Re: There is no doubt about it
@James Micallef
Stock prices are higher and profits are higher, but only numerically. Adjust the numbers for the rampant inflation of the last 3.5 years, and you'll get a much more accurate (and much grimmer) picture.
And, FYI, part of the reason some stocks are so high is because Obama insists on picking winners and losers (more often losers) in the market, and the promise of free money from the government makes stock prices climb.
Also FYI, the rampant inflation is a direct result of Obama's (and Bernake's) policies. Quanitative Easing is a nice way of saying "printing money", and they did it so they could keep buying votes in our horribly damaged political electorate.
As a final FYI, the cornerstones of the collapse in the US were all Democratic initiatives from Democratic administrations gone by, namely Clinton and Carter. But hey, why let silly things like facts get in the way of your witchhunt against those evil and dastardly Republicans.
OK, I lied about the final FYI. This is really it. Obstructionism and gridlock was the best thing for the country. The only REAL economic uptick we've seen is because the market knows that Obama is effectively paralyzed since 2010. Those horrible Republicans stopping Obama from repeating his earlier failed attempts at stupid (but with bigger numbers this time) was the best thing that could have happened. Compare it to stopping an ignorant child from playing with a flamethrower after he just burned down the house playing with matches.