He is playing real life monopoly and is waiting for his 'get out of jail free' card.
59 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jun 2007
IT Angle? Not necessary; its fun bootnotes. I thought the OP referring to 'it' (IT) people like SParis (Spare Us) Hilton? And other IT socialites?
Perhaps we need a Socially Homogenised IT person icon? (because lets face it, most of the so called social IT people are homogeneously terrible).
<<the rest of Europe has rather lost interest in the cloud since flights resumed and now the attention is on how quickly the airlines can get their planes and crew back into the right places.>>
Erm no. I think it should be phrased
... on how quickly and how much the airlines, laywers and those sponging off Ryan air can get money from EU emergency aid coffers - which are lined by EU tax payers.
Recmininations all around!!! Jobs for the boys and some underhand UK politics.
Just wait until the bigger sister blows (2012 anyone)... then there will be real pressure from airlines to continue flying through future clouds until a plane drops out... at which point it will be the scientists faults and more lawyers lining pockets. By then EU economies will freeze as everyone will have forgotten this small blimp on flying the light fantastic.
Now if Google put some resources into getting Wine (or equivalent) to work - and used all their ex-Microsoft employees knowledge of hidden API's,,, then that would truly make it stand out. It would enable free; effectively open source and compatible with a load of known programs. Now that would be nice.
As someone commented on another El-Reg article; there are to be different flavours of Windows 7 to appease the Netbook owners. And to force them to update to better OS / hardware this netbook flavour is to be limited to 3 concurrent apps... If true.. then the testing phase is likely to be even longer whilst they work out how to simplfiy their code (or use some kill-bits).
In the end- the idea of open-sourcing windows is likely to create a bigger 'gulp' - are you sure people will want to see how well we wrote stuff? Probably open them up to a whole raft of anti-trust law-suits etc.
If there is any beast which should be able to say - enough. We go back to the drawing board and start afresh - but reuse the good bits - it should be MS. However probably far too many interested parties / managers who wish their section to be included to enable this to happen
One day people will realise that thinking outside of the box - and giving resources to people to do this- can be a real means to get new products. If MS released an OS which booted in 2 seconds; worked flawlessly with minor bells and whistles (why animated fading menus?) then they would have a killer product.
Could learn a lot from this... combine it with the touch screen on the ASUS eee keyboard and data entry / windows / mac will be come MUCH cleaner... allowing more space for all that DRM rubbish.
All that begs the question though: why cant the gui / OS on a PC behave in the same way? Ok many more processes / threads running... doing erm... what? Network access... well its also on the phone (ipod or this). Disk access... well it should be fast with todays data rates... oh right its indexing, defragging and other stuff.
Perhaps its that Virtual memory space? or those bloat ware device drivers...
Competition time: Who is the first person to port an iphone / Palm OS to PC as the main OS.
It would be really interesting to get some comments on the reflectivity of the screen for both pro and non-pro versions. The new 24" desktop Mac's have great graphics; but I find are too reflective to do much photographic editing :(
OK most semi-pro photographers will use a separate screen; I have a one with DVI input; but it would still be interesting for reviewing in the field.
Otherwise how else can we quickly surf to the reg and have a good laugh?
Oh dear - the new Paris Angle. Either someone got a pack of lawyers letters or she had a make over to improve herself.... What have you done?
You outlook not so good icon should see some flames licking the flag - not a white space... or is it a hint at the fixed width issues?
Wheres the tinfoil hat icon? The blue bloke looks right - but wrong comment line.
And now with smaller text to make my poor eyes finally give up.
That said - like all Web2.0 things. Good ideas but implementation still needs tweaking (widths, text sizes, white spaces, PDF look alike).
Neither beavers nor field officer are yet in place. Quarantine restrictions mean that the former are being rounded up (in Norway) over the next few weeks – whilst advertising for the field officer will take place over the next couple of months. Or possibly vice-versa.
Quarantine restrictions mean that field officers are being rounded up (in Norway) over the next few weeks- whilst advertising for the beavers will take place over the next couple of months.
Krikey, Idiotic Saving of Silicon?....
Or lets clear out our (or subsidery) stocks of memory / components / and we can best do this by offering upgrade options to customers. Scratch that.
and we can best do this by offering a bewildering array of monikors, which will drive people insane by trying to track them... but make Redmond happy by having default versions with XP. The geeks will know what the options mean....
silly really... they made the market and then effectively decided to hand it over to others with clean simple options.
