* Posts by Hellcat

386 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Mar 2011


ONE MILLION people already running Windows 10


Re: Daily driver

Same here minus 1 day - couldn't get my PC to boot from USB (Thanks Gigabyte).

So far it has faired well. Installed without issue on UEFI. Performance is slightly improved over Win8 according to my Novabench rating (Win8 was slightly higher than Win7). The UI does seem a little split personality still with the 2 calculators being an example of this - hope they improve that as they go on. Compatability mode worked for apps that wouldn't run above Win8. I'm left wondering what has become of the big green button since Media Centre became an add-on for Win8, and isn't available in the BWin 10 Beta.

Get NAS-ty: Reg puts claws to eight four-bay data dumpsters


Re: Or alternatively...

HP Microserver N54L here running Nas4free. Got three N54Ls while they were cheap (Just over £100). Two came as ESXi bundles so had 16GB of RAM to replace the bundled 2GB stick, so the 3rd N54L got a 2nd stick. 4GB is plenty to run a Nas4free ZFS RAID5 with 4x 2TB enterprise SATA disks. It might not be enough for FreeNas8 which seems to have higher minimum spec. Setup was a bit tricky, and I didn't get it running just as I wanted on the 1st attempt. Performance seems perfectly fine for the amount of storage available. They're almost silent and with the correct stickers could look like a weighted companion cube which in my mind is a benefit.

Windows 10 feedback: 'Microsoft, please do a deal with Google to use its browser'


Re: It would actually be a smart business move for Ms

For home users perhaps, Firefix and Chrome are tinned worms for the enterprise due to the number of weird and wonderful business critical web apps* we have to support and often bork at every increase in version.

I'd be happier if they bundled some sort of browser for reading local html files(read me's/help files) - but accessing something outside of localhost would prompt to choose an internet browser. Something like you can open docs in wordpad, but it's likely you're going to use open office/MS office/libre office/a.n.other to do any writing in real anger.

*Not our choice to run them - and the dev team probably no longer exist!

PEAK APPLE: iOS 8 SHUNNED by refusenik fanbois


Re: 6 GB free

I'd rather delete my content than have to install itunes.

One Windows? How does that work... and WTF is a Universal App?


Re: @Trevor

But when I go explicitly hunting to turn it all off in a separate, created for the purpose of testing that functionality, VM I should be able to do it. Ensuring privacy controls work is a critical part of ensuring that the operating system is ready for prime time. And, to me, it's far more important than making sure the graphics subsystem works, or that the Start Menu doesn't irritate me too much.

Perhaps that part isn't ready for testing, or is not the current test target? You seem to have forgotten who's shedule a beta runs to (reminder - it's not yours). How about you switch off that VM, and we'll tell you when it's safe to come out to play.

Dude, you're getting a Dell! Uni of Queensland adds AU$275,000 cluster


Re: breaking news


Anna Wintour, Karl Lagerfeld and some Apple bloke attend glitzy iPhone 6 Paris launch


I really, really thought he was a creepy waxwork.

I'm more creeped now I know he's alive.

Nicked iCloud snaps: Celebrities were 'dumb' – new EU digi boss

Paris Hilton

Protect your company information!

Any multi-million company will have (I hope) a policy on protecting their confidential company data. That could be financial information, product schematics or secret recipes. That may include not using cloud storage for their most sensitive data in case of loss/leaks.

I see a direct comparison here. For these celebs their image is the product. They hire management to ensure they're seen in all the right places, and don't get seen in the wrong ones etc. These managers should be making sure the product isn't at risk, and that should include digitally - making sure sensitive *ahem* data isn't in the cloud or just about anywhere easy to steal/lose.

All in all, I put it down as a management cockup.

Cockups? leaking? Well there can be only 1 icon now...

Business is back, baby! Hasta la VISTA, Win 8... Oh, yeah, Windows 9


"I'm very happy to spend $$$,$$$ on software assurance and receive zero new versions" - said no enterprise scale customer ever.

Apple 'Genius': iPhone 6? We've had NO COMPLAINTS about our BENDY iThing


Well that answers that.

I was wondering how Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf was getting on. Looks like he landed a job in Apple customer services and is now called Aoife.

