Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"
All you really need to do is apologize for being born in America, since you're ready to criticize a President who has only been in office for less than 4 days and 2 of them were on a weekend.
To all of you critical of our election, none of you, including this ass-clown, seem to understand what a "representative democracy" (read Republic) is and how it works. Let's make it simple, in a pure democracy everyone votes for a leader, who then takes over the government and runs it any way they want. In a Republic, you vote for representatives on the local and state level to go to central place to represent your interests, you also vote for someone who becomes the executive of the government, but who is bounded (like your representatives) to limitations on what they can do. Together they decide who will be the abitrators of these limits (SCOTUS). The document that binds all this together is called a "constitution", that sets the boundaries, in simple language, even a fifth grader can read and understand. Sprinkle some "Thou Shalt Not's" for the elected representatives (so they don't go nuts) and you have a "Constitutional Republic", unique in all the world, whose success has never been seen before, never been duplicated anywhere else in the world, and will survive even the worst Presidents and Congresses.
If you are a citizen of this "Great Experiment" in self rule, go ahead and bitch all you want. That sprinkling of "Thou Shalt Not's" tells Congress (and the Executive) that you have the right to peacefully protest and virtually say anything you want (the limitations are incitement to riot, treason and/or sedition or threatening the life of the Executive), that the media is free from censors, and that you can even go Congress with a list of your grievances (whether they'll actually listen to or read said grievances is fairly arbitrary on their part).
Now if you're still discontented, then you are free depart the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" anytime you wish and declare your alliegence to any foreign power (by the way, Canada is part of the Commonwealth of Nations, and the head of government is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, so you'd be trading away 240+ years of history to go back to the way things were before 1776). Now getting back in before the next election might be a bit of a problem. Once you give up your citizenship you have to go through the whole immigration system if you change your mind. Repatriation is not simple or easy.
As for the objection to "America First", then you need to bone up what all the other governments are telling their people (just subsitute "Canada" in that phrase and you have the stated policy of the Canadian government). The phrase is not "garbage" but actually has been the stated policy of the government of the United States of America since the founding of the Republic. We are not the "saviors" or "policemen" of the world, yet, somehow, the world expects us to be (even when they complain about it). However, if our government is acting in accordance with the Constitution, then the government is bound to look out for our interests first and screw the rest of the world. Then, if you still don't like it, the Canadian border is, depending on where you live, only, on average, 1,500 miles away at most, a day and a half to 2 day drive. Good luck and God Bless America.