Re: Can anyone please tell me
Hold down instead of tapping for the RT. Can't speak for other devices.
386 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Mar 2011
"I've never seen an RT device, nor know anyone who owns one, so can you tell us how it was crap?"
Are you sure you dont own one because you have summed up fairly well all the false claims that I can simply say 'no' to... Well apart from possibly stability if you have it balanced on the very end of your lap. Yes the apps were lacking, but the decent browser made needing many apps pointless. Facebook? Just go to! It's crap because 1. it's cool to call things done by Microsoft crap and 2. OMG you can't install your own apps (not that it was ever claimed that you could, and really well publisised that you couldn't!)
I live in safe seat - my national vote will make no difference at all. It's a bit of a relief really: as a pro-military liberal; a pro-nuclear green; an anti-pansurveillance patriot and a fervent believer in both market capitalism and a state health service, I have no idea who I could vote for anyway.
Where do I sign up? A monkey with the correct colour rosette would win here.
Wait did I say would?
First you have to have:
the iPad Pro Retina
the iPad Pro Air Retina
the iPad Pro Mini
the iPad Pro Mini Retina
the iPad Pro Mini Air Retina
then, and only then can you have...
the iPad Mac Pro
the iPad Mac Pro Retina
the iPad Mac Pro Air Re.........
You heard it here first, and I'm sure I missed off some models somehow.
Having a spare battery is a great idea, especially if she's likely to be driving to/from Scotland during winter - you never know when you might get stuck due to snow for many hours.
However, I also suggest buying a fast charge cable, and a 2.1A in car charger to ensure you can charge the battery faster than it drains. Something like this is perfect. This ensures your phone negotiates, or to be precise it prevents your phone from trying to negotiate, the charging rate, forcing full power and prevents it from defaulting to safe 500mA.
I had this issue driving over to Germany this year... battery lasted as far as Kent. Knocked it into battery saver and even with the GPS and SatNav running I didn't run out of battery again. Would like to be able to run all the normal apps I have open with push nnotifications next time so will be investing in something like the above.
I don't think they were trying to sell you one, just a review. But thanks for letting us know you don't want to buy one.
I also don't think they were selling it as perfect for those who care about their data security and privacy. They're selling it as a cloud OS convertable with all the dependancies that requires. If you want a secure linux laptop then starting with a barebones regular laptop, or a windows one and scrub it would be better - unless you really, really want very little storage and a slow processor.
Not sure when "flagship" meant "must be made of materials not best suited to being used in a handheld mobile device - but look nice". Polycarbonate is fairly resistant to scratching, doesn't smash or dent when dropped, doesn't prevent signal to radios and can be made into a multitude of shapes while retaining stiffness. If the guts inside the shell are decent specification what's wrong with that?
Mines the one with the phone in the pocket that isn't pretending to be an iphone.
Zero sympathy here either. People doing half a job on the cheap causing issues for themselves, or the poor sod who takes over in in the future.
Putting computers and users into a managed domain then leaving the updates to esentially the consumer arm of Microsoft? If you can't afford to do it properly in the MS model don't do it. Use any of the cheaper or free methods.Use linux. Use local accounts. Same for people losing the last (and only) DC in their AD forest - Let me show you my symapthetic face.
I like your 7 downvotes for managing to install Win 10 and then having your own opinon that you like it.
Perhaps the Open source community are not so open to opinions that do not match their own?
My guage of computer usability - my parents - has shown that they have managed the transition from 7 to 10 better than they did from XP to 7. Their intensive training included "here is how to switch users" and being on hand while they setup onedrive. Since they have no other backup it seems better than nothing.
a million times safer than 99.9% of the DOWNLOAD NOW buttons on most legit software sites.
I've a few games that update using a small number of super nodes feeding into torrenting clients. I'm guessing they didn't just throw this feature in, and will have thought about getting the security in place. Certificates and checksums should make this a non-issue.
If you don't want it - switch it off.
Unless you're a majority shareholder in Microsoft, I'm guessing what you actually have is a licence to use their software.
I've no issues with how they've bundled things. Life would be traumatic if every single feature or function of the OS was treat like the browser.
Open calculator. You have a choice of calculators, please choose from the list or search...
Open notepad. You have a choice......