Now there was a strong strong hint that there must be outtakes... perhaps each time she took off her clothes and had to start again...
Wheres is that reflection coming from?... seems to be dappling her face and body alot... Perhaps there is another glistening pool somewhere off camera.
Unfortunately - there is actually a seed of something in what she says. If only the pres-candidates would rise to the challenge and endorse her thoughtfulness.
Actually it sounds like a great way to make some quick Dosh. Perhaps we should submit alternative photo schemes with 'glittering' effects to make it look like a Damien Hirst Diamond Skull.... or encode a "hello Michael" voice synthesiser of "Kitt"... complete with 'virtual' remote control of your car.
A 'dont panic' button on the screen to bring up the latest HHGTTG comment for "Earth".
Does this mean the touch pad could also be a display?...
So extra series of icons which could be accessed... as well as a desktop. E.g. in photoshop the 'context menu' appears on your touch pad instead of a separate menu on the screen. Now that would be really neat.
Or how about a list of emails on the touch pad... but opened on the big screen. Watching video... the touch pad displays the fast forward / rewind buttons. Want a fast boot...? the touch pad displays your mail etc without requiring the full CPU to be on (like some of the fast BIOS solutions on HP machines)..
No fanboy - just Apple tend to be much better switched onto what the user experience is about than Microsoft. But each has advantages and disadvantages... Use the best tool for the job
A car reader... wow.
I can imagine how good it will be for the police. or adult children. Point the camera at a car; and the reader technology will tell you the manufacturer and all the details specs from a HSPDA linked database; formulating on the screen like a nice Donald Trump card.
Adults can then becoming children in the playground again
If the SSD is for storage then great. If the SSD is for 'OS' then it is a different kettle of fish.
Storage with SSD is excellent: open a file; make lots of changes and save. The changes need to be stored somewhere _temporary_ and not on something with a limited r/w cycle. Use throw-away USB sticks. Actually thats the way my EEE will be configured.
As many point out - overtime the 'OS' has developed the need for virtual files, often due to limited memory. Actually since the available RAM is now 2-4GB and expanding, do we really need an OS which still requires *MORE* virtual space. Oh wait - modern 'OS's are not designed to be light weight and small footprint any more.
Need to stick with Windoze...? Start getting your admin's to look towards embedded OS systems which have been designed to work on solid state (Compact Flash) systems for sometime. XP Embedded... or some of the new variant Penguins'.
Changing the SSD technology to use a 2-4GB ram to mirror regularly used files would solve the problem of hot exchange (e.g. switch a HDD to SSD). Getting the OS redesigned to use less RAM and HDD thrashing (or cached space; remember the good old RAM Discs of MS-Dos) would make much more sense.
Longing for the day microsoft wakes up to small, light weight, fast modular operating systems.
I agree....
Why is it only the OLPC system has the option to switch between b/w and colour? How many people in their daily work (not including coders and colourful keywords) really need to have colour working? I would much rather have the OLPC option to swtich colour on for the tasks that require it, and then switch off for reading el-reg (ok friday photo might require a switch on); writing thesis (Latex keywords can be in grey) etc.
I got the 701 and 900. The 701 was lost to my girlfriend within 4 hours; the 900 is my work on train machine. Battery is a laugh though (ahem - Asus f*ck up) but it just does its job. The small keys are a little too small... I would rather have slightly wider keyboard (but not deeper) and an even more widescreen ratio; with with internal SATA (e-sata) for the new CFast Compact Flash devices which are coming soon. Perhaps the community should design and build one - and then stuff M$FT when they ask for XP to be installed.
Is there a second email stating that in order to get access to the product, you need to wire a transfer to a Western Union account somewhere?. Perhaps their phone number contains 419?....
Ok perhaps it is also a serious enterprise. Many SOHO NAS systems use similar chips and are quite powerful these days; except they are often limited by clumsy implementation designs (fixed ram, slow bus, no video etc). It would be great to see it outperform the new Atom in terms of battery life.
There was some talk that hyperthreading was disabled in early versions of the Xandros OS which Asus let slip for the 901. Dont know if it was fixed for the release version - but worth checking out.
