Matter of time
It's just a matter of time until people find enough rocks to attach to the bird's legs so it can't fly anymore.
35 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2011
I don't think it's only relevant for Google, it's valid for so many other companies, relevant for anything growing larger than beyond a certain size, including Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook etc.
Why is Intuit grabbing Maichimp?
Or Westfield (in Australia) trying to buy Priceline.
The list goes on ....
The article has loads of missing info:
1) legends on the graph
2) what was measured and how
3) network speed, band specs and protocol
4) density of users
5) density and quality of tower equipment
so not very well researched.
Also surprised to see Australia up there considering we are unique that 95% live in cities but those cities are area wise very, very large. Also how can you compare that to a country like Germany where in the Ruhr Valley (Ruhrgebiet) nearly live more people than in entire Australia?
It seems a lot of people are talking about DNS in the moment ... but we must not forget who really is to blame - it's the stupid security programmed into may IoT's because of greed. The cause for this problem are not the inherent problems of the DNS system(s) but the stupidity of device manufactures like Dlink, Netgear, Avtech and so on.
I find this note strange ... just check your purchased/own home. Your smart meter has a seal, your gas meter too. Most of your devices in your home have some sort of warranty protection (for a bloody good reason), routers/wifi/adsl/cable devices all have protections. No one complains when governments say "don't fiddle with your power cables" or "don't fiddle with your gas pipes" - just check out the Internet for "DYI jobs gone wrong" and you will understand. I am sure there are people that root their phones correctly without some security flaws ... but are those people in the majority? You can always root your phone AND take your credit card.
Surf the dark sides of the Internet and click on everything possible ... buttons/links/images and let the root kits, trojans and crypto bugs do the rest. You hit two birds with one stone - surf the dark Internet without any worries and have a useless drive afterwards.
It seems that Malcom Turnbull &Co has made the NBN theirs although it was started by the ALP.
It seems, too, their selection of suburbs is based upon voting - the suburbs north, east, south and west ALL have or get(next rollout) the NBN.
I run a small business that is located on a road that has about 100 restaurants, all big supermarkets, 20 hair dressers, a myriad of clothing shops, lots of computer shops, a big cinema, 5 travel agents, loads and loads of supporting services (lawyers, accounting, etc) and many, many other businesses and is reasonably wealthy - yet the state of internet services is absolutely appalling.
I agree with the speeds, its enough and if you need more you can always get (at a higher cost) FTTP. However, FTTN has a massive problem - the last mile is copper, ALL of the problems I have (I look after a few premises using ADSL2) happen in the last few hundred meters of the connection close to the premise the ADSL connection is installed - this will not go away.
On top of that you have extra devices required that you do not need for a "direct" fibre connection - you still need extra ADSL devices for EACH connection.
In the voice of Joe Doice "Shaddap You Face", Turnbull.
Australia's communication/Internet (telstra,NBN,ziggy,copper,politics,monopoly) is a real mess - and you are trying to tell the rest of the world how to run the Internet? And BTW, did you see how many people showed up on the "March in March" demonstrations yesterday and did you see how many signs where there talking about the shitty situation of Australia's Internet?
If you can't look after your own back yard you should not try to fix other people's issues - and BTW maybe there are none and it's actually OK!
I have absolute no clue why you would employ active directory on DNS servers - it over-complicates the service. Do they really have to have such fine granulate setups for a service like DNS? Do they really need to provide DNS lookups for some clients while they do not provide them to other customers? Wouldn't it be just efficient to have (like bind) internal and external lookups?
Its a free (well with ads) service, appreciate it you overly entitled feeling people. Further stop sulking about a free service that does not immediately work 100% on its first day.
I have 5 devices, and it worked on ALL of them with syncing: 1 android tab, 1 android phone, 1 linux laptop, 1 windows 7 desktop, 1 windows XP desktop.
Thanks, Google!
The practice is all over the world but when its apple its not allowed? There are millions of domain names that have similarities to other sites (domains), but when apple encounters it than we need to have an article about this???? Get real apple, its normal.
ROTFLOL ... thank you for that article, it so precisely describes what is going on. I love that movie, perfect role for Bill Murray. Now if we can get Bill Murray together with his ghostbusters to send all of the following into a never ending groundhog day that would be even better: Telstra, Tony, Conroy, John Howard for privatizing and Turnbull for his incredible technical knowledge.