Providing there isn't anything actually blocking me using a different product if I want to (looking at you Apple...) I've no issues them providing their own. If I don't like it, I'll install something else and use that instead.
Why didn't they create a replacement for the unified messaging they killed off on Windows phone?
One of the best features was a single hub where texts, facebook, skype etc messages dropped in, organised by contact, with the ability to reply via any method. So you could be having a SMS conversation with someone, and need to send a photo, so you send the next message via facebook messenger and attach the image without paying mms costs. Then they drop out of 3G coverage so you take it back to SMS - all without losing the context of your conversation.
Please list the other cars that will comfortably seat 6 adults, or 3 up front with enough space in the boot to fit 3 mountain bikes stood upright - minus the front wheels.
If you have a need for a 'van' but don't want the insurance cost, or to suffer the purchase cost of a T4 transporter, the wide track Multipla is a hoot on backroads, especially the 1.9 diesel which tunes easily to 150bhp, and beyond if you're a bit mad.
I think I re-installed sometime in the very early builds. I say think because I've rolled back a couple of times due to issues with some of the games I play and I've forgotten if this is a registered copy!
I guess moving to this build I might find out if I need to go get my Win 7 + upgrade to 8 upgraded to 8.1 key authorised for 10.
Without getting my crystal ball out of the cupboard, I will have to imagine the OS will be made available in the same formats as previous recent releases.
Seems a bit of a derp question. Microsoft have also not said that there will not be an ISO available. How about a bit of wait and see, unless you have insider (not the tech prev group) knowledge.
Seemingly not what your down voters wanted to hear either!
Going way back the gen 1 Surface RT we had developed a charging issue. This was fine until the younger son dropped the thing onto the pavement outside our house. Big scratches in the black aluminium and a couple of dents on the corners. Bugger I thought - no chance of getting that fixed now. Still, expecting the 'Sorry but that's accident damage' reply I boxed it up and dropped it off at a local DHL pickup point. Couple of days later and the support portal shows it as accepted. *Dances* I could have 'paid' for the up-front replacement unit after all! After a couple of weeks it arrives back - minus any accident damage. Not a bad outcome after all.
neither is Windows 7, until you apply a suitable created GPO.
There are so many parts to Windows that you do not want in anything bigger than a corner shop, that having a GPO or at very minimum a local policy in place is a must. I've not tried it on WinX yet, but imagine it'll be the same. Cortana on the desktop? Disable. Default search from Start menu? Local Computer. One does not simply deploy Windows from the DVD into the org.
> Neither of which seem to have the ability to use upper case characters or punctuation.
Have you tried using case and punctuation on an iPad? Another stupid idea of copying the real world onto the screen. We don't need the keys to display upper or lower case as we can feel the shift key is pressed - that doesn't translate over to a touchscreen.
Or you could, if they have Wifi sense enabled, choose not to share that network via Wifi sense?
If they later choose they want to give their contacts access to your wifi by sharing it over wifi sense, they will need to enter your password again.
A stalkers dream indeed, if stalkers dream about accessing the internet over someone elses internet connection.
A Wifi sense accessed network will only allow access to the internet. I've not looked into the feature thoroughly enough to see if that is based on gateway address, DNS servers or something else within Windows.
Just an idea, though : maybe you could disable sharing passwords that you acquired by being shared them ? In other words, my friends get my password, but not their friends ?
You can't disable the function, because it's not possible. As it has been since Wifi Sense was introduced, the access is only shared with your contacts. Your contacts cannot share access to your system with their contacts because they don't have the password.
In this way it is more secure than giving them the password, as they cannot pass it on. What the feature really needs is the ability to pick and choose which of your contacts is allowed to use your Wifi.
"An interesting point not touched on anywhere is that (at least so far), Win10 will only allow one MSA to be linked to a PC. That means that a Win10 machine cannot be fully used as a multi-user machine (eg two people using it with separate accounts having separate MSAs)."
You must be holding it wrong. I have 2 MSA accounts attached to my WinX PC. Both appear on the login page, and have separate profiles and apps synchronised to the cloudy evilness.
The problem with Macbook Pros is that they are sold by Apple, and Apple can't be trusted with anything, ever. They not only don't have our best interests in mind, they aren't even trying very hard to hide it any more.
Cloud first, mobile first. Staff, partners, developers and customers last.