A real-world test with the 900 on the same sized battery as the 901 would be interesting - especially since the 4400 appears heavier then the 5800 version - and hence probably older technology.
The 900 and UK battery sizes produces a bad mouth feeling for Asus - and hopefully it can be resolved with the 901. However the price would need to drop consdierably to make it special again. Indeed the 'eee' monikor which a year ago would make you think of a cheap mini-laptop-pc (R) is now so dilouted (eeebox, eeetv, eee.... ) that it seems Asus are possibly loosing their sense of direction and market share.
Overall a great product - I like my 900 and already had good use from it - the 901 will be the logical upgrade - in 6 months. By which time there will probably be another version...
it seems that in Europe / rip off UK we get the option: choose Windows and 12GB or Linux and 20GB. However with the battery we were given NO choice - and indeed no advance warning. Mine was preordered before the full UK battery specs were released.
Please El-Reg - give them some more stick. this is an easy cop-out and it is an obvious one most people will try to wriggle from. it will also be interesting to see if all Europe really does get the 4400 or whether it is just UK?
Next time I will import from USA or wherever best deal comes from.
Oh and make sure it has a big battery. All UK customers of the 900 got shafted with a small one and no intention from Asus to give a better sized battery. Perhaps they think we will watch the girl picture and our batteries (well generally male ones) grow in anticipation.
Im sure PH knows how to add extra charge to make her batteries grow...
I just wish the 'mesh' and 'b/w to color' screen options could be made available to other laptop manufacturers (asus eeepc take note)... How many people travelling and working on train really need true colour resolution when compared to long battery life...
Its going to Microsoft? Well there is a huge surprise. Dirty tricks work in all directions. The Asus one with 12GB (windows) or 20GB (linux) is a good example in the other direction. Just wait to see what happens on the 901 (eee + Atom)...
And at least more people will know about Microsoft.... and then google and other freeware. Just wonder if this is the other reason behind the recent XP long life agreement...
Its a brick... power supply that is. Oh and it looks nano-itx sized. iei world did nano itx with celeron processors and 1gb ram for oh 2 years. i have one on my desk. 12V only (on board regulator) and IDE and floppy etc.
Or if you want real small - the Wafer models are 3.5" drive sized with SATA and DVI options. Via are not the only small (read embedded) processors out there.
Rumours have been high for a while. However the touch screen and blue tooth seem to be missing. I would guess that it is a rush out a new model before HP job...
The Intel Atom is effectively slower than the included celeron at 900MHz ' but with a much longer battery life. So get the good models whilst you can...
Asus chief has also mentioned that there will be more specs in the future: perhaps this includes the touch screen and maybe more WXGA resolution and bluetooth... and ZIF HDD.
However something strange: No US release dates for this... the 8G disappeared in Europe to be replaced by 900. So perhaps 8G gets US dumped and Europe gets the 900 Celeron... then US gets the Atom. If there are not enough machines because of battery fires etc then it is a interesting way to fill supply and demand.
Mines the too much time reading...
For a friday afternoon this is excellent. Can we see a new El - Reg round up of the weeks events in Playmobile / Lego? This is much better reporting than BBC New 24 staged re-enactments; and the models have much more life than most 24hr news programmes.
Perhaps there is scope to make models in their own image... (PH with a Laptop to make the IT angle?)
Oh and piece de resistance - well the French are in town and 'Resistance is Futile'. Im off to play with the Germans
And if you need the IT angle I could suggest looking at the Virtual Lego software.
I remember the days at school spent loading early versions of cad software... printing dot-matrix versions... rattle rattle whizzz... rattle rattle whizz... turn over the floppy for the 'other side'... sigh
rooms full of networked BBC's which we used to programme turtle devices... sending naughty messages via the echo commands and wondering at the geek power which did fancy things with assembler. Hey I even remember writing some assembler... for some fancy function or two.
Then along came the Achimedes... doing my 'GCSE Business Studies' course on the nice devices and spending more time helping as a techie than actually doing my trivial boring work. Three button mice... nice software installations and wow music! (popcorn was popular back then)... The poor Business studies teacher had no clue... she was the old school 'Typewritters are best' variety. I certainly remember some nice DTP packages; and can put myself back into the computer room at Corfe Hills... That must be what... '89 -91... and Mr Cornick the BBC Master Guru.