It is to be followed by Mega speed, Ultra speed M-M-M Monster speed.
Insiders say the demand for even faster USB is ludacris, however their reaction to a proof of concept USB 8.0 was "holy shit!"
386 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Mar 2011
MS Surface have magnetic power connectors so Apple can't have the complete monopoly on that function.
I agree however, that mag power cables are fantastic. I saw it first on a macbook, and was a reason for buying the surface. It's been used in anger many, many times and I wish I had it on my phone which has been launched at high speed due to several leg-in-loop-in-wire incidents.
I was fairly impressed by Apple's ability to drop however many hundreds of thousands every hour in order to satify their demand at launch time, even taking into account the manufactured scarcity. But overall, as an industry 4 MIIIIILLION a day is bonkers.
Then again, I'm equally impressed with how much of everything else we take for granted. The amount of tarmac used to create just the UK road network - how big a pile would that that be, and would it be enough to fill in all the potholes?
I was part of the crowd at RAF Waddington who witnessed the last 2 flying Avro Lancasters meet the last flying Avro Vulcan. I feel more than just a little sad to know this will never. ever, happen again, but very happy to know that I was there to see, hear, smell and feel these incredible aircraft passing by.
If you're building, or rebuilding your PC that often - how about preparing for it? Slipstream the updates into your build DVD and then you'll not need to spend as much time patching.
If they wanted to see what a dino-hybrid looks like then go no further than the seagull.
Not the weedy in-land seagulls but the super-angry, bite your head off as soon as look at you herring gull. If there ever was a barely evolved dinosaur roaming the planet then this is it. To see one grab a songbird that happend to be hopping past, and neck it down in one was like a real life man-on-the-toilet scene from Jurassic Park. Brutal!
The Skype Translator Preview is only available for Windows 8.1 users, however. Microsoft says it should also work on the Windows 10 Technical Preview, but attempts to get it up and running on that operating system here in Vulture West have, so far, proved fruitless.
Maybe that was
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Lost in translation? Awwww yeah!
If the heat is used for the toasting, and the aim is to run it as often as possible, then what you need is to make the owners want more toast.
Howdy doodly do. How's it going? I'm Talkie, Talkie Toaster, your chirpy breakfast companion. Talkie's the name, toasting's the game. Anyone like any toast?
Playing around with Google for Work on my personal device (it's a testbed one, not my *real* one) I was irritated to see that now the device can conflate my personal gMail account with the one needed for work. Not what I want at all.
Crazy as it sounds but this is the purpose of being able to login with a 365 account. No longer will you need to login with a local or account linked to your personal account. You login with your company's 365 account, get their mail, their apps, their cloud storage, their contacts. This is why having the same option for Windows 10 phone is important - or at least some changes to the workplace functionality.
If only they made it easier to find the local account option. Are all four options given in the same place or do you have to look for a link in 3 point font in order to create a local account?
I don't know. It's still in development! Adding a Win 7 machine to a domain is several clicks away, so don't be shocked if you need to 'find' the local account option. But it's not like you're going to have to hack the registry to get to it.
...worrying about people hijacking your modem/router server, or having <insert favourite 3/4 letter acronym here> backdooring - how many of you have reviewed the hardware and sowftware of your existing dumb modem/router? Since we're just recently hearing of backdoors baked into existing dumb modems, it's likely they all have some of these vunerabilities that we just don't know about.
A massive increase of potential functionality is very tempting, based just on my own testing of a monowall firewall VM which runs on a tiny amount of resources. Private VPNs, VoIP gateways, so many interesting and exciting possibilities.
They probably mean via any number of streaming apps.
I've always used Tunin radio. Loads of stations, all on a standardised UI and available on almost all platforms including us weird Win phoners. Saves having to download an app per station - providing its not Android and iOS only!
The Win 10 phone tech preview, which just as a reminder is full of alpha and beta components, isn't bricking peoples phones - that was the recovery tool which looks to have been resolved.
As for the 100 days meaning the UI won't have time to change much - I've seen lots of changes in the UI over the course of the preview, and many significant ones just from one build to the next. I've no reason to think that any UI changes couldn't be introduced before the consumer preview, or the RTM version.
Com'on El Reg.
Mines been rock solid stable, and even on 10 tech preview, which is full of alpha and beta software it's still not crashing. Given there are reports of the 8.1 roll back tool not working, it would be pretty stupid to run it. A bit like patching to iOS 8.0.1 after the reports of how good it was?
I got bored/brave/drunk earlier this week.
My 1020 seems to have survived - will hold off attempting to undo my rash decission until the stability of the 8.1 recovery tool has been looked into. A colleague who's 1020 has been crashing and generally not behaving itself since he got it from Fleebay managed the 8.1 - 10 - 8.1 dance, but wouldn't recognise his SIM on 10, and crashed during recovery, but despite the odds is back to its oringinal crashing on 8.1.
I've only paid Apple price for a PC once, and that was a Vaio A217M bought around 2001. A positive beast of a laptop, only replaced due to needing a new keyboard which by 2008/2009 was nearly as expencive as a new laptop of similar performance. Over its 7 or so year lifetime I replaced the optical drive with a slot-drive DVD, replaced the HDD, upgraded the memory, repaired the power socket, wifi switch and right click , and washed the keyboard after several diet coke and pinot grigio incidents.
Other than there being a lot of screws to undo, nothing was glued in, or held with one-use clips. I wouldn't put that sort of value into a laptop again if it was effectivley scrap should anything go wrong with it outside the warranty.
Last year, most material was hosted in North America (56 per cent) and Europe, including Russia (41 per cent)."
So 97% is North America, Europe and Russia.
This means either only 3% is hosted outside these fairly well policed areas, or the task of looking at the relatively lawless South America and Asia hasn't even started yet?
Why is enterprise loving SSDs.
Simple. Money.
An SSD easily knocks 2 minutes (it's probably closer to 5 minutes) off our fat client bootup and login to usable desktop.
2 minutes (1/30th hour) x 5 days x 48 weeks x average hourly rate > Cost of buying an SSD.
And that's only over 1 year. Multiply by 3 or more years, and over 10,000 client devices and the productivity savings are massive*. Even the bean counters have to agree with that one.
*Yes I know it probably doesn't save the company real money as the users go for a smoke/coffee/chat at Dave's desk about that holiday he's just got back from but... when they get back it's ready for them, not sitting at 'applying your settings'.
My whole village has been enclosed in a 20mph ghetto. I don't remember in the 30 years I've lived here there ever being a serious incident. So within a week of the 20mph limit we have a cyclist under a car, and a major T-bone at a junction.
So now those of us who were driving at an appropriate speed are caught in a sticky situation. Do under 20mph and comply with the law, but have less considerate drivers tailgating and overtaking in a residential area, which has happened many many times. Or break the law by a few mph but reduce the chance of a dangerous situation happening.
I would have quite liked the option to have these apps or not providing they can be uninstalled. As it probably made the device a little cheaper since the manufacturer is getting paid to include them, then that's not a bad thing. Lots of companies pay to have their apps installed in the base build wether its phones, tablets, PCs or even some servers. That's just part of life and not a big issue unless there is no way to remove them.
As for the apps being available at all - good on MS I say. Ecosystem tie-in has been getting more rampant recently. Seeing at least one of the big players being more cross-platform is a refreshing change - even more so given who it is and their history! Maybe I'll buy a HUDL2 now?