* Posts by Videography

3 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Feb 2011

Save the planet: Stop the Greens


Electric Power Storage

There are new standards for electric-power-storage that are currently developed. They work very efficiently for families and individuals. They were designed to store power from humble sources of energy and give power back when required. We have them now and more in production!

At present they are expensive, but according to our marketing the "power of scale" of mass production will dramatically reduce costs later this year. An analogy is batteries used in early automobiles were 6 volt. Later the standard went to 12 volt. We believe that 48 volt is the next step and so our micro-processor controlled sealed lithium batteries were designed for rugged durability, 2000 cycles, safety and maintenance free operation. Put them between your windmill or solar panels or power them with your vehicle as you ride along. Bottom line is that they can power a lot of stuff :)


How many ways can Modern Humans divide?

male-female-short-tall-white-black-chocolate-rich-poor-fearful-brave and by culture-education-creed-politics-vocation-race-religion ... add a million more dividing characteristics as you will. Now "ofcourse" by additive Primary Colors, in the case of this article, Green :)

In the USA Red often describes conservative(s) and Blue describes liberal(s). Such labels and indeed the division that they create between people are a key reason why ALL systems [Yes! I said "ALL systems"] are stalemated by viral-quibble these days.

MySpace seeks music-loving buyer with GSOH


Howdy Rupert

There is no saving MySpace under your control. It's a clear loser in the social media world. There is a model that could save your money loving ass. Call or email us at Videography Lab.

BTW: Fox does have some good entertainment programming but your News is unfair and way out of balance.

Bob Kiger - Videography Lab - Oceanside, California, USA