* Posts by Ad@m

6 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Feb 2011

BT! dumps! Yahoo! after! 10! long! years! together!

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Won't be shedding any tears

Pretty much everyone I know who's unfortunate enough to have a non-optional BT yahoo email account (which shared credentials with other BT services) has had their account compromised through no fault of their own. If they can't stop people hacking their email service at will then they're not fit to be in business. Good riddance!

Ten Windows 8 Ultrabooks


Re: I might have to revist the S200

Don't by the model sold by PCW, it's only got the lowly pentium processor, you can pick up one with an i3 for only a few quid more elsewhere.

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I've got one and it's great, flashing the BIOS to the latest version quietens the fan significantly.

Panasonic: We'll save Earth by turning CO2 into booze


Efficiently on par with real plants

Then why not just save yourself the bother and use real plants?

Third of iPad owners want smaller slabs


Paper formats

Surely the requirements for form factors is roughly analogous to that for good old paper formats i.e.:

iPad 10" = A4

7" = A5

iPhone = Address Book

Each is useful in the right context

How to make power conversion less sucky


AC Batteries?

"As hybrid and electric cars also convert electricity from AC to DC, Transphorm's tech has the potential to give EVs a longer range as well as smaller battery sizes"

Forgive me if I'm being thick but how does this help the battery size/range of pure electric cars? It might reduce the loss whilst charging from the mains but surely it wouldn't make any difference thereafter. It would though be true of hybrid cars as they generate AC and store DC.