Apple: SO sorry for the iOS 8.0.1 UPDATE BUNGLE HORROR


Having seen how well 8.0.0 and 8.0.1 have gone down, I will be using this as a fine example of just why I won't be going to production with your change today, and why testing is important. Perhaps you might just see a small spark in the PHB's eyes when you say "Push it through without testing? You mean like iOS8?"

I feel I should also appologise in public for any complaining I might have made about having to wait for WP8.1.


Ordnance Survey intern plonks houses, trees, rivers and roads on GB Minecraft map


Re: No Profit

The Xbox version already has in-app purchases for skins and DLC based on having a xbox gold account (for downloading maps like skyden). I assume it is similar for playstation and apple/android versions.

Man buys iPHONE 6 and DROPS IT to SMASH on PURPOSE


Re: All about build quality


My wife dropped her 1020 from a trouser pocket onto a carpet tiled concrete floor - screen smashed. Unless that was a poorly fitted screen that was already under some stress, it still shows that even Nokias need to be looked after to a certain degree. My 1020 has collected a few tiny scratches on the glass from what must be occasional meetings with keys or coins in the same pocket. Bit disapointed with the amazing gorilla glass on this occasion.

Does this float your boat? Dead Steve Jobs to hijack yachts from beyond the grave


Driving a fairly hefty boat by any sort of general consumer grade control device is pretty scary in my opinion. Tables and smart phones do crash, and it would be a shame if your boat crashed too because of it. We run a Raymarine ST60 system on our yacht. Despite the relative simplicity the modules are expencive; partly because they are built to be super reliable. Tablets just aren't stable enough to be relied on.

Driving with an Apple Watch could land you with a £100 FINE


Re: Speedo?

My 1989 Fiat Tipo had a digital dashboard. Can't help but chuckle at these 'modern' cars with their digital displays.

First Irish boy band U2. Now Apple pushes ANOTHER thing into iPhones, iPods, iPads


Re: Don't forget Microsoft

Don't panic! Just do the same fix and put a 64GB MicroSD card in the side, right?

Oi, Tim Cook. Apple Watch. I DARE you to tell me, IN PERSON, that it's secure


Re: You forgot something

Thanks. Thought I was missing something.

( •_•)

( •_•)>⌐■-■


Awwww Yeah!


Sounds like he wants some... Facetime.

A SCORCHIO fatboy SSD: Samsung SSD850 PRO 3D V-NAND


Real life testing...

...4GB photo.

Who's real life are you living?! I thought my lumia was a bit mad creating 10MB photos!

Actually as someone still in the market for my first ssd, this gives some food for thought. I will pass my wish list onto my wife.

'Windows 9' LEAK: Microsoft's playing catchup with Linux


Re: Says more about Reg readers

I had multiple desktops through the ATI driver package way back when (Windows 2000 or XP?). I probably thought it was a cool feature to have, but I found just ALT+TAB was more efficient. I've never since found myself thinking "I wish I had more desktops".

Apple promises to lift Curse of the Drained iPhone 5 Battery


Re: surely just pop the back off and change the battery for a new one.....

Because you just pop the front off...

Six of the best gaming keyboard and mouse combos


For warthunder my left hand is doing at the same time...

....throttle control and roll, possibly at same time as rudder while adjusting flaps and dropping bombs or launching rockets. Taking the whole of the left hand up with a joystick wouldn't be an effieient use of a high-accuracy limb.

It's not so much the use of the WASD keys being crucial, but the ease of using all the keys surrounding them.


Re: K70 + RAT 5

Moved from an ancient Razer Diamondback to a RAT 5 a few months ago. I thought I was happy with my mouse until I used the RAT. It looks weird, but once adjusted fits my fairly smallish hands perfectly.

Next on the list is a new keyboard to replace my long-suffering Microsoft multi-media board. I was thinking a K70, so seeing a +1 for it here is comforting.

The agony and ecstasy of SteamOS: WHERE ARE MY GAMES?


Re: No thanks

I remember the days (and I mean sometimes days) of searching for a decent mirror for the latest countre-strike patch. When Steam came along with 1.6 it was both a blessing and a curse. No more malware infested click-lottery downloader sites - but also forced updates which could screw up offline lan gaming

Mines the one with the Steyr AUG in the pocket - not a Bullpup!

Munich considers dumping Linux for ... GULP ... Windows!


Re: Lack of integrated email/contacts/calendar?

Sharepoint, is a pain to use, that may though be our IT departments fault can't really say, still a pain and I'm missing a lot of key functionality that I do expect from it.

Someone hasn't used Jive then?

It's like someone showed an A level student Yammer and Sharepoint, and then got them to create it in Frontpage 97.

YES YES YES! Apple patents mousy, pressure-sensing iVibrator


Re: Stupid buttons on the side of the mouse

You can probably set the extra buttons to do whatever you want, but that means installing the mouse software.

Mine's the one with the RAT5 in the pocket.

Naughty NSA was so drunk on data it forgot collection rules



If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide.

With the amount of hidden content I assume they have done a lot of wrong!

World's only flyable WWII Lancaster bombers meet in Lincs


Re: Aviation geeks

You need to play more war thunder. Does wonders for your WWII aircraft identification.

TB-3M? Arm the rockets!

Clock ticking for Surface 3 as Microsoft preps for globo-launch


Re: I'd love one, but

As you say, though: Touch screen? Detachable keyboard? SSD?

To which I say: Bigger screen. More USB ports. More connectivity in general

So we have identified one is a tablet, and the other a laptop, and you can only compare them so much. After that they both have advantages that the other cannot perform so comparing is pointless unless you want to discuss which features are people willing to compromise to have the alternative.

Would you drop the ability to use touchscreen and function as a tablet for extra USB ports and a wider screen? YMMV.

For me, having SSD is a no-brainer on a PC/laptop/tablet. I'd rather have 1/4 the storage but 4 times the speed. Storing junk is what NAS devices are for.


Re: I'd love one, but

If they want to get some traction they need to drop the price on the RT versions. As much as I enjoy using ours, I wouldn't buy another at the current full price. £280 for the original and £360 for the 2nd gen are just too high co compete against the current market with the old/new iPads being £330/400 and every price point satisfied in the world of Droids.

When MS dropped the price about a year ago you could not find a Surface for sale anywhere. As soon as they went into stock they were sold. Ebay was flooded with people trying to make a quick buck on ones they have bought for cheap. If MS are serious about breaking into the market they need to take a short-term hit for long term success. That would be the price to pay for bringing a good product, but missing the boat by a good couple of years.

END your Macbook SHAME: Convert it into a Microsoft SURFACE


Re: Behold, the iPad Macbook Pro Retina

Balls. Missed one but it leaves scope for the next model...

The iPad Macbook Air Pro Retina


Behold, the iPad Macbook Pro Retina

...did I miss any?

China: Microsoft, don't shy away from our probe


Re: Just leave now...

Most people don't want to buy Microsoft. They don't trust Microsoft, and they sure as hell don't want Microsoft's broken UIs

Citation needed?

In my experience, outside of the workd of Linux and Unix admins, most people are blisfully unaware of the OS on their PC, and just don't complain in the way you are suggesting. We must move in different circles?

YES, iPhones ARE getting slower with each new release of iOS


More science needed.

Do they actually run slower or is it just once the new iShiny becomes available, people complain theirs is slow and they need a new one? I bet people don't complain when it's announced because they can't get one.

I imagine this is like when the number of iShinys dropped by management increase after the launch of the latest version, but not when it is announced.

Hasn't someone tried running a non-upgraded phone against a similar age/model running the latest firmware and compared the performance?


Re: Upgrades to software, other platforms.

Reminds me about when I complained about the interface on the Ricoh being confusing, and my boss happened to walk past and quipped.. "Are you sure a career in IT is for you?"

Toucé Mr Boss.

Robot cars to hit Blighty in 2015


Re: New binary state?

Was that what was known as 'fuzzy logic'? I heard about that years ago, not heard the phrase since, but then my parents received a rice cooker as a gift from their Chinese student houseguests - and it has fuzzy logic.

Last time I heard rice and fuzzy in a since sentance was about a plate I forgot to wash up before going on holiday.

Microsoft rolls up more Windows Server 2012 R2 updates


Re: Pure genius

You will also need a SCOM licence which I believe will hurt your pocket more than the Windows Server licence you might need to install it on.


Re: Pure genius

If you already have SCOM in place, it makes sence to add a management pack if 365 is a big component of your IT services. Beats having to get someone to browse to http://status.office365.com/ every 5 minutes (which you can do from any OS or browser).

Facebook: Want to stay in touch? Then it's Messenger or NOTHING


Will I even notice?

FB messaging is possible direct from the people hub in WP8. I've never felt the need to see if there is a messaging app for FB in the store.

Actually removing the messaging part would clean up some annoying behaviour where you get an alert on the FB app that you have a message, then the message shows on your people hub also, meaning you have to aknowledge it in both places.

Porsche Panamera S E-Hybrid: The plug-in for plutocrats


Five years ago I became lighter to the tune of 24% and it wasn't even anything remotely exotic. Beware heading into a showroom and thinking "oooh shiny... I can afford this!"

Now rolling in 3.3% despite it being a significantly better car. Faster, bigger, smoother, sexier.

Australia floats website blocks and ISP liability to stop copyright thieves


So will this work for the little guys?

I know a couple of photographers who have had their photos used without consent on the websites of some newspapers. Can they strike for the papers to be DNS tombstoned, and how does it work with sites (and/or content) hosted or incorporated outside of Aus?

NUDE SNAPS AGENCY: NSA bods love 'showing off your saucy selfies'


Re: Why am I not surprised by this?

The difference here is you are a honest person, and the customer is bringing their PC to you and entrusting you to not snoop around their files. The people in the NSA and such are already OK with snooping around peoples files without their knowledge - the lines of trust have already been blurred.

Hey Microsoft: You want to keep hardware partners onside? Stick to software


Re: Actually...

That's not obligitory, more of a serving suggestion.

Beer. Because it needs no serving suggestion.


Re: Actually...

Not quite a laptop... but the Surface pro is probably as close as you can get to the MS laptop. I've not used a Pro version yet, but I imagine it would be as you say - how other laptops feel AFTER you have uninstalled all the crapware!

Apple 5S still best-selling smartphone 8 months after launch


Re: Perhaps

"I still have no idea why a Galaxy is more use than an iPhone"

Perhaps your sequence was shortened?

Remember when Google+ outed everyone by their real names? Now Google's sorry


Has anyone actually tried changing their details to display only their chosen nickname?

You have 3 boxes, First name, Surname, Nickname

Then a drop down for 'display name' with the options.

1. <first name> <surname>

2. <first name> "<nickname>" <surname>

3. <first name> <surname> (<nickname>)

I don't see any option for not splashing my real name all over short of using Hell + Cat as my first name and surname, and then selecting option 1.

Microsoft takes on Chromebook with low-cost Windows laptops


Re: Accessing data , and Chromebooks

So Microsoft need an OS to run on cheap chromebook-spec hardware? To provide a device with the ability to create local content, but with an eye to using cloud services and storage? Is Windows 8.1 with Bing the new name for Windows RT?

BitTorrent not to blame for movie revenues, says economist


I'm going to have to put a good word in for my not so local cinema. A really good independent showing a few blockbusters, but also a good amount of less well known and foreign films. Staff are knowledgable and happy, the place is spotless, and for less than the price of a sticky airplane seat you can cosy up on a leather sofa with a well stocked bar.

I cringe when I am 'invited' to go watch a movie at one of the modern cattle houses. It really is a excercise in restraint when subject to mental torture. Awful conditions, awful films.

Tyneside Cinema, I sault you!

Teensy card skimmers found in gullets of ATMs


Re: Contactless? No thanks!

The limit is due to it being a single factor authentication... and wireless even if only almost in contact with the reader. I would suggest adding PIN for taking out larger amounts, and I expect with the contactless being encrypted it is more secure than the mag strip. Reading elsewhere it seems 1st gen (over 5 years old now) contactless were not encrypted, or not to the same level as today.

I've not seen anything to say if the cash machines in the UK are magstrip or chip&pin once it disapears inside the machine. Perhaps it's time for an experiment?
