Re: I don’t use faecesbook
How do they know its you if you don't have an account where they can learn your image?
89 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Feb 2011
While I'm stuck on a works WIndows machine WSL is a godsend for me. Most of the dev stuff I do on it is way easier to do (just sudo apt to install tools) and generally it's 2 to 5 times faster than using Windows itself. The thought of them letting Defender stick it's podgy fingers into WSL sounds like the whole WSL system will end up going as slow and sucking as much as Windows (sad face)
We had a large cost reduction drive aimed mainly at Oracle DB as they changed the pricing model for the cloud significantly - goodbye Oracle.
Then they started threatening to charge for Java and nothing we had required Oracle version so - goodbye Oracle. Company actually deleted the Oracle JDK off my work machine but by then we'd already moved to Adoptium so didn't matter.
Surprised still so many using their JDK.
Would be interesting to know who's using Graalvm Community v Enterprise. Need to read up on the licencing for the Community edition
MaxTech has just released a video comparing exactly same M3 machine with 8Gb and 16Gb. A few activities it made little difference but overall I think the verdict was don't buy one and if you're going to upgrade the memory then you might as well go for the next spec up and get 18Gb and a few other things for not much more than the memory difference from the 8gb
In general companies that are paying Redhat for RHEL aren't that worried about FOSS...
.. except that if you look at the support agreement that they provide then often there is a section that says that if RH can't fix the issue then they'll do there best to work with the open source community to come up with the solution.
So in some ways it's not good that they're likely pi**ing off the community that they might need to help them at some point in the future.
I have an M1Max (personal) and an Dell i9 (company) and admittedly the Max was more money but there really is no comparison for everyday use. Max is same speed whether on battery or power but i9 significanly slower on batter. Max is silent while i9 has fans running when constantly over 10-20% cpu and Max probably lasts 4 times as long on battery. Company machine does have some other crap on it that doesn't really help it's performance (it's faster compiling in WSL2 than Windows???) but if it was my money on the i9 I'd be sorely disappointed unless I didn't know how much better other machines can be to use
Still using Money 97 for the basics for which it excels (sic) at.
Just using an XP virtual machine on OSX/Linux and it runs fine. Data file is visible to the VM through a shared folder from the host OS - which will back it up automatically via time machine/dropbox etc.
I did look around for something similar and even with the advanced stuff I never found anything that came close to it's functionality and ease of use.
I have fallen to this scam during my time away from the office. Gone is my hardwire to the docking station. Sure the wifi is fast now but the office is empty...
On the plus side I now have ethernet over power + cat 5/1gb switch at home for laptops/desktop/appletv/ etc and phone/tablet have much less interruption than when I used to use the wifi on the shared house wifi
Can't believe nobody has brought up Peter Kay's The Icecream Man Cometh -
It's even based in the same county.
Includes the best line ever - "Crunchies, Crunchies, how'm I supposed to make 99's with f**king Crunchies" (might need translation for non-UK readers)
My parents bought the kit for me and my uncle (who worked on library computer installations) built it up. Later I got the Memotech 16kb pack (no wobble) and then said uncle fitted like a large rs232 connector to the side of the machine and from then on I could plug in an external full size keyboard. Later I got the Memotech high res pack (192*256 ??) but wasn't much around to use it.
It did teach me BASIC though and the last 22 years I've been a developer in some form or other.
For me I prefer to add the music to iTunes and then it automatically syncs my playlists (latest added, top 1000, least played 1000 etc) to multiple devices without me having to even plug them in.
It's always good to have the option to drag files but it's a so slow process and I find it just wastes my time that I could be doing something else.
Precisely! I remember using dongles in the past and they had nothing to do with adaptors or convertors - they were an anti piracy measure.
I half expect the BBC to get technical stuff wrong but the Reg calling them dongles is a bit absurd.
I thought Apple were taking the pi** when they dropped the ethernet connector but it's getting silly now. Hey Apple listen to what people want NOT what you can make to advertise as fractionally better because this or fractionally better because that...
Should be a good few years in my MBPro yet but it's not looking like it will get replaced with the latest version at this rate when the time comes. I have a not-cheap HP Elitebook for work and it's terrible in comparison. I mean no back lit keyboard on a 2016 machine...really?????
Not sure I understand why if an exemption has approval from the official body and is therefore in effect legal that it should remain secret. Closed systems in this area seem to lead to a huge level of distrust which athletics as well as many other sports doesn't need in this day and age.
>> Who installs version x.0 of anything? The prudent wait for x.1 or even better x.1.2 or x.2 <<
Prudence makes sense (at least for the first couple of weeks of any release) but these days you have to actively stop it from updating so not like it's just the fanbois that get the x.0, everyone should get it.
The FB app on BB was ok, certainly faster on my Z10 than FB app on my iphone 4S which I gave up using a long time ago.
I did notice last week that there was an update waiting for FB on the Z10 and turns out it just replaces the app with a link to the website.
Whatsapp talking about not supporting because it doesn't do the new stuff they want to do.... It already does far more than I want it to do anyway, although whatsappweb was quite a nice surprise and saves me having to use crappy touch screens when I'm sat at home working on the laptop
>> We are told to keep a eye out for people taking photographs of the site <<
Is there any actual evidence that bombers/terrorists are stood around taking pictures of buildings they are going to target. Anyone can view most of the outside of the world through google maps and if they were even half competent they would manage to get someone inside with subtle/secret camera.
Like the government's "we need this as it's proven to help us prevent terrorism"... does anyone have any actual proof that taking photos has ever led to an event or more pertinently preventing photos from being taken would stop an event from taking place.
Oh and if in Canary Wharf taking photos and you get stopped then you're not technically on public land. It's private land owned by a corporation so they have a bit more say in who they want to allow to take photos. I'm pretty sure it's possible to get advance permission though if you ask and tell them what it's for.
I got a free upgrade to 4G on 3 network and at home in the evening I've seen 40mbit speeds up and down - amazing speed!
2 miles away in one of the financial districts I struggle to get 1mbit and in the new office location I don't even get a signal at all, so it's pretty pointless most of the time.
You put 100,000 people/phones in a 2km square area and it just doesn't have the throughput it needs on the backend, doesn't matter if it's 3G, 4G or 5G, the higher number just makes you more annoyed it's not working as marketed. Holiday day trips to lightly populated Med' islands show how decent even 3G is when it's not over subscribed.
Oh and on the IoT... I love the quote I read on t'internet - "my boiler won't turn off because it can't see the internet". I would laugh hard at that except the landlord controls the heating for the flats from his phone....
>> "He also questioned whether the low prices offered by some apps are kept artificially low to drive out competition — a form of predatory pricing." <<
But on the flip side if the drivers are able to move companies easily then the app charging the low prices is going to struggle to get drivers. Supply and demand works on the driver side as well as the customer side as long as drivers can leave with no/minimal penalty
You could always tell someone that cheated by swapping the stickers as they quickly became loose and fell off. Also if you know how to solve it then it's easy to work out near the end if pieces have been swapped around incorrectly.
I learned to complete it from an A4 set of instructions someone sold me back in the day and I still have them somewhere and practice a few times every year or two to keep the muscle memory working.
I can remember a conversation back when they first came out with a neighbour who in a bit of one-up-manship was convinced she'd completed 5 sides...