How can we be talking effect / affect, and no-one's posted the relevent XKCD yet?
288 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Feb 2011
i thought firefox had blocked this kind of shit already, but I only found this where they will "try" to stop it:
I suspect Microsoft will be allowed, though...
"Overall, the study discovered that Apple retrieves much less data than Google.
"The total number of calls to Apple servers from an iOS device was much lower, just 19 per cent the number of calls to Google servers from an Android device."
no shit - comparing Apples to Oranges. An Android connects to Google for "Androidy" things, and for Ads (in apps / webpages, etc). An Apple connects to Apple for "Apply" things, and Google for Ads (in apps / webpages, etc). So therefore the Android connects to Google more than the iOS thingie connects to Apple.
How many calls to Google from an Apple device were there? less than Android, for the same reason as above, but surely combining the two datasets gives a better indicator of the "badness" of Android's data slurp?
Surely it's nothing to do with the developer, just someone has signed up on the website (probably to get access to something mundane hidden behind a data slurping "login" screen) using false details.
Although, it's very unlikely there's a Feckoff Street, in Cocksville getting my spam.
spam filtering.
You have multiple email addresses, which can all be filtered. For example, can be my main account, but I use for online forms, and therefore filter any incoming emails with that name to "spam". Then on top of that I could use to filter to a different folder, etc.
Add in their ignoring of anything after the "+" sign (so is still delivered to me), and it's quite a powerful tool for inbox management.
Since El Reg won't link to the source, I will:
which then links off to:
And this states:
Important Note: Neither Mozilla nor Pocket receives a copy of your browser history. The entire process of sorting and filtering which stories you should see happens locally in your copy of Firefox.
So, apparently, no processing outside of the browser. Doesn't answer the other ingestion tho.
The other problem is if more than one person in a venue hs a google phone, then "OK Google" will trigger all of them:
Quote: "You can't hear live, but every time the guy on stage says "Ok Google" it triggers the phone of someone in the front row and it's hilarious"
"This is kind of a big deal because the mess is in 14.04 LTS, expiry date 2019"
not really - the "S" stands for "support" - people use this version because they know they're going to get security updates for a long time.
But a headline of "Long Term Support Ubuntu continues to update security holes" isn't particularly interesting.
mako is on the list, so CM13 is available, and "stable" (ha!)
You forgot to mention that it's not a "new" browser, but an upgrade / rename of an existing one:
I think the article is badly worded... It seems that it's meant to be SMSv2 (hence working with carriers to implement) - so it doesn't matter whose handset you use, it'll work. If all carriers can support it, it'll be "richer" SMS (think MMS, but without the current complexity of configurations)
That's assuming all carriers support it. Otherwise, we're back to asking what services / apps people have before trying to send stuff, then giving up...
I don't care about porn, but being blocked from viewing the lottery results, or the El Reg forums, meant I had to have it turned off (this was a few years ago, mind - it may be better now)
When I phoned up to get it switched off, I was asked "what are the URLs of the sites you're trying to view"!