What an utter load of misinformation in this article - please get the facts right before you attempt some Microsoft Bashing.
>>Earlier this week Microsoft issued, and then withdrew, a software update for its Windows Phone devices.
They've suspended the update for samsung only phones!
>>It's a nightmare for the manufacturer, because it requires an expensive return to a repair centre, and the customer, once burned, is much less likely to become a repeat purchaser. That "small number" may be as high as ten per cent.
Yes 10% of updates failed, but over half of the updates were caused by a lack of disk space or a poor internet connection. The update process backs before patching, and a lack of space to back up will prevent the update from taking place - though this doesn't brick the device.
>>Bizarrely, the patch didn't contain any new features. It was a notification about new features to come, the equivalent of that little alert you get in XP telling you that there's a new version of Software Update available
The patch was an update to the updating process - not a notification, and was probably purposely done this was as a trial roll out - which is another reason the patch is being rolled out slowly rather than a big bang approach. Surely it's better to roll out a small update to test the process first before a major update in march!
>> OTA - Over the air updates
You only get a notification an update is available over the air - the update is performed via a fixed connection through zune of the mac windows 7 phone connector, not over the air.