* Posts by Amadeus

6 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Feb 2011

You might want to consider the cost of not upgrading legacy tech, UK's Department for Work and Pensions told


No longer on VME

According to this https://dwpdigital.blog.gov.uk/2021/04/28/completing-our-vme-r-programme-replacing-ageing-infrastructure/

All of the DWP applications were moved off VME by Easter 2021.

Dratted 'housekeeping', eh? 150k+ records deleted off UK’s Police National Computer database


Re: Backup system destroyed by Fire

There’s no suggestion in the article that the backup system hasn’t been replaced. And keeping the location of a backup system quiet is probably a good idea.


Re: the loss relates to individuals who were arrested and then released with no further action

Of course, how could I have forgotten Brexit?


Re: the loss relates to individuals who were arrested and then released with no further action

The records are for the last three years, or there wouldn’t be such a fuss. The normal purging process obviously went too far. I wonder if it was to do with the new year?

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Re: What... you missed it ?

...obviously didn't read the article.

Man stabbed to death by chicken



What I don't understand is why "Assange fights extradition in court" is top of the related stories list.