change of plan
The shim is now going to be supported by Mirantis and Docker
62 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Feb 2011
It is primarily a developers conference, ie you are supposed to start helping out on that code which might be useful in twp years to ensure it is, and meet up with those people you work with on irc, and people working on similar stuff to you. Just listening to some talks and thats it is not the most productive thing, although every now and again there will be a really exciting one.
I dont think they can claim this tax as a credit, as the money then goes to an untaxed Luxembourg partnership, not the parent company. This little bit of the tax evasion puzzle is only a little part. The partnership is owned by some individuals who are not based in Luxembourg, so no tax liability. They are probably based in another tax haven at a guess, its quite a complex scam.
Well you have to be able to simplify and change the product too. The legislation needs to be sanely implementable in a simple way. No one who thinks about the user interface of government would, say, implement the bedroom tax, which is blatent political point scoring, and not what anyone has asked for, and clearly an extra 0.001% on income tax would raise the same amount of revenue more effectively.
Because they are not (yet) rationing them by price. That may happen, but for now small quantities are still cheap. If you want lots you cant have them at all.
At some point Amazon EC2 won't be able to get addresses then you will have to switch... Google already went to ipv6 internally.