the 10+/-0.3" tablets on the market currently in my experience are okay for reading PDFs in booklet (2 page) format.

'Daddy, can I use the BLACK iPAD?': Life with the Surface Pro 2


Re: Why I love the Surface

Thanks for the link, a few more toys to play with there. Voice control works ok on the Surface RT but might need a headset to overcome external noise. Don't think the gfx on the RT will quite be up to the HD video and Halo challenge though, will leave that to the Surface 2. Would like to try the play-to DLNA functionality but my Bravia is as old as the hills. Perhaps a DLNA HDMI dongle could help there?

KRAKOOM! iPad Air explose in fireball, terrified fanbois flee Apple store


I thought that was a lightning port, not firewire.

Ahhh, SATISFACTION: Watch while we set a NAS on FIRE


Re: Channelling Mythbusters

476190 termites. Sounds like a new El Reg CI unit in the making.

Nothing to sniff at: Dell Ultrabooks REEK OF CAT PEE, scream users


the looks you get...

... tracking down and sniffing around a few deployed 6430s only to find they were odour free.

Samsung is officially the WORLD'S BIGGEST smartphone maker


Rough maths:

31% Samsung

13% Apple

5% Huawei

5% Lenovo

5% LG

3% Nokia

So Samsung has outsold the following 5 manufacturers - but combined make only 62% of the market. Who makes the other 38% which is around 100,000 units?

Surface 2 and iPad Air: Prepare to meet YOUR DOOM under a 'Landfill Android' AVALANCHE


My upgrade to 8.1 was free. As was the RT version of Office 2013.

I'm not sure where you heard of these upgrade and subscription costs.


Get back to work

Aren't there any customers waiting at your 'genius' bar?

You can compare the Surface (2) Pro tablets with the iPad just as soon as the iPad runs full Mac OSX

Microsoft pulls Win 8.1 RT code which upgraded Surface 'slabs into BRICKS


Re: Why downvoted?

Actually the article states "Microsoft has quickly backpedalled on its Windows 8.1 update, pulling it from the Windows Store after reports that it was bricking Surface tablets."


No "some" there. Try reading it again. Dare ya!

Since Microsoft have claimed it is only a minority of devices affected, then my confirmation that the update isn't bricking every Surface adds some validation to the discussion. My condolences to the 'other surface owner' who must have the bricked one.

If they claimed it wasn't happening, but in reality every owner's device was getting bricked, then people complaining here would show they were full of BS. A bit like your comment which isn't even about the article, is 100% irrelevant, is not news and adds nothing of value to the discussion.


8.1 upgraded the day of release and running on both my PC and my Surface RT.

No issues seen so far.

(Of course this will be downvoted - but would love to actually hear the reasons why they would downvote such a purely factual comment)

Volvo: Need a new car battery? Replace the doors and roof


When Volvo announced their Diesel plug-in Hybrid I immediately saw the potential. Driving from and to work on the electric only makes financial sense – even more so if you are able to charge it while at work. When going touring at the weekend you have a 200bhp front wheel drive diesel engine, and can even boost it with an extra 80bhp push through the rear electric wheels.

I’m not so sure on this one though.

LIVE CHAT: You, El Reg, experts chat about Win 8.1 and Surface 2


Re: Surface 2 v iPad 5

I wonder if it will include a full featured version of Safari so I won't need to download individual apps to use websites that run fine from my PC?

Thought as much.

Microsoft store staff to hold all night vigil for Surface 2


Re: anecdotal evidence

What did she expect? iOS?

RIP charging bricks: $279 HP Chromebook 11 charges via USB


I still don't understand chromebook.

You need to be online as all the content is through the browser? But the thing costs as much as a cheap laptop and nearly as much as a Surface RT or a mid-spec Android tablet - and all these have offline capabilities.

Microsoft: We're nearly OUT OF STOCK of Surface 2 and Pro 2


Re: Surface RT - I have one

I also have a Surface RT, and I like it!

I wanted mutiple user support so Apple's offerings were out the window and the Android multi-user support was not mature enough. The browser being fairly fully featured does away with the need for apps to view youtube etc. I really like that the OS mimics the full Windows 8 allowing you to do most things you can on full windows (manage devices, map network drives). So far, no issues at all.

Aruba rolls out cloudy enterprise Wi-Fi management system


But where is the meat?

Sounds a lot like Cloudtrax unless I am missing something that the article failed to mention.

Chromecast creeps further into living room with Hulu hookup


That's all well and good... but when do we get them in Blighty?!

Microsoft Surface 2 fondleslabs finally get off ground with airline order


Have an up-vote!

Now we have an RT in the house I couldn't imagine having to put up with a less capable tablet.

Perhaps Microsoft could addopt the tag-line"You won't need an app for that"

EU move to standardise phone chargers is bad news for Apple


Re: Best connector


And now you have.

Office 365 goes to work on an Android


Having now used a Surface RT I wouldn't bother trying to get office working on a droid tablet.

Better corporate integration with intune, citrix receiver for x86 apps, and that all important USB port for when you need more than a touchpad. At the original price it was too much for the home market and wasn't pushed hard enough for corporate. Silly really, they're a fantastic piece of kit.

First look: Apple iPhone 5S and 5C


I remember when my colleague got their HTC desire. At the time I had a Sony Ericcson Satio. There were many features that I liked and wished my phone had. Email/social network integration, capacitive touchscreen, decent browser and that weather background that had a windscreen wiper come across the screen when it was forcast to rain.

My current phone (GS2) is over 2 years old in design but does almost anything the newest handsets can do. Where is the innovation? The "wow, I wish mine could do that!" factor?

Microsoft to unveil new Surface slabs at September 23 event


Ativ 500 - £600

TF - £600

Surface RT - £320

I can't think of any software he would use over what is provided, or can be installed from the app store, so in this case not worth the extra £280.

Downvotes from those who are still in denial that there are other tables other than ipads?


Just about to buy an RT for my Son. As far as I can see it is the perfect device for kids at school age. It supports user profiles (bye bye ipad) and a suite of parental controls. The attachable keyboards, USB device support and office suite mean it can be used for real productivity (bye bye droid slabs). The storage is easily extendible via SD card or USB storage so having videos for car journeys isn't a problem.

To compare Windows 8 RT to iOS or Android is to be naieve to the functionality of RT, and the build quality is top notch - so we're not comparing with a £99 Argos no-brand special.

Google cripples Chromecast third party replay


Re: er...

Not seen anything to say the cast your browser tab in Chrome will not work. If you install videolan I believe you should be able to play local content in your browser. Obviously doesn't help for sending content direct from your mobile device but at least there is a solution for now... while we still can't buy the device... oh.

Microsoft cuts Surface Pro price by $100

Thumb Up

Re: Still too expensive

"I've always been sold on the idea of having something (like a phone I suppose) that you can just plug into a full sized monitor, keyboard and mouse but we're not quite there yet (even something like Surface pro isn't there yet)."

I have a MHL to HDMI adapter, and then HDMI to DVI since my monitor has no HDMI input. Add in a bluetooth keyboard and mouse and the citrix receiver and you have a BYOD solution.

Apple files patent for iPhone enabled auto-adjustable auto interior


I await the lawsuit when 6'5 Fred gets into his car with his 5'2 girlfriend Laura, but only Laura brings her ithingy...

Will look like that scene in Star Wars in the waste compactor.

On a serious note, is it really that hard to adjust the seat? 1 click forward for me - the wife is very leggy.

Whoever recently showed us the secret documents: Do get in touch

Big Brother

Re: Somewhere in the depths of Prism

That toggles it. You're in the clear.

Of course by coming back to read my comment, you are back on the list.

Icon.. because for once it directly applies!

Nicked unencrypted PC with 6,000 bank details lands council fat fine


Re: RDP? What does the ICO do with the money?

keithpeter has hit the nail firmly and squarely on the head.

There is no reason for data to ever be on a workstation. Everyone else seems to live in a world where Citrix doesn't exist. Give the users a published desktop if the individual app doesn't play nicely as a published application. Then they can access it in the office or at home, and no need for expencive laptops or workstations - a Wyse device or similar thin client device is all that is needed at the user's end, and servers capable of hosting the sessions are getting cheaper all the time. To save on licences, server 2012's terminal server solution is nearly as good as Citrix's own offering.

It's a fiddle! Funnyman's Irish tax flashmob floods Apple flagship store


Re: Democracy Works !

Either I missed the part where all the protestors were actually Irish, or central London just declared independence and dissolved the monarchy.

Japan's XP migration solution: Remove network cable


Sounds like someone has not implemented suitable network protection.

USB storage devices are blocked here apart from company provided encrypted devices, and if your PC is not up-to-date on AV and security patches it doesn't get access to the network.

iPhone too heavy? Volkswagen brings out motorised ride-on dock


Re: A better idea... (that has already been thought of)

You can buy a double-din head unit that runs on android.

These have built in amplifiers and connections for external amps, steering wheel controls etc. USB for external storage or wifi/3g dongles, hardware buttons for the basics such as volume, and programmable buttons for launching navigation, radio etc.

The benefit of these are you don't need to remember to take your iphone or ipad with you, and nobody will break into your car to steal them if you forget to remove it from the dash.

As for the original article. Meh. The previous beetle was a lame attempt to cash in on the mini/500 market. It failed in every way except for provinding the rest of us drivers with an easy way to spot someone who is likely to drift out of lane, or straight-line a roundabout as they have no driving talent. I expect the new beetle to be just as pointless. As I have seen elsewhere - Nu beetle is not allowed scissors.



...and you say you bought all that equipment Sir? Can I see your receipts